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  • occupation
    Office rat
  • hobbies
    Music, Street/Documentary Photography, My dog (JRT)...
  • Location
    Lisbon, Portugal

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  1. I would prefer a mysterious illuminati kind of sign in metal to pin on the jacket...
  2. Made me GAS on the Polybrute - The key to revelation!!
  3. We need a secret handshake!
  4. What most people have no clue about is that a fairly uncomplicated product like, say a microphone, takes between 18-24 months from idea to available in the store for sale, and involves a lot of people and a lot of work along the way.... Then regarding price vs. cost, start by deducting between 30-50 percent (sales channel margins), obviously after tax/vat is deducted, and you have the take-home for the manufacturer, then evidently the cost for the creation + the production of the actual sold unit has to be accounted for before we can even start thinking about calculations of any eventual ROI. And then we have packaging, marketing, support, etc.
  5. The monthly subscription doesn't require any commitment, hence, as I do with some movie streaming services, ie. for you guys who only use the forum periodically, pay for a month once in a while when you have something you need to chat about only...
  6. What could possibly go wrong.......
  7. Divorce can take the best out of any man...
  8. Don't feed the troll... Norway's own Pet Shop Boys wannabe has the strangest ways of reaching for fame..
  9. Loads of free forums out there, few of them have the excellent signal to noise ratio as I experience MPN has. There's no such thing as a free lunch.
  10. Subscribed and paid!
  11. Ime the schools provide alumni portals online, and I know for a fact that these portals present industry perks like subscriptions to things, discounts, etc. But I get it, you've done an amazing work with MPN during a long time, and it's just not possible to keep running it on fumes anymore. ❤️
  12. Start a section for music students, invite a bunch of big schools like Berklee et al and let their students access it for free one year, motivated with them getting a surface for conversation with professional working musicians... I'm sure that'll render profitable long-term...
  13. Hmm, that is crap considering the Invision Community company allows a month trial for those who want to start a forum, but they're obviously not seeing this need in their product 🤣...
  14. No way to give the first month as a credit when in the billing part of the sign up?
  15. Ime, being a buyer of these types of services, the crucial thing is the volume of active viewers. Visibility is important even when it comes to people already exposed to, and aware of, the brand, but if the audience is too small for the project, it's not that hot.
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