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HX3 MIDI expander module


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Hi Bill Bosco and everyone


which output and configuration you use with the VENT?

I own the Uhl X3-2 but I'm not sure which configuration I should use for using with the Vent.

I think it must be the same as with the HX3.


I got the XK3c for many years and I've always use it with the Vent.

Now I got the problem for some styles or songs I prefer the XK3c and for others the Uhl X3-2(HX3).

To solve the problem I could use the XK3c with a HX3.

Do some of you people already use the HX3 with the Hammond XK3? Wondering what's your opinion about it?





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my organs's not home right now , so i can't give you the exact

wording of the configuration and i know the wording's not exactly

like in the manaul . anyway what you want is a dry organ in one of

the aux. outputs ( i think the left channel ) , the amp knob will also

affect this output , which is handy . i think , and i could be a little off on this , the conf. is l/r amp b/pd . the output on the vent is mono.

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Since I run stereo onstage and at FOH I prefer the sim on the HX-3 as the L/R Rotary sends horn and rotor to L and R.

Also why you can run R/L rotary as a way to swap.

When I bypass rotary I get a mono send since I disable BPedals.

That goes into a harmonic distortion DSP Plug in that gives me that wooden cabinet extra drive Jon Lord used.


I had a Vent and a Burn. Also had the Radial Plexitube and custom switch box but once I really dug into the editor and learned what the outputs could do I went to an HX-3 only.

My outputs reflect the the Rotary balnce by using a setting of 70 then 100 on the spread.

Sounds impressive out front as the rotor and horn get the exact ramps I want and it just gurgles and swirls really nice.

But having dual KW 181 Subs and the KW 153s helps.

The Spacestation does a fine job considering its a single 8 inch Emminence.

Guitarist loves the Vent though.

Nantucket Sleigh Ride wouldnt be the same without it.



Magnus C350 + FMR RNP + Realistic Unisphere Mic
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OB1, Do you find that the GSI Burn improves the sound of the HX3 module noticably? I have the Burn and the original Vent and I haven't bothered even trying either with the HX3 because the HX3 sim sounds pretty good to me.. To be honest, my HX3 module has been put away for a couple months, and I haven't updated it yet or really tried tweaking it much beyond what I did the first week I had it. I have the new drawbar controller on order (it's in transit now) and I'm expecting to get back playing with the HX3 once the controller arrives. If you have a spare minute to respond let me know your thoughts on Burn vs the HX3 sim.. Thanks,



Hi Craig,


I personally do think the BURN improves the HX3. It has a warmth that provides much more satisfaction and better feel for me. If I didn't have the BURN, I probably would have been fine but having both, I prefer the BURN.


Before the latest update, I had to use the Rotary from the HX3 in the default stationary position so I could control the level to not clip the input on the BURN - this darkened/muddied the sound. With the new Master Volume feature I can go direct and it has improved the sound through the BURN even more.


Since you also have the Vent, any chance you could do and post a short audio recording to compare the HX3 with your Vent and BURN?




Nord Stage 3, Mojo Classic, Leslie 771, Vent

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Christian, I have a lot of stuff to do before I get to this, so don't worry. I haven't updated my HX3 model at all since I got it 6 months ago, and I just received my Drawbar controller from you guys, which I haven't even tried yet.. I'm really busy at this time.


I will try to make sure that the HX3 is current if/when I get to this.

Craig MacDonald

Hammond BV, Franken-B (A100 in a BV cabinet), Leslies 122/147/44W, Crumar Mojo, HX3 module, Korg Kronos, VR-09, Roland GAIA, Burn, Ventilator

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Just a hint: Firmware 3.91 will be ready for download on Friday. Among other features the rotary sim is refined. May make sense to wait for the update before comparing.





I just got an email at 12:00 noon here in Philly that the software for 3.91 is almost ready but is taking a little longer then expected. For those registered with the Diversi website we will email you all.


Happy New Year All.

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there are some new editable parameters for the CV in 3.91!


But there haven't been any CV issuses..... maybe it's just you?


And no, even with the new V3.91 firmware, the HX3 is not sounding

like your Numa (and I'm glad it doesn't)



Studio: Hammond XK5-XLK5,  Roland Fantom 8, Prophet 5, Roland SE02, Neo Vent, HX3-Expander, Yamaha Montage M7

Live: Yamaha CP88, Hammond SKX Pro, Hammond XB2-HX3,  Roland Fantom 07, Roland SA1000, Neo Vent

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I wonder if Carsten would be open to releasing a "kit" or package to have current HX3/Expander owners upgrade to the HX3 Drawbar Expander? Does anyone (HX3 Expander owners perhaps) even think that is a good idea?


When I first ordered my HX3 Expander I actually had a bunch of the components (drawbar and button boards) on the cart with the idea of building some kind of DYI Drawbar Expander (such as what is now available). I ended up not buying the components because I wanted to first understand the HX3.


Hopefully such a "kit" or upgrade package would be less expensive than buying each individual component (for which many are not even available for sale).


Any thoughts?


Nord Stage 3, Mojo Classic, Leslie 771, Vent

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I wonder if Carsten would be open to releasing a "kit" or package to have current HX3/Expander owners upgrade to the HX3 Drawbar Expander? Does anyone (HX3 Expander owners perhaps) even think that is a good idea?


When I first ordered my HX3 Expander I actually had a bunch of the components (drawbar and button boards) on the cart with the idea of building some kind of DYI Drawbar Expander (such as what is now available). I ended up not buying the components because I wanted to first understand the HX3.


Hopefully such a "kit" or upgrade package would be less expensive than buying each individual component (for which many are not even available for sale).


Any thoughts?


How about a trade in program?



Tom Tuson

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there are some new editable parameters for the CV in 3.91!


But there haven't been any CV issuses..... maybe it's just you?


And no, even with the new V3.91 firmware, the HX3 is not sounding

like your Numa (and I'm glad it doesn't)



I think i am actually one of those few players who play both (Numa and HX3)

The Numa stays home and through headphones it sounds pleasant and warm, but in the band it isn't a match for the organic HX3 if you play something else than clean jazz.


I think there are many players who rave about the MOJO as being the very best clone (heard that a few times over here) who also are into that signature jazz sound, but for me totally boring 888.000.000 stop/fast, third percussion, chorus C3.... WHEN played on almost every clone.


The thing is that i can post lots of vids where the artists on real B3's do sound very interresting on that particular sound... example :


But all Numa and Mojo videos with Joey and Tony don't even come close to the sound of the vid above (listen to the solo from 2.58 )or an average Jimmy Smith recording.

Maybe some people like that sterile perfect clone sound on the Joey and Tony videos when promoting their (next) favourite clone.....i don't know....i really don't.



And here the HX3 is far and above the competition....it is organic and capable of recreating those signature organic/distorted sounds of the real thing.

Those who feel/hear otherwise.....good for them.....to me the difference is shocking.

No MOJO video has the sound of the B3 of Carlo de Wijs (vid) whereas Simon Oslander has HX3 examples that do ! Also because the HX3 has the best organic keyclick of all the clones by a mile.

Not the intention to offend anyone, but why in the world is the HX3 not selling like crazy with that sound for such a great price....


Remember what a XB-2 was selling for back in those days....

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Hi Andre,


I hear you !



I think there are some different tastes here in Europe and Overseas...

I have a Numa2 here for comparisons and it has a warm round tone indeed BUT I wouldn't use it in a more "heavier" context.

Fine for Jazz and Gospel but that's not my cup of tea.


I play the X3-2 and I heard the X3-2 just before christmas sitting in the audience together with Wolfgang Uhl:

X3-2 played by Simon Oslender !


All I can say: it has THAT sound ! (and Simon is a hell of a player, unbelievable at his age !!!)


The new 3.91 is fantastic. The Leslie Sim is spot on too...


I think the HX3 is not selling bad....





Studio: Hammond XK5-XLK5,  Roland Fantom 8, Prophet 5, Roland SE02, Neo Vent, HX3-Expander, Yamaha Montage M7

Live: Yamaha CP88, Hammond SKX Pro, Hammond XB2-HX3,  Roland Fantom 07, Roland SA1000, Neo Vent

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Hahaha we certainly don't have to convince eachother....since we are on the same page here...


Yeah Simon is one of a kind considering his age !

I hope the sales numbers are good because the product fully deserves so !!!

I am a fan of the organ player i posted above (Carlo de Wijs) and his organ sound with kicking bass is absolutely fabulous.

When i first saw the Hoax vids back in 2011, i thought.....finally a clone with that keyclick !!!


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I have both the Mojo and the HX3 module, and I think that these two are definitely top of the heap, when it comes to hammond clones, IF you listen to JUST them by themselves without any assistance from a tube preamp or a ventilator pedal, or whatever people seem to have to add to Hammond SK's to get them sounding good. Maybe this will change when NAMM rolls around (some hints have been dropped about something new from Hammond, but Hammond has been disappointing me for quite some time now)..


However, I think that in the future we are going to start judging hammond clones NOT on how close they can come to the sound of a Hammond, but more based on the variety of Hammonds that you can sound like.. So basically on their "tweak ability". So not just on how authentic they can sound, because all clones can be made to sound authentic, but how many people can you satisfy with the editing options you provide and how easy it is to achieve the different sounds that each of us want. In this regard, I think that right now the Mojo is way ahead.. The Mojo windows editor is awesome the way it sets out the various parameters, starting with choosing your tonewheel set right through to adjusting the matching transformer (something that no other clone has, which is like a drawbar offset).


