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HX3 MIDI expander module


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You should really check one out! Maybe Diversi can send out a test model???
They are 30 minutes from my house, so its definitely a possibility from my end, not sure of their policy from their end


My HX3 is not up to date, and I will be updating it and spending more time with it over the next few weeks.. So we will see if my opinion changes once I've tweaked it a bit more..


the updates are quite an improvement, Craig, not in the tonewheel set which is already fine, but the C/V, overdrive, and of course the leslie sim. Like the Mojo, no exteranal leslie simulator is needed. Re read hardware's post's in this thread. He had a Burn and a Vent and sold them both.

Dave, I quite liked the Leslie sim and I never would have thought of using my Ventilator or Burn, however I was one of those guys who could hear the digital artifact that was present in that release. I could hear it in the horn when the upper Drawbars were pulled out.. I had to dial that out and then the sim sounded a lot better. But I could tell that it's definitely a good sounding sim.

I believe those artifacts have been addressed on one of the releases (3.83?). Based on what I'm reading it seems that as of 3.91 most of the concerns have been addressed and the module should work out of the box sounding good.


57 Hammond B3; 69 Hammond L100P; 68 Leslie 122; Kurzweil Forte7 & PC3; M-Audio Code 61; Voce V5+; Neo Vent; EV ELX112P; GSI Gemini & Burn

Delaware Dave



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Yes I read that the artifacts have been eliminated. I'm heading in to get a new knee in a week and while I'm recovering I hope to have time to do the updates and spend some serious time tweaking the HX3 and trying it with the new Drawbar Module. I already really like the HX3 and with the updates, I expect I'm going to like it even more.

Craig MacDonald

Hammond BV, Franken-B (A100 in a BV cabinet), Leslies 122/147/44W, Crumar Mojo, HX3 module, Korg Kronos, VR-09, Roland GAIA, Burn, Ventilator

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Well, that's kind of my point, I don't think a whole lot of tweaking should be necessary to get it to sound good. I can understand tweaking the leslie for ramp, speed, mic position, etc. but the organ tone, C/V, percussion should sound correctly right out of the box with little to no tweaking.

57 Hammond B3; 69 Hammond L100P; 68 Leslie 122; Kurzweil Forte7 & PC3; M-Audio Code 61; Voce V5+; Neo Vent; EV ELX112P; GSI Gemini & Burn

Delaware Dave



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I have both the Mojo and the HX3 module, and I think that these two are definitely top of the heap, when it comes to hammond clones, IF you listen to JUST them by themselves without any assistance from a tube preamp or a ventilator pedal, or whatever people seem to have to add to Hammond SK's to get them sounding good. Maybe this will change when NAMM rolls around (some hints have been dropped about something new from Hammond, but Hammond has been disappointing me for quite some time now)..


However, I think that in the future we are going to start judging hammond clones NOT on how close they can come to the sound of a Hammond, but more based on the variety of Hammonds that you can sound like.. So basically on their "tweak ability". So not just on how authentic they can sound, because all clones can be made to sound authentic, but how many people can you satisfy with the editing options you provide and how easy it is to achieve the different sounds that each of us want. In this regard, I think that right now the Mojo is way ahead.. The Mojo windows editor is awesome the way it sets out the various parameters, starting with choosing your tonewheel set right through to adjusting the matching transformer (something that no other clone has, which is like a drawbar offset).


To be honest I have not spent as much time editing my HX3 as I have with my Mojo, but my impression is that the Mojo is superior in this regard. Also, there is a warmth that is characteristic of the VB3 software (upon which the Mojo is based) that I hear in no other clone, including the HX3. My HX3 is not up to date, and I will be updating it and spending more time with it over the next few weeks.. So we will see if my opinion changes once I've tweaked it a bit more..


That said there is an complexity to the tone of the HX3 that gives it a very authentic sound, and I do really like the overdrive, and the HX3 is very satisfying to play. My comments are about things that some others might not hear, and I recognize are quite subtle things. There is no question in my mind that the HX3 module is going to sell quite well.


