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Yamaha CP4


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That guy sure loves his G7 chord. Could be worse, could be a "YouTube demo guy" who only knows how to move one triad around the C Major scale, and a bunch of some generic blues scale noodling for the Clav sounds. And all sounds are demoed by hitting the middle C. ;)


Other than the new acoustic grand, I don't hear sonically that big of a difference to the CP1/5 (using crappy iPad speaker).


The 71 and 73 Rhodes models in the CP5 are very plastic-y, though, and I hope they've improved on them. It kind of sounds like they might have.


The 75 was the best one in the CP5 as well. Although I have always had a perverse preference to the Mark V and the Dyno (78Rd on the CP).


The reduced weight and the beefier keyboard touch does interest me, so I'll wait to try one out before parting with my CP5 for the 4.


Blake is a monster musician with major chops. His demo is good in that he does not take the attention away from the instrument he is presenting by dazzling his audience with his ability.


I am looking forward to playing the CP-4 and comparing it to the CP-5. I am a huge CP-5 fan and wonder how this less expensive stage piano could possibly be better.




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I'm very impressed with the demo. Great that they're offering three flavors of piano, with variations on each. Looking forward to getting my hands on this new action, as well.


The Rhodes Voices sound fantastic; this could eliminate the need to take out a notebook with software ep's, i.e. - Lounge Lizard, Scarbee, etc...


Checked out the CP4 Data List; looks quite a bit more generous than what I had in the CP50. Actually matches up well with the essential non-piano Voices I have as favorites in the S90XS. Hmmm..... 38 Lbs. ? Big Hmmm....

'Someday, we'll look back on these days and laugh; likely a maniacal laugh from our padded cells, but a laugh nonetheless' - Mr. Boffo.


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As I see it, aftertouch is about the only reason for an S90XS to exist anymore, and it's not even a board I would tend to use aftertouch on. Other than that, if you really want that entire voice set, I think you'd even be better off just putting an MX49 on top of your CP4 or CP40.

Maybe this is the best place for a shameless plug! Our now not-so-new new video at https://youtu.be/3ZRC3b4p4EI is a 40 minute adaptation of T. S. Eliot's "Prufrock" - check it out! And hopefully I'll have something new here this year. ;-)

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How many watts are the internal speakers?

Harry was the Technical Editor of Mark Levine's "The Jazz Theory Book" and helped develop "The Jazz Piano Book." Find 800 of Harry's solo piano arrangements and tutorials at https://www.patreon.com/HarryLikas These arrangements are for teaching solo piano chording using Harry's 2+2 harmony method.


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Seems to have a very even tone across the entire range of the instrument. Also sounds spot-on in the ensemble. With three pianos, and fifteen variations on each, it will likely sit well in any ensemble. Will have to play one of these when it's released. Hopefully Denver GC gets one; otherwise I may have to travel....

'Someday, we'll look back on these days and laugh; likely a maniacal laugh from our padded cells, but a laugh nonetheless' - Mr. Boffo.


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How many watts are the internal speakers?


He answers your question in some depth at 1:30 of the video posted above!



'Someday, we'll look back on these days and laugh; likely a maniacal laugh from our padded cells, but a laugh nonetheless' - Mr. Boffo.


We need a barfing cat emoticon!








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How many watts are the internal speakers?


He answers your question in some depth at 1:30 of the video posted above!



Harry was the Technical Editor of Mark Levine's "The Jazz Theory Book" and helped develop "The Jazz Piano Book." Find 800 of Harry's solo piano arrangements and tutorials at https://www.patreon.com/HarryLikas These arrangements are for teaching solo piano chording using Harry's 2+2 harmony method.


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I'm kind of surprised that Bosendorfer samples aren't finding their way into any Yamaha products yet, but am not sure how vertically integrated the two companies are at this point.


I sense it's part of Yamaha's brand strategy that their digital pianos are an integral part of the overall piano range, from big acoustics down. Adding the Bosendorfer name into that might arguably confuse the picture and perhaps in some eyes potentially dilute and cheapen the Bosie brand.


I played the Yamaha C3X a few months ago and it sounded nothing like the previous C3s I have played... dare I say more Bosendorfer in some ways?



Agree. I've played quite a few of the CXs now, from the small 6'ers to the medium 7' up to the concert 9', and they don't have the typical C series, Yamaha character (not that there's anything wrong with a well voiced C7/6/5/3 ;) ) . The CXs are much closer to a European sound.


Yeah Adino, the CP4, in my short time with it, was very happening. Played and sounded very good. No need to worry about build quality either.



Thanks Dave..appt it.





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How does the Rhodes sound thru the speakers in the new CP4?

Harry was the Technical Editor of Mark Levine's "The Jazz Theory Book" and helped develop "The Jazz Piano Book." Find 800 of Harry's solo piano arrangements and tutorials at https://www.patreon.com/HarryLikas These arrangements are for teaching solo piano chording using Harry's 2+2 harmony method.


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I may have asked this before, and missed the answer.. how deep is the editing on this board.. comparable to the Motif?

You don't have ideas, ideas have you

We see the world, not as it is, but as we are. "One mans food is another mans poison". I defend your right to speak hate. Tolerance to a point, not agreement

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Question for Athan: I note in the CP4 data list, there are a number of piano voices with "Mn" in the name - does this denote "mono"? I'm hoping so, given that there are others with "St" in their moniker.



Yamaha: P515, CP88, Genos 1, HX1

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Yay! That's extremely good news. Yamaha really has been listening with this board radically less weight, compact footprint, generous mono options, easier user interface. I'm really looking forward to playing one.

Yamaha: P515, CP88, Genos 1, HX1

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