To be honest I have not spent as much time editing my HX3 as I have with my Mojo, but my impression is that the Mojo is superior in this regard. Also, there is a warmth that is characteristic of the VB3 software (upon which the Mojo is based) that I hear in no other clone, including the HX3. My HX3 is not up to date, and I will be updating it and spending more time with it over the next few weeks.. So we will see if my opinion changes once I've tweaked it a bit more..


That said there is an complexity to the tone of the HX3 that gives it a very authentic sound, and I do really like the overdrive, and the HX3 is very satisfying to play. My comments are about things that some others might not hear, and I recognize are quite subtle things. There is no question in my mind that the HX3 module is going to sell quite well.

Craig MacDonald

Hammond BV, Franken-B (A100 in a BV cabinet), Leslies 122/147/44W, Crumar Mojo, HX3 module, Korg Kronos, VR-09, Roland GAIA, Burn, Ventilator

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My HX3 is not up to date, and I will be updating it and spending more time with it over the next few weeks.. So we will see if my opinion changes once I've tweaked it a bit more..


the updates are quite an improvement, Craig, not in the tonewheel set which is already fine, but the C/V, overdrive, and of course the leslie sim. Like the Mojo, no exteranal leslie simulator is needed. Re read hardware's post's in this thread. He had a Burn and a Vent and sold them both.


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Now that 3.91 has been released how much tweaking is necessary on the HX3 to get it sounding great? Are a bunch of tweaks still necessary to the unit or can you just play it right out of the box with little tweaking? In other words did all of the releases just add features and more tweaks to the unit? or did the releases actually adjust the defaults so that it sounds more like a Hammond/Leslie straight out of the box?

57 Hammond B3; 69 Hammond L100P; 68 Leslie 122; Kurzweil Forte7 & PC3; M-Audio Code 61; Voce V5+; Neo Vent; EV ELX112P; GSI Gemini & Burn

Delaware Dave



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1) great out of the box, tweak to your taste

2) depends on your taste, plays great out of the box

3) yes and yes

4) yes



You should really check one out !


Maybe Diversi can send out a test model ???




Studio: Hammond XK5-XLK5,  Roland Fantom 8, Prophet 5, Roland SE02, Neo Vent, HX3-Expander, Yamaha Montage M7

Live: Yamaha CP88, Hammond SKX Pro, Hammond XB2-HX3,  Roland Fantom 07, Roland SA1000, Neo Vent

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Mine didn't sound good straight out of the box, if took a bit of tweaking to get a reasonable amount of bottom end, but i got mine in June/July timeframe, and reading the version updates, a lot has been improved with recent updates and my release may have been a bit of an anomaly (my HX3 wasn't even configured with R/L stereo Leslie sim output which I would think should have been the default)..


That said it didn't take much to get it sounding pretty great..! But like everything new if took a bit of time to figure out the interface and what parameters did what (the nomenclature is a bit different from other clones).

Craig MacDonald

Hammond BV, Franken-B (A100 in a BV cabinet), Leslies 122/147/44W, Crumar Mojo, HX3 module, Korg Kronos, VR-09, Roland GAIA, Burn, Ventilator

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My HX3 is not up to date, and I will be updating it and spending more time with it over the next few weeks.. So we will see if my opinion changes once I've tweaked it a bit more..


the updates are quite an improvement, Craig, not in the tonewheel set which is already fine, but the C/V, overdrive, and of course the leslie sim. Like the Mojo, no exteranal leslie simulator is needed. Re read hardware's post's in this thread. He had a Burn and a Vent and sold them both.

Dave, I quite liked the Leslie sim and I never would have thought of using my Ventilator or Burn, however I was one of those guys who could hear the digital artifact that was present in that release. I could hear it in the horn when the upper Drawbars were pulled out.. I had to dial that out and then the sim sounded a lot better. But I could tell that it's definitely a good sounding sim.

Craig MacDonald

Hammond BV, Franken-B (A100 in a BV cabinet), Leslies 122/147/44W, Crumar Mojo, HX3 module, Korg Kronos, VR-09, Roland GAIA, Burn, Ventilator

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Hello tonewheel lovers,

please let me chime in here. I played the Mojo for about 3 years (jazzy stuff). Some weeks ago I borrowed a HX3 box for some days and one gig......

Result: I decided to buy the Uhl X3-2 - not looking back. It has so much more life in the sound. Don't want to make the Crumar Mojo look bad, it is still a very good instrument and I liked to play it, but honestly with the actual HX3 sound engine and leslie sim they are not in the same ballpark. You don't need 20 generator models, if you have one which simply does it - still with 4 cap sets and lots of tweakabilities.


kind regards from germany


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Seems like the rock guys favor the HX3, and jazz guys favor the Mojo.


I'm like Craig, have had my HX-3 for awhile but am moving to another state and have not updated for months.


My A-B impression when I last compared was that HX-3 needed a Vent and was capable of some extreme howling OD. It sounded very present but didn't have any ambiance. Mojo had that aliveness that it has always had.




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