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mate stubb

MPN Advisory Board
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About mate stubb

  • Birthday 11/30/1999


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    MPN Advisory Board

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  1. There is a modulation vco per voice that I am sure can do vco 3 duties, as well as 2 more dedicated lfos.
  2. They need to price this considerably downscale from One prices to sell many. But 3 VCOs 2 LFOs, 2 VCFs, FX, 8 voices sounds like a lot of hardware.
  3. Rod was a seminal influence on my Hammond playing. Sending positive thoughts.
  4. Great. Another piece of my formative years will now be used against me to sell me crap.
  5. My experience was identical. I returned my Moog One 16v within the window and made my SW rep sad. To me the modular, the Mini, and even the Matriarch have that instant mojo. I have had owners tell me that the mojo can be dialed in but I didn't want to have to reach for it.
  6. All my links died when we moved to the new host (they were hosted http:// and the new host has an issue with that.)
  7. My Stax visit was the highlight of my trip to Memphis, with Sun Records a close second. So much music history.
  8. I used an FC-7 with my XKC1 without issues. Could be some damage to a jack or the circuit that reads pedal values.
  9. ESQ-1 user here also. It was built like a tank, and had a really nice synth engine and UI.
  10. I keep finding great Chroma vids. This one was a factory demo event with some great playing, cheesy suits and gratuitous hot multitimbral action using an Apple. The Expander is in a chopped down kbd cab instead of what it later shipped with. I never saw this footage before.
  11. Here's another great Chroma demo from James Dyson. This time he has programmed 10 presets that are self triggering drone patches. He's getting into modular synth territory here with the complexities.
  12. You misunderstand what 848 or 838 means. It's shorthand for 848000000 or 838000000. These numbers refer to how far drawbars get pulled out, starting from the left. IOW, pull the 16' drawbar out to 8, the 5 1/3' drawbar out to 3 or 4, and trhe 8' drawbar out to 8. This gives you your lower manual jazz setting. If your XK-3 has a pedal drawbar coupler to the lower manual, you can add it for more bass in the lower 2 octaves.
  13. Coming from the classical world, Doug along with Ray M were my entry into improvising on a combo organ in '67-'68. RIP.
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