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About linwood

  • Birthday 11/30/1999


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    MPN Advisory Board

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  1. This music thing sure does take me down some rabbit holes. I don’t really get any work doing this type of thing. I just do it because I enjoy it. It’s a puzzle to put together with a moving image and to try and make things hit and land. Nerdy fun. Let's go to the movies
  2. And played the crap out of every one of 'em.
  3. I've got a Moog pedal on mine. Pretty much always CV out to cutoff in though so I can George Duke the muv.
  4. Damn, I wish I could do that...Bravo, Dave.
  5. Thanks! Poor Man's studio. It's a nice group of stuff to produce with along with all the VI's and samples. I don't think I need anything else. LOL!!
  6. I bought a new desk from Buso Audio. Sure makes things more comfortable in here. Really happy with it!
  7. Rosie turned 1 today!
  8. Thanks, Dave. It was a fun day. I had done that tune years a go for someone so I had her cut to the rhythm section I had and then after she was done I did the strings, woodwinds, and horns just to give me something to do. She was only 20 and so nice. When I think of the geography of where she is and how crazy the World is, this was a nice place for us two to hang for minute and enjoy a melody.
  9. Had a fun thing happen last week. My neighbor had his niece visiting from Poland. She is a college student there, but she is also a singer. My neighbor knew I was a musician so he thought it would be fun for the two of us to meet. She came over and her English was good. I asked if she sang in clubs there, but she said she does things like weddings and casuals. We thought it might be fun to do a tune together while she was visiting and she was familiar with a bunch of standards. We tried to find something we both knew and settled on this one. There’s probably a good chance that we’ll never meet again, but isn’t it nice how your musical path can cross with someone else outta the blue… Hit me band!
  10. Elisa is a good friend of mine. We've done countless projects over the years. She can sing anything and right now. She was with Prince for many years and had a successful career on her own. They both sound great!
  11. I think my friend Norm Kinney mixed that record.
  12. I never played it when it was out and I never got to play any of Sheena's tunes either. That's what makes gigs like this fun. You get to sit with a tune and have to get into it all alone and make it groove. That's a two day-er for me. The first day you play it all in and the next day you tighten things up and spend a couple hours on a mix and you're on to the next one. Life in the fast lane, but that's the gig. I hate to jump in with another one, but some might be interested in the process…This thing bugged me for the past few years. It’s an arr I did for them for the orchestra, but the sound of the original broadcast was pretty bad. The mix was outta whack big time. You couldn’t hear the orchestra at all and I understand it. In a venue like this and the type of show, how do you handle all the open mics? I’ve seen plenty of shows where the strings are on stage for show and the audio is played in the house to a click. All the singers in show struggled with intonation and some more than others. I'm sure it was a bad monitor mix and they couldn't hear themselves. It wasn’t like a bad note here and there. It was consistently out of tune. So…LALAL(dot)AI to the rescue. I was able to separate the vocal from the band and then I had the ability to tune him and also widen his vocal a bit. I used izotope to bring the drums up a couple db. Then I made a tempo map and sweetened the orchestra with the new update to SSO that came out last week. I already owned pro so it was an easy update for me, but I hadn’t given it a spin yet and this was a good reason to try it out. Took a full day to do it, but now I can live with it.
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