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Everything posted by ob1

  1. I've decided I'm going to wait either until the next version of the XK5 or the next version of the SKX Pro. Bummer it will likely be years!
  2. What's making it particularly tough for me is that I am REALLY liking the various demos of the XK-4! If a second manual will be available, I'm in. However if someone can confirm the XK-5 sounds exactly the same, I'll get that for the dual manual and traditional form factor.
  3. That's what really sucks - someone in the know, PLEASE tells us what the difference is (beyond that MTW2 is all modelled - I'm sure you can appreciate that , the modelled explanation is not helpful) I've been in the market for a 2 manual XK-5. I (recently) looked into SK-ProX, and it gave me pause as I can get one for even cheaper and get a lot more with it. Without knowing if there will be updates to the XK-5 or an XK-5 mk2, it's really hard to chose. The reason why I like the XK-5 is the "traditional" form factor. I have a Nord Stage 3 so not sure how helpful the SK ProX would be. However, I would get rid of the Nord if I truly believed the SK-ProX would replace it. I had a VR-730 and a YC-61 and as much as I actually liked the YC-61, neither of those replace the Nord - not even close.
  4. Was searching for Ashby Solutions and came across this post. Really sorry to hear! Purchased a Vent II, two half-moon switches and an adapter to use my FC7 expression pedals with Roland keyboards. Bruce, really glad you and your products were there.
  5. Here's my thoughts (and I'm very picky/particular) on the VR-700, VR-09, VR-730, YC-61 and an HX3: (all of which I currently own except the VR-09 which I sold about 4 weeks ago) -- Roland VR-700 - BEST action of any waterfall keyboard I've ever played on an combo/organ (huge plus) - 76 keys (huge plus) - "Real" drawbars (big plus) - Organ is OK but it's the same organ since the VK-7 (which I owned back in the 90's) - A beast (heavy) but feels totally "professional" quality - Although the VR-09/730 has more "modern" sounds, the 700 has all "the basics" and they are useful - UI on the VR-700 is clunky but everything works well once you know where everything is - I even use it to control computer-based VSTs, etc. and the HX3 and it works really well (again, once you learn to navigate the clunky UI) -- Roland VR-09 (VR-09B) - Same exact organ engine as the VR-700 (again going back to the VK-7) - Very portable but "plasticky" - Synth keys are OK but not great for (particularly) piano-type sounds - 61 keys - UI is decent and I find it flexible enough for everything - Organ has upper/lower AND pedals (big plus) - Latest firmware (which makes it like the VR-09B and VR-730) added a brand new rotary that is significantly better than the previous versions ( -- Roland VR-730 - Same as VR-09, except 73 keys (big plus over VR-09) and a bit bigger/heavier (no issue there, still very portable) - Key action is NOT great - (feels heavy and nowhere as smooth as the VR-700) -- Yamaha-YC61 - Organ is absolutely great - much more realistic organ compared to Roland - Rotary OK but not has good as the newest VR-09B/730 - Key action is not great - perhaps a bit better than VR-730 but still heavy and not as playable as VR-700 - 61 keys (huge downside) - Very professionally built (not plasticky like the VR-09/730) - Absolutely great pianos, E. Pianos, etc. (much better than VRs in my opinion) - FM synth (one of key reasons why I bought it) not useful until someone develops an editor for it - Global EQ is great! Let's you quickly adapt to whatever you are plugged into (keyboard amp, studio monitors, etc.) - Pitch Bend and Mod Wheel (or whatever you want to call it) but they feel horrible!!! (at least they are there!) HX3 Drawbar Expander - Not a combo organ keyboard but listing here as a reference to compare above from an Organ perspective since it is so strong. The Yamaha YC61 by far best compares to the HX3 in terms of realism and "soul". The VRs' organs are totally OK but the YC wins hands-down in my humble opinion. I'm not a big user of the Chorus/Vibrato so can't say which of the above wins but they all sound very similar. Used to play a Nord Stage 2 EX at church and although that was my favorite combo to play live, the YC61 is just as good. In my opinion, all of these are useful instruments. The Yamaha YC61 is my favorite all around given the quality of the organ and "other" sounds but needed at least 73 keys! The VR-730 is a great step-up from the VR-09 just because of the 73 waterfall keys but I just don't like the keybed. The VR-700 is just the best in terms of playability and "feel" but it is very heavy and clunky to use - fortunately it can be a great controller for the YC61!!!! The best possible thing that Yamaha could do is 1) offer at least a 73 key version, 2) lower their prices (Yamaha is not as ridiculous as Nord on pricing but 2nd closest). Hope this is helpful.
  6. No one answered my question so I'll answer it myself!!! I bought the Ashby Solutions half-moon. In fact they now have a version of the half-moon that has dip switches that make it work with almost any organ clone out there. My take on it is - I LOVE IT!!! Works great with the HX3 DBe. I use a Roland VR-700 as my controller for the HX3 and the half-moon attaches perfectly to the VR with the special 3M velcro they use to attach turnpike sensors to a car's windshield (it's a clear/white product that works a lot better than traditional velcro). Replacing my HX3 Plexi with the DBe with now the Ashby half-moon is truly a game changer for me! Hope this helps.
