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The best, most useful and enjoyable keyboard you ever bought?


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I loved my Roland XP50. Used that thing till it literally fell to pieces.
My Nord Stage 2 88 and Kronos 61 combo was also a favourite!

More recently, so cheap it paid for itself within minutes, was useful (essential?) to get thru a few unexpected drummer-less gigs, sounds great, plays fine, weighs nothing:
The magnificent Korg i3 (2020 version)! Hate having to use a 9V adapter and the fact you can't rename patches, but apart from that. I love the little thing.

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Useful and Enjoyable chart on different axes (plural of "axis," no pun intended).  My most enjoyable keyboards have also been the most difficult or impossible to gig with: Petrof Grand, Rhodes Suitcase Mark I, Hammond chop.  The most useful have been the Nords, and in particular the NSC2 I had for a few years.

Gigging: Crumar Mojo 61, Hammond SKPro

Home: Vintage Vibe 64


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I could answer this in a few ways, based on gigging instruments vs. home instruments.


The most useful gigging instruments for me have been NS2 and NS3 (Compact versions) which have just about everything I could dream of needing for live gigs.


The home instrument that has brought me the most joy is my Yamaha CP-80, with Hammond A-101/Leslie 122 as a close second.

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Most useful, Roland FA-08 (as long as I brought my Vent II with me).  Light, great action and great sounds.  Could have been more flexible on the controller side, but there wasn't a gig I couldn't get through with that board.  There was nothing sexy or particularly fun about it, but it was a damn good tool.  Def on the "regrettable sale" list for me.  The new Fantom-08 has me wondering.....


Most enjoyable, E-MU Emulator III.  There was a great finger to ear connection on that board.  Plus, the filters were awesome!!!!

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31 minutes ago, ABECK said:

The new Fantom-08 has me wondering.....

It has me wondering too, I'd love to try one out.


You might even be able to get by with this board without the Vent, since you'll have the new VTW engine, which is greatly improved over the SuperNatural organs in the FA.

Instruments: Walters Grand Console Upright Piano circa 1950 something, Kurzweil PC4-88, Ibanez TMB-100
Studio Gear: Audient EVO16, JBL 305P MKII monitors, assorted microphones, Reaper

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If you have the opportunity, funds and the room a larger harp acoustic piano gets the most use of any instrument in my home. A Studio or Upright, Baby Grand that is still in tunable condition, or if you can afford a rebuilt one.  Hey, if you can afford one new you’re blessed. But life is short, play a real piano if you have the means.


CME XKey - not for giggling or playing on.  I’ve found it really useful for notation and sequencing when sitting at a table or desk.  



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Yamaha CP88, Casio PX-560

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Nord Stage 2 Compact, then Stage 3 Compact.  Best single boards I have ever owned.  



iMac i7 13.5.2

Studio One 5.5.2

Nord Stage 3

Nord Wave 2

Nektar T4

Drawmer DL 241

Focusrite ISA Two

Focusrite Clarett 8 Pre



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The original analogue Korg CX-3 wasn’t the best keyboard I’ve ever owned, nor the most enjoyable to play, but it still has a special place in the keyboard corner of my heart.  It was big Hammond sounds from a small portable package—the first stage-worthy Hammond clone—and it revolutionized gigging for a throwback organ player like me.  It made my gear load-in and load-out a one-person job, a big deal for the guys I gigged with….and for my back.  And it sounded cool.

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"I like rock and roll, man, I don't like much else."  John Lennon 1970

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It's pretty hard to compare older keyboards to newer ones as far as the workstations (though you could with analogs and of course things like organs and rhodes etc).  So I look at them "for that time".  My first real pro keyboard was a JX-10 and it was a powerhouse.  It of course had limitations as far as piano and organ etc (though I tried) and mine had some mechanical keybed issues but I loved that keyboard.

Pretty much near the top of the heap as far as utility for its time was not a keyboard but my trusty E-MU Proteus.  It not only had an amazing number of sounds and easy programmability but even acted as a submixer when I gigged it with that JX-10 I mentioned above.

My Kurzweil pc3 would be near the top as well but it has suffered from a few reliability issues that knock it down.   My current MODX scores well but I can't really put it into the "beloved" category due to build quality, keybed and the darn wall wart.   I also have a love-hate relationship with touchscreens; they can make life very easy at times (like naming patches) but sometimes they slow things down and I worry a bit about long-term reliability.

As far as use in a home studio, I'm 100% software other than the controller.  This is so many lightyears ahead of a room full of midi gear in terms of convenience that I'll probably never bother to hook up any hardware.  It helps that the sound quality and features of software (IMO) rivals anything I've heard from hardware, though I've certainly not tried everything out there.  When I play u-he's Repro 5 and a few others I am inspired to play it and that's what matters.  I can't say that about many software instruments I have tried over the years.

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Have owned a lot of keys over four decades; so pinning down one or three to fit the OP's request isn't quite going to happen.


Best is a toss-up: Roland Fantom 7 / Nord Stage 3, 76

Most useful (another toss-up):  Nord Stage 3, 76 / Yamaha S-90ES

Most enjoyable: Kawai KG-2 grand


'Someday, we'll look back on these days and laugh; likely a maniacal laugh from our padded cells, but a laugh nonetheless' - Mr. Boffo.


We need a barfing cat emoticon!








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Yamaha C3 acoustic piano. It’s what I play the most. Great fun!


’61 A100 w/Leslie 145. A thrill to play!


Yamaha P-515. I’ve only had it for two months but have enjoyed playing it more than any other digital keyboard I’ve ever owned. It responds to my touch in a natural / comfortable way and the speaker system provides a very pleasing sound! 

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In the last decade, it would be the Casio PX-5S.   I bought it shortly after it became available.

I was looking for an 88 note board, lightweight, with good piano sounds, and editable overall sounds.   The things I discovered it could do as far as controller function fit it perfectly with my then new transition into Mainstage.   The fact I can send MIDI and USB MIDI at the same time on the 4 zones within each stage setting make for some cool routing possibilities for Mainstage control, and external hardware board control.

It's been taken apart several times to change its color. It's been dropped.  It's been schlepped around to countless gigs, and while now having that nice "beat up" patina, it still works.



Overall it would be the Korg Triton Extreme 61 with MOSS board.   It introduced me to workstations and touch screen joy.  Which has finally led to my Nautilus 61

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Gig Rig:Roland Fantom 08 | Roland Jupiter 80






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For live: Joining the NS2C/NS3C chorus.  Pair it with any weighted board in Dual KB mode and I'm 100% there for 95% of the gigs.  The ability to easily fly with it, the speed of programming patches, etc.  Yes, I bump up against its limitations from time to time, but the immediacy and ease of programming a patch to do 95-100% of what I want to do is SO worth it.   The original Stage 2 Compact has met my needs for so long that I'm just now beginning to use the Stage 3 for new projects, even though I bought it off of @Tonysounds almost three years ago now.


The build quality / reliability is just great too.  Every Nord I've ever had has been 100% trouble free despite being regularly sent via checked baggage, riding around in bumpy single axle trailers, etc.  Even the Nord Electro 2 I bought in 2004 is still doing faithful wedding band duty for the guy I sold it to.


For recording, my '55 C3 and 142 get more use than anything else.


For practice and just plain ol' playing for enjoyment, the Yamaha U1.  One day I will get a Baldwin SF10 and I'm sure it will replace the U1 in my heart, but first I need a place to put it...

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Most enjoyable: Korg M3. I wanted the 73 but could only swing the 61. Regardless, the keyboard feel was perfect for me. Loved the sounds, the UI and controls, and the RADIAS expansion. Karma was fun as hell despite the cheese factor. The only cons were the boot-up time and the time a circuit board died and required months to get a fix. But man, I'd buy that board all over again if it was supported. Passed the smile test every time I turned it on. Shouldn't have sold it despite needing some cash at the time.


Most useful: Kurzweil PC3.  It had a more than adequate sound for every live occasion and was a total trooper until it developed the well-known pitchbend calibration issue and had a botched fix that nuked my Kore64 expansion board. I even liked the action, which seemed to loosen up over the years.


These experiences turned me into one of those folks who's more nervous about hardware keyboards than computer-based rigs. :D

I make software noises.
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Not the most useful because it’s frustratingly limited, but the Nord Electro 4 is the only board I’ve ever had that I 1) enjoy playing every time I touch it, 2) I’ve taken out when I could have taken a more capable board, simply because I wanted to play it instead. 

Hammond SKX

Mainstage 3

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