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Dave Bryce

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On 5/31/2023 at 4:48 AM, Baldwin Funster said:

From my bands latest demo. All one take, no overdubs.

Heatwave - Hold On

uBlock Origin would not allow me to connect to this site. It racked up 457 site blocks in about 30 seconds. I don't know what ReverbNation is trying to do, but uBlock doesn't like it. Is it available on YouTube, also, or a less intrusive website?

The fact there's a Highway To Hell and only a Stairway To Heaven says a lot about anticipated traffic numbers


People only say "It's a free country" when they're doing something shitty-Demetri Martin


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38 minutes ago, Synthaholic said:

uBlock Origin would not allow me to connect to this site. It racked up 457 site blocks in about 30 seconds. I don't know what ReverbNation is trying to do, but uBlock doesn't like it. Is it available on YouTube, also, or a less intrusive website?

Thanks for the interest. I noticed that we can upload media so I've put it up here. Hopefully it will play.

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For the past almost 4 years. I’ve been gigging with IKM’s B3X and have enjoyed less schlep and great sound. That being said, moving air has no substitute. Therefore I dragged out the Nord C-1 (using Ocean Beach drawbars) along with the PK-27, the Leslie 2101, and a Yorkville Bloc100K. Being known as “One Take Jake”  I discovered that I still retain my sloppy technique but hearing that 2101 swirling 888888888 makes for a happy day.



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1967 B-3 w/(2) 122's, Nord C1w/Leslie 2101 top, Nord PedalKeys 27, Nord Electro 4D, IK B3X, QSC K12.2, Yamaha reface YC+CS+CP


"It needs a Hammond"


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  • 2 weeks later...

My first serious  melodica gig; actually the end of the year concert for the classroom I followed at the American School of Modern Music in Paris.

The composition is mine, is called Strike, the arrangement is by the class professor (Aneta George), with the contribution of all the musicians. Text by the singer, Alana Savoir.


For the moment, the video is on youtube, but unlisted, you cannot find it by searching; later we will probably publish more stuff:


Nord Wave 2, Nord Electro 6D 61,, Rameau upright,  Hammond Pro44H Melodica.

Too many Arturia, NI and AAS plugins




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A transcription and performance of Red Garland's piano solo on Little Melonae, recorded by Miles Davis in his album Basic Miles: The Classic Performances of Miles Davis (1955).

Red Garland's solo on this recording is unusual for his style, utilising the lower trombone register of the instrument reminiscent of Lennie Tristano's style and completely omitting the use of left hand comping. 

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I've been playing keys with Andy Park, worship leader, for 6 or 7 years. Andy plays guitar live, but played some of the keys on these 2 examples. 


I played organ and pads on this.



I played organ on this.




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Mike Kent

- Chairman of MIDI 2.0 Working Group

- MIDI Association Executive Board

- Co-Author of USB Device Class Definition for MIDI Devices 1.0 and 2.0


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  • 2 weeks later...

All right, I've been looking forward to sharing this one.




My wife's debut solo album is available now on Bandcamp, a real labor of love, and I'm so proud of her. I contribute significantly as a sideman on keys and bass, but this is her baby, and I'm so excited for people to finally hear her gorgeous singing and songwriting.


Official release on all major streaming platforms forthcoming; I'll drop a reminder when it's on Spotify and such. And if you're around central New York this weekend, there will be a release show at Deep Dive in Ithaca on Sunday the 13th at 7pm.


I hope you enjoy!

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Samuel B. Lupowitz

Musician. Songwriter. Food Enthusiast. Bad Pun Aficionado.

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A transcription and performance of Red Garland's piano intro, head, and solo on Ahmad's Blues, recorded by Miles Davis in his album Workin' with the Miles Davis Quintet (1955).


An homage to Ahmad Jamal's original "Ahmad's Blues", this features Red Garland's classic block chord style with long delicate lines reminiscent of Jamal's playing.


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I'm mostly a lurker here, but a little while ago I posted a picture in the "Keyboardists with fx pedals" thread, showing a hotel room setup with my Yamaha P-115 going thru a different Moog pedal from each of its outputs (Murf and Clusterflux), which then separately went to Ventris and DC-2W pedals, which created 4 channels going to my mixer. There were actually 6 channels, because of an internal fx return from the mixer, using its ping-pong delay as a chorus. So, how it sounds really depends on how I mix it. Yesterday and today, I finally took the annoying step of doing that for a couple more jams from that trip, and also cutting out the parts I didn't like, and doing some electronic music manipulations to parts... which in this example mostly means I did a bunch of internal crossfades... but the first 1:20 isn't like that, and that part is pretty much how it sounds to me playing (though it needed noise redux). The percussive sounds and thumps all come from the Clusterflux with the Depth knob pretty high,  twanging out the piano sound to the extreme. Next trip with this pedal, hopefully I'll turn that aspect down a bit. I've said that before, tho 🤣:

 After 1:20 or so, there are quite a few spots where I highlighted an region of audio, and told the software (Audacity) to crossfade the clips... even though there was a single highlighted area, rather than 2 clips. When you do this, Audacity acts as if there is a clip boundary down the middle of your selected area, and then it crossfades the "virtual" clips on either side of it. In the above example, you're hearing that a lot in the last 2/3.


The above is a very stereo mix, but because it's 6 channels, involving 2 parallel pedal chains, the stereo field isn't perfectly balanced very often. It's a little squirrel-y sometimes. So, I mixed my 2nd example (bottom of this post) down to be more centered. I think I did it in parallel - first a normal mix, and then I blended that with a mix where one stereo pair stayed the same, one was inverted, and one had the R&L stereo sides swapped to L&R... or some combination of those steps. It's not mono, but still much more centered than the first example, FBOW. I actually didn't even check mono compatibility, even though I usually would. That's the whole reason I started using parallel fx pedal chains from the P-115 outputs - I didn't like the "bass towards one side, treble towards the other" default, so I decided to reconstitute my own stereo field, via fx pedals (and I'm still experimenting in that regard).


But these were just hotel room jams using headphones, so I went for a different type of more centered sound... even tho I know inverting and swapping, and then mixing with the original, can cause issues when the resultant mixdown is summed to mono. That's actually a technique I use sometimes when layering audio with itself (often shifted in frequency and/or time) - I'd purposely pursue phase cancelations and reinforcements, and IMD and so on, in order to change the timbre. That's not what I did here, even tho the timbre did change slightly with the extra layering. Like the first example, the next one was excerpted from a longer jam and edited, limited etc in Audacity.


I'm a hobbyist, and I know I play some weird stuff... so I don't take myself too seriously. I figured, after posting a picture of such an unusual pedal/instrument combo, in the other thread, in addition to the people here not knowing me... I should provide some audio of the kind of stuff I like to do with a digital piano. I like to play regular songs, too, but it's so easy to be lazy about that when I'm alone and have some time. My name's Adam. Probably, once I choose a new digital piano, I'll go back to being a less frequent visitor. Despite that, I really do appreciