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RIP Kuma


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All of us long time members of the Corner have really gotten to be like a family. A lot of you I can count on everyday to post, joke around with, and learn a thing or two from. Sure, we'll talk endlessly on "is it C2 or Gsus/C?", but this place is even more than that. We also celebrate the birth of children and mourn those members who have passed. It's with a deep sadness that I have to tell you of my loss this week. He was such a great guy and for all of his 12 years, I spent it with him 24/7. My career allows me to work from home. I'm always here. My studio is on the second floor in what would normally be two bedrooms. I work alone and the door is always open to the family, so most of the time while I work, Kuma was either at my side or just outside my door, sleeping in the loft. Every time I got up to go downstairs for any reason, he'd follow. He had a huge vocabulary. I know he understood conversations he'd be listening in on and you'd have to be careful as to what you might say. Some words you couldn't even spell in front of him. He could speak with either those eyes of his or with the softest bark he'd ask me to go get him one of those little bite size carrots out of the fridge. He asked for those constantly and we gave them to him constantly. They were always on the list of things to buy. He was a big guy. In his prime, 155lbs. No fat at all, just a big, strong boy. In his senior years he went down to 125. He and I had a few parallels in our lives. We both got grey chins about the same time and both of our legs we're giving out. I was able to get surgery to fix my problem, he had been on meds for the past year (to the tune of $295 a month) for his. My house has a lot of tile on the first floor and for the past year, when ever he laid down on it I would have to pick him up. He couldn't get up from the tile on his own. If I was on the second floor and he was stuck on the first he'd give out a bark. It was different than any other. He was telling me he needed my help. Carpet, he was cool on. His hips seemed to be getting worse, but on the 2nd we had a house full of people and he was his usual self and at the end of the day he went up the stairs with me with no problems and slept where he always has, just at the foot of my bed. When I got up the next morning, I could immediately see that he was in trouble. There wasn't really anything his doctor could do for him. I feel a profound sense of loss and we miss him dearly. "Good dog, Kuma. Good boy."


12-21-1994 to 9-03-2007




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Very sorry for your loss, Linwood.


Three years ago, we went through the exact same thing with our Old English Sheepdog, Dickens. At age 14 (elderly for that breed), he started losing weight. Then he needed help getting up from the tile floors but was OK on carpet. One weekend, he just deteriorated beyond a doctor's help.


Kuma can't be replaced but in time maybe you'll want to start a new long term relationship like we did with Basie 2 years ago.



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Linwood, my condolences on your lose. I have not had a dog in over 20 years, but I remember losing my last one at that time. I just never felt I could replace her.


Maybe you will find a place for another canine friend.



Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others. Groucho




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So sad to hear it Linwood. I'll be thinking about you and Kuma.


I can relate and dread the time that is marching on in my dog's life...we have a large dog, Molly, actually looks like a brown version of Kuma, who is 12 years old. She has been developing the hip problems, needing our help to pick up her hind legs to stand up, on various meds, the whole nine yards. But she is hanging in there and hope she'll be with us for awhile longer.


Dogs are part of the family. We love ours so much as our "first baby" who preceded the kids by 1 year. It will be tough when her time comes, but just giving her as much extra love as we can, every single day.


Give yourself some time to grieve and then consider a new dog friend.

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My deepest sympathies for your loss. My family and I lost our dog (a 2-year old, beautiful Australian Shepherd named Jasper) earlier this year. He was hit by a car in our neighborhood and died. It was a devastating loss for our family, and we are still healing months later.


We pet lovers are interesting folks. We choose to bring these animals into our lives knowing that, in all likelihood, we will have to experience their deaths. And the reason we do that is because they give us such profound joy while they are alive.


RIP Kuma. It's obvious that you were a great dog and will be sorely missed.




P.S. Here's a picture of Jasper. It still makes me very sad to look at these.



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I am very sorry to hear about your loss. I too work from home and have three dogs, two cats and a 4 year old son with me most of the time. My wife is a veterinarian and I am a sucker for any stray that comes along. It is always hard when one of our furry friends leaves us, but their memory will remain in our hearts forever. Give it some time and then visit a shelter. You will find there are many four legged creatures that need and deserve the love and companionship of a great guy.



Wm. David McMahan

I Play, Therefore I Am


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Thanks to all you guys. Lots of dog lovers here, I see. Noah, Jasper was a beauty. So sorry to hear he got hit. That's gotta be the worse. We still have Hunter. He's the husky in my avatar. (which reminds me, I need to change out my xmas avatar.) He's just been laying around for a couple days, but I hope he'll be ok with the change around here.
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Thanks to all you guys. Lots of dog lovers here, I see. Noah, Jasper was a beauty. So sorry to hear he got hit. That's gotta be the worse.


Thanks very much, Linwood. I appreciate it a lot. Of course, I don't know that there's a "worst" way to lose a pet. They're all pretty terrible to me. I do feel very bad that Jasper was taken at such a young age (and my wife and sons -- ages 8 and 6 when it happened -- were devastated), but any time you lose a pet, however it happens, it's a very rough thing.


All the best. Hope Hunter comes around.



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It's sad, but I tend to think of the joy they bring. I know my wife will be devastated when her cat passes (not that we expect anything any time soon), but he was a stray we took in so we know that he probably wouldn't have lasted this long in the neighborhood where we found him. There is so much love shared between humans and pets, it goes both ways.


Sorry to hear of the pet losses. Remember the smiles.

"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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sorry for this loss. I had a buddy-cat once who died while i was on vacation - in his "hotel" where i left him for some days in order to leave town. I felt like i lost a close friend, and i can relate to your feelings


Be grateful for what you've got - a Nord, a laptop and two hands
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Although I came back home rather trashed tonight, I played a version on my latest song, "Canzone Nuova", thinking about all the animals that I loved, and that have loved me, during my life. (That was on headphones, as it's 2,30 am here!)


RIP Kuma.

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My sincerest sympathies, Linwood. I, too, went through a similar situation. Willow was a mutt (130 lbs) that was adopted from an animal shelter. Willow became friends with everyone she met. As the years passed, and age set in, she beame quite lethargic. No meds could help her. It came to the point where I had to lift her in my arms and take her outside to do her duty. My wife and I had discussions of what, but more importantly, when to do "it". She doesn't believe in animals having to go through so much pain. One morning I took her out, and as I was about to settle her onto the grass, my wife screemed, and when I looked down, Willow had decided for us that her time was up, and that we didn't have to make any decisions for her.


It was a great loss for both of us because Willow "was" family, just as our other dogs and cats are "family", and nothing but family.


I will say this. About a month or two after Willow passed away, we decided to quickly get another dog. Willow had been friends with my wife's sheltie Misty, and Misty was now lonely. We picked up Onyx, another sheltie, whose picture is to the left of this post, under my name. Strangely enough, Onyx has picked up some of Willow's old habits, even though Onyx and Willow never met, and it always sends a shiver up our spines when we see the new sheltie Onyx, doing some of the things Willow did.


Our "kids" memories will always live on in us. Hang in there Linwood. Your "friend" gave you all the love he could give to you and more. Although they're considered animals, we animal lovers refer to them as our "son" or "daughter", and always best, best friend.


R.I.P Kuma, and say hello to Willow when you see her. Tell her we miss her.



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