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About nursers

  • Birthday 03/31/1969


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  1. Oh wow! So it looks like a great fit did you have to do any adjustment? The Vault stuff keeps popping up in ads for me on FB, I like the look of their stuff.
  2. Thanks for the link, was an interesting watch. I'd be gobsmacked if the NIs and Arturia's of the worlds aren't close to releasing something like this as well. I can see its utility as an assistant...
  3. Cool and yes please love to hear how you go with the case!
  4. Absolutely enjoy and would have done the same but the weight is just prohibitive for me sadly.
  5. Spot on @David Emm - wish we'd had more time to explore other issues with him
  6. Just wondering if there's confusion as to where 'the other forum' (SSS) is? It's right here on the same website: https://forums.musicplayer.com/ I've never understood why people don't have that URL bookmarked. KC still appears at the top but you never know, you might actually enjoy SSS, or Ken's excellent photography forum, or even the collaboration and podcasting forums. Try it, you might like it.....
  7. Agreed I don't think stuff like this is going away anytime soon...
  8. It's a fascinating question, particularly as to why younger people are attracted. I'm assuming in their case novelty to some extent? For me as an older person I see the sentimental attraction as someone who's formative years were spent with cassettes more than vinyl. That said, a good turntable and new vinyl is potentially going to be a lot nicer listening experience than a cassette through say a new Walkman equivalent...
  9. Pretty robust defense of his previous video, that I'd agree with overall. I still struggle with the arrogance at times but he's engaging and polished to watch... And also agree with combining Beato threads into one single one...
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