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About Threadslayer

  • Birthday 11/30/1999


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    Los Angeles

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  1. I wonder what percentage of Taylor Swift's fan base is old enough to vote?
  2. When you're asked if you do any Taylor Swift songs and no one in the band can name one.
  3. I have fond memories of my M3. Gigged it with a 147 Leslie all through high school and college back in the days of Santana, Allman Brothers, James gang (Joe Walsh) as others have mentioned. No regrets. Finally traded it in for my B3 around 1973. No regrets there either.
  4. Back then, rumor had it that for some arcane reason, Roland manuals were first translated from Japanese to Dutch and then from Dutch to English. This may have been urban folklore, but it seemed as plausible as anything else and could explain some of the language mangling.
  5. And here I thought MY chops were a little rusty...
  6. Did you just use Massachusetts and tax-free in the same sentence?!
  7. In the late '70s through mid '80s I played in SoCal venues too. Usually for a week to a month at a time and we always left our stuff set up on stage. Never had anything stolen. Pretty amazing now that I think about it.
  8. Something I've also noticed is that during the covid lockdown, police reduced their traffic control presence and people became much more cavalier about their driving practices. I'm starting to see more motorcycle cops out and about, but the lawlessness spree is still evident.
  9. I am recently retired and am walking wherever I go locally and have really noticed a general lack of appreciation for stop signs. Not only do motorists not come to a stop, most of them around here don't even slow down. Definitely keeps me on my toes.
  10. I remember being knocked out by the concept of drawing your own waveforms, envelopes etc. with the light pen. Mind-blowing at the time.
  11. No, I think it’s still paradiddle-paradiddle. I knew it was only a matter of time... (no pun intended)
  12. My favorite back in the day was the Mutron III. I'd recommend it to the OP, but I just saw one offered on eBay for over $1,000! Guess I shoulda hung onto mine.
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