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About miden

  • Birthday 01/01/1901


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    muso/PC tech
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    MPN Advisory Board

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  1. It's always too early and never too late
  2. tbh, I'd be concerned about the quality of the keybed after so much time - but then again, I think Syntaur and Parts is Parts, both have replacement Roland key contact strips
  3. Seriously doubt it, going by the info in the video (link in the OP)...
  4. I hear ya on the weight! But I am not finding it too onerous. FWIW, I tried the Montage 6 a few back, and always seemed to run out of keys, requiring a second keybed, and ergo more to lug! For me the 7 is a sort of nice compromise.
  5. Nope. They cleverly make it layers of foam that you can remove. It had three (two thicker and one thinner) in the bottom shell. All I do was remove two layers, and noen from the top shell and it's snug! Only thing is it's about 8cm too long, so I'll just insert a piece of foam I have at home to bridge the space, although it does not move inside once the lid is closed, I'll do it anyway. Half the price of ANY of the other bespoke cases, and no other pre-made case I could find was as close on the measurements.
  6. Very smooth way to "phase" out the NAMM show, promote a "one-off" that all of a sudden becomes de rigueur
  7. tbh, the Studiologic Numa compact SE would fit the bill, even as an 88 note, the width is not too different to the A70, plus you get a few usable (at a pinch) sounds for rehearsals or solo spots if necessary. Plus weight factor is a huge plus.
  8. Yeah, usually I'd agree, but it is surpisingly "carry-able" considering it nudges 18 kilos, one of those where the "carry" weight, belies the nominal weight....finding a case for it was very difficult as most quotes had a case weight at around 15-19 kilos. Found one that MIGHT do it - the Pelican Vault 800. It arrives Monday (hopefully) so I'll post a pic...it weighs just 9kgs....might need some judicious foam "reconstruction" hahaha!
  9. Between MODX Plus and Montage M...heard that in the studio....tbh, listening to online stuff, I think there is a substantial difference between Montage and Montage M too...look at that video, it will explain why.
  10. The difference is nothing short of amazing....if it wasn't for the performances having the same names you'd swear they were different. Perhaps this can be explained by this set of information... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OfqUt4kLVaM very detailed and informative video on what's inside the Montage M (hardware wise). A pretty big upgrade from Montage. The keybed is a joy to play, after the MODX one (that I sorta forced myself to cope with)....MUCH bigger investment, but I think the 7, even without PAT (channel will do me) is a really nice sweet spot. Took a major hit on the trade price (the keys market here is very depressed at the mo due to cost of living), but worth it in the end I feel. It doesn't go below the E, however I figured for those tunes (left hand bass wise) where I need a range to the B, I can bump up the lower octave and get around right hand key range limitations.
  11. it's a pretty simple transition, keep it simple...sometimes too much is too much
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