Crig. Very well put. This is from my posting about "Chasing the Ghost"


I think everyone of us that have played the vintage tonewheel organ and rotary speaker rig will agree;


1. No two tonewheel organ setups are the same.

2. Some tonewheel organ setups are better then others.

3. We all know that the tonewheel organ rig that we have in our home or studio or in the basement is the BEST tonewheel organ ever and if only you would cloned it I just know EVERYONE else will love it. :-) (Except for that one person who says their rig is better.)

4. We are all chasing a ghost that is in our reach and if ONLY they (Fill in the blank) could just change this one thing I can catch my ToneWheel Ghost.


This is the great part of what the HX3 as it's allowing many of players to dial in what they want. Also, some of the advanced features requires some knowledge of the history of both the Tonewheel organ and the Rotary speaker. As an example, a lot of people don't know that the RotoSonic Leslie (6x9 speaker on a drum) was Don Leslie's favorite Rotary Speaker. This is because he was a Theater Organ lover. Those sounds of the Tibia Tremulant. Even back when he started he was chasing a Ghost, Theater Organ Tremulant. Going back and hearing many early recordings of people like Milt Buckner using Vibrato with Tremolo (fast rotor) It dates the recordings.


Also, I know from first hand experience that the Sound we like here in the US (for the most part) is different from European Sound and for that fact Japan. As an example, while working for Hammond Suzuki, a couple of models of Hammond Suzuki organs had different turn on default settings for here. This was mostly in the home organs. But none the less there are differences in what we are looking for.



Tom Tuson

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Good luck with your knee surgery...i had mine 3 months ago and doing great!...i've always enjoyed your spin on keyboards especially the vr09 (which i have)...once again, good luck...stevec

Thanks a lot Steve!

Craig MacDonald

Hammond BV, Franken-B (A100 in a BV cabinet), Leslies 122/147/44W, Crumar Mojo, HX3 module, Korg Kronos, VR-09, Roland GAIA, Burn, Ventilator

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Good luck with your knee surgery...i had mine 3 months ago and doing great!...i've always enjoyed your spin on keyboards especially the vr09 (which i have)...once again, good luck...stevec

Thanks a lot Steve!


Just cut it off! You can play bass pedals with a peg...


But Seriously, good luck Craig.

'55 and '59 B3's; Leslies 147, 122, 21H; MODX 7+; NUMA Piano X 88; Motif XS7; Mellotrons M300 and M400’s; Wurlitzer 206; Gibson G101; Vox Continental; Mojo 61; Launchkey 88 Mk III; Korg Module; B3X; Model D6; Moog Model D

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Hey, couple quick questions. I've just downloaded and flashed in the latest firmware (v3.912) but the .zip file doesn't contain the HX3 Remote application. The most recent archived version of firmware is 3.90. Anyone know whether it's safe to use this version of HX3 Remote with the 3.912 firmware?


Also, what I really want to know is what the full default MIDI CC mapping is. Doing a "Get Params" and looking at MIDI Custom CC doesn't quite do it. What I would like to do is set up my controller so that it sends the HX3's default MIDI CCs, so that when I flash in new firmware in the future I won't need to reprogram the HX3's custom CC settings.


These are partially documented here so I have most of them figured out - the one that's stumping me is Reverb Level. Reverb program (1 2 or 3) is selected with 0x54 (84d) but does anyone know (or how to find) the default MIDI CC to set the reverb level?



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Dave, you can use the latest remote:

HX3_firmw_391.zip FW #3.912

from here:



The default Custom CC set is for the Nord C2:

There is an excel file here:



Maybe that helps...



Studio: Hammond XK5-XLK5,  Roland Fantom 8, Prophet 5, Roland SE02, Neo Vent, HX3-Expander, Yamaha Montage M7

Live: Yamaha CP88, Hammond SKX Pro, Hammond XB2-HX3,  Roland Fantom 07, Roland SA1000, Neo Vent

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  • 2 weeks later...

9.2 Firmware update about to be released.


Below is a list of changes and additions to this release.


* Extended transpose range plus/minus 2 octaves (FatarScan, MIDI input)

* Foldback for notes outside of 5 octaves keyboard range 88 notes (FatarScan, MIDI input)

* New filter and adder design, less prone to overflow distortions

* New triode simulation in AO28 block - try the AO28 tube age parameter

* Higher bass and organ output levels

* Fixed some bugs in beta FW: Menu entries, defaults saving, factory reset

* Fixed rounding error on some parameters in MIDI custom CC set

* Added version for old XB2 mk2 kit. Rotary output jack and headphone amp must be rewired to obtain stereo simulation


The foldback for notes out side of the B3/C3/A100 range now allows for 88 notes. So if your using a keyboard with more then 61 notes and your playing and get above or below the range of 61 notes you will not have any drop off of notes.