  7. What are folks here with an HX3 or HX3-Drawbar Expander (DBe) using for 1/2 moon switches to control the rotary speed? I got the HX3 DBe this past week (took advantage of the "trade-in" program from Diversi) and what a GREAT experience using the DBe provides over the HX3 plexi!!! Tom was a real pleasure to work with as well. He is an incredibly knowledgeable guy with tons of experience and some really great stories. Thank you, Luis.
  8. Thank you so much, Dave. I was hoping it was a new on/off setting within the HX3! Can anyone else with controllers > 61 keys confirm if they also lost the ability to trigger beyond the C-to-C 61 keys with version 4.21? I use a Roland VR-700 (76 key keybed) which works really well being that it has incredible feel/action and shallow triggering. The latest upgrade is rely great and do not appear to have any other issue. Thank you! Luis.
  9. I don't get it Dave; are you saying this issue is unique to me; or that there is no setting that turns the feature on/off? Also, is this not an appropriate place to ask this kind of a question?
  10. Hi everyone, Happy Holidays! I upgraded to v4.21 from a version that was 3 or 4 versions back. Before the upgrade, all keys on my 76 note keyboard; now only 61 keys play. Does anyone know how to revert back to keys beyond the 61. When I first got my HX3, this is how it behaved (61 keys) but then Karsten made an update that enabled to play on all notes. Now it's gone again! Thank you so much! Luis.
  11. One of the list members has one of the NIB4D's and he said everything works with the HX3. His name is Bill and here is what he sent me in an email when I asked him how he made out with the one he bought. "Tom, The NIB4D works flawlessly with the HX3. It also gives you the option of using any midi keyboard as a controller. I was fortunate to find this unit as it is like new." I second that - my B4D works great. Carsten even fixed it so that the buttons that switch the drawbars between upper, lower and bass also work. Now I just have to figure out how to program my MIDI Solutions Event Processor Plus to be able to control the HX3 from my Roland VR-700!!! I don't like the VR per se but the keyboard/keybed and shallow note triggering is absolutely fantastic for the HX3.
  12. I wonder if Carsten would be open to releasing a "kit" or package to have current HX3/Expander owners upgrade to the HX3 Drawbar Expander? Does anyone (HX3 Expander owners perhaps) even think that is a good idea? When I first ordered my HX3 Expander I actually had a bunch of the components (drawbar and button boards) on the cart with the idea of building some kind of DYI Drawbar Expander (such as what is now available). I ended up not buying the components because I wanted to first understand the HX3. Hopefully such a "kit" or upgrade package would be less expensive than buying each individual component (for which many are not even available for sale). Any thoughts?
  13. Hi Craig, I personally do think the BURN improves the HX3. It has a warmth that provides much more satisfaction and better feel for me. If I didn't have the BURN, I probably would have been fine but having both, I prefer the BURN. Before the latest update, I had to use the Rotary from the HX3 in the default stationary position so I could control the level to not clip the input on the BURN - this darkened/muddied the sound. With the new Master Volume feature I can go direct and it has improved the sound through the BURN even more. Since you also have the Vent, any chance you could do and post a short audio recording to compare the HX3 with your Vent and BURN? Luis.
  14. And the Master Volume is absolutely AMAZING! No more clipping of my GSi Burn's input. Thank you Carsten!!!
  15. Hi Christian, thank you for the reply. This is why updating the firmware via the HX3 Remote as Tom from Diversi suggested worked out OK. It does seem that the Flash tool has an issue in that it picked the incorrect f/w file? Looks like Carsten already updated the 3.9 release in the last hour so perhaps the Flash tool was fixed as well. As always, thank you and Carsten for the quick responses and help and the same goes to Tom from Diversi. Luis.
  16. Hello everyone and Merry Christmas. Has anyone updated to 3.9? I typically wait a while but I was so looking to leverage the new overall output level function that I just updated. The update using the Flash utility went as normal. However, no sound comes out and the screen keeps flickering between different menus and the encoder or the up/down buttons do not do anything. As I touch keys on the keyboard controller he drawbar levels change values without moving the drawbars on my NI B4D. I have rebooted the HX3 but no help; I then re-ran the flash utility to install 3.9 again; again no help. Finally I reverted to an older version of the firmware and FPGA using the HX3 Remote utility. Going back to 3.851 no longer results in the screen flickering between menus but there is still no sound and when I press keys on the keyboard it the drawbar values still change values as I press various keys. The HX3 was working perfectly fine before the update but it looks like 3.9 messed it up. Anyone else experience this issue. Christian, do you have any insight? Thank you, Luis. Happy Holidays to everyone. Being a Holiday weekend most of us are doing Family stuff. So please understand that we are not ignoring you. I did a Drawbar Expander here and had the same issue. Here is what I did to clear it up. 1. Make sure you do not have any other PAST install of the REMOTE or Flash software accessible. Rename the Directory you have it in or move it to a Tumbdrive. Windows has a nasty habit of using the old file locations............ Hi Tom, Thank you so much for your post. I just did the Firmware update using the HX3 remote and it fixed the issue of the drawbar values changing when pressing the keyboard keys and/or moving the expression pedal. The unit has stabilized dramatically but I'm still getting intermittent flickering between different menus (but nothing crazy like it was doing before after the initial 3.9 update). The "Master Volume" is working beautifully and this is what I really needed!!!!! For all others - you may not want to use the flash tool to update your HX3 for now! Updating with the HX3 remote is easy enough. Thank you again.