Thanks to those of you who have contributed this and all suggestions.


Have a great weekend.

Tom Tuson

Diversi Musical Products, Inc

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Fuckin A.

Now I can do Nantucket SleighRide on the HX-3 instead of a semi close tone on Zebra2 HZ.

I was missing the D note above our highest C.

Never liked true emulations in relation to range.

Afterall it is 2016.....


Yuze Guys are great......

Magnus C350 + FMR RNP + Realistic Unisphere Mic
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I'm nervous to update so here goes.

I do not want to lose my current csv. files.

But after reading the pdf. it says the old 3.84 csv are not compatible with 3.92.

Should I install new Editor, use send paramaters for MIDI since it is all I need.

Then after upgrading use get parameters for csv MIDI..?


Also I have the small square HX-3 Expander.

Is it safe to assume I am now called Plexi...?




I fear change.


Garth from Waynes World

MGM/United Artists 1992

Magnus C350 + FMR RNP + Realistic Unisphere Mic
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I'm nervous to update so here goes.

I had no problems until I had a problem as the old saying goes. If you are nervous about updating that speaks volumes to me. I am staying at 3.91 for now.

Also I have the small square HX-3 Expander.

Is it safe to assume I am now called Plexi...?


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Going back to 3.84.

Really like the features I saw.

But the process zeros out parameters.

Can't even see MIDI options in the right column

to reassign half of the controllers I lost.

I'm sure it will eventually work.

I got gigs though.

Hopefully 3.84 is still available and working.

Magnus C350 + FMR RNP + Realistic Unisphere Mic
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Missing drawbars in right pane now, that use to be there for making Custom CC assignments.

Went way back to 3.81 to recreate CC's.


Going to 3.92 and try again.


Sure hope I don't have to go through every little firmware upgrade.


Love the HX-3 so don't mind spending a day or two getting old settings and new sounds.


Pretty cool though listening to the C3 Scanner back in 3.81 when it sounded worse than a ROMpler.

Magnus C350 + FMR RNP + Realistic Unisphere Mic
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Hi hardware,


You may have updated the expander and selected the scancore for the Fatar keyboard in HX Remote, I bet. Since you have no Fatar keyboard connected all key contacts are open.


Select 'Midi' in the pull-down menu on the right, click 'Finalize', and you're done.




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Well I got lucky and found a start up tab in HX Remote vrs. 3.81 that got rid of everything.

I then carefully worked my way back up from 3.81 through 3.9 saving all parameters from Import / Export tabs.

So now I can always just go back if I get stuck.


But here's what I saw on my recent attempt at installing 3.92 using Remote HX-3 as described in the well written pdf.


I will revert back down until I find a sweet spot.

If all fails I will call Tom at Diversi.


Coming from 3.84 I noticed a couple of new tweaks I enjoyed, so thanks so much for this colossal effort to keep the peasants happy.



upload img

Magnus C350 + FMR RNP + Realistic Unisphere Mic
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Ahh, It seems to be going back to another folder from earlier version looking for Hex.

Only needed to make sure paths for 3.92 were from current firmware folder.

I am sure this is human error on my part on all levels, but thanks for taking your time to hold my hand.


Magnus C350 + FMR RNP + Realistic Unisphere Mic
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Updating to 9.2


I just wanted to make everyone that is about to update there HX3 that they should use the FLASH TOOL to do the updating. I have had a couple of people contact me that when using the Remote Software they have had issues. It's seems that the Windows OS is picking up files from the older subdirectory (folders). If you have an issue and your here in the US or Canada we will do what we can to help.



Tom Tuson

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Glad I am not as stupid as I look.

I can live with 3.83.

3.85 has too much crackling in the distortion.

Everything I like is in 3.83.

I will try again in a week when I have a couple days...


Thanks Tom from Diversi

Magnus C350 + FMR RNP + Realistic Unisphere Mic
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