  17. Thank you, all. I was on 3.84/13102015 and extremely happy. The only reason why I jumped to 3.9 was to get the setting to control the overall output level because of clipping the input of my GSi BURN. I did send Carsten an email this morning and hopefully will hear back soon. M G, interesting link - I purchased my HX3 in April. Could be related but it was perfectly fine before the 3.9 update. I went ahead and did the factory reset/restore. The HX3 has been an awesome tool.
  18. Hello everyone and Merry Christmas. Has anyone updated to 3.9? I typically wait a while but I was so looking to leverage the new overall output level function that I just updated. The update using the Flash utility went as normal. However, no sound comes out and the screen keeps flickering between different menus and the encoder or the up/down buttons do not do anything. As I touch keys on the keyboard controller he drawbar levels change values without moving the drawbars on my NI B4D. I have rebooted the HX3 but no help; I then re-ran the flash utility to install 3.9 again; again no help. Finally I reverted to an older version of the firmware and FPGA using the HX3 Remote utility. Going back to 3.851 no longer results in the screen flickering between menus but there is still no sound and when I press keys on the keyboard it the drawbar values still change values as I press various keys. The HX3 was working perfectly fine before the update but it looks like 3.9 messed it up. Anyone else experience this issue. Christian, do you have any insight? Thank you, Luis.
  19. Sorry you are having this issue - I have not experienced it. My question is - not sure if this should be a separate topic, but - any chance you can do a compare between the HX3 and Gemini? If so perhaps recording one and the other to compare? I'm just REALLY curious.
  20. Hi Christian, I second JohnDoe - it is nice to know that KBP is involved and interested in customer feedback. Welcome!!! The HX3 forum (and people like MG that are always extremely helpful) is a great tool but it is very difficult to navigate and consume due to the language barrier. One issue that I continue to have with my HX3 Expander is that there is no "master"/overall volume. I am driving a GSi BURN rotary speaker emulation pedal and the HX3 clips the input of the BURN. As an alternative I do switch the output option to (internal) rotary so I can set the 122 amp level but that colors the sound. My request has been that an "overall" volume parameter be added right in the menu. Is that not possible??? This is very important to me as I need to continue to use the BURN instead of the internal rotary. Thank you, Luis.
  21. Yeah - I've now used the Flash updater a couple times and it could not have been easier. Unless something goes truly wrong (which I have not experienced) it has been a breeze for me. The key is to download and extract the whole upgrade folder to the local hard-drive and run the flash tool and HX3 Remote from within the new downloaded folder. EZ PZ. Interesting comments on the C/V. I may be the only one that saw a noticeable improvement with the latest version. The new C/V is amazing. Maybe it is the speakers I'm using - M-Audio BX5's. The only drawback of the HX3 for me so far is not having a dedicated volume control (either through a physical knob or an "overall level" parameter within the menu). I use a GSi BURN and about 3 or 4 versions versions ago it clipped the BURN's input, then an update fixed that and now it clips the BURN again. To control the issue I have to set A or B to Rotary L and then use the 122 level to bring it down - this works great with the internal rotary "parked" but it does color the sound. My only request is to add an "overall level" parameter to the menu and the HX3 rules like no other!
  22. Dave - how do you like the DMC after having it for a while? Is it a really good match for the HX3? Are there gaps?
  23. Not sure if this will help but the way I use HX3 Remote is downloading the entire folder for the version of firmware I am on (for example "HX3_firmw_383.zip"). I then expand the zip into a folder on my desktop. Then every time I open the Remote app, I simply double-click the executable inside the folder and it works great. All the DLL's and related config files are within that folder so the EXE should be opened in that folder. Next time there is an update (i.e. version 3.84), I'll download that whole zip and do the same thing. I will then use the remote that came within that folder. Frankly initially, it was quite difficult to get the remote app to work and get used to (particularly running the firmware updates - for which now there is a dedicated Flash Upgrade tool). Once you get used to it, it is easy and somewhat useful. Can't speak for the other utilities that are included for tappering/customizing as I have not used those. I love the HX3 through my GSi Burn. Hope I understood your issue correctly and this is helpful. Luis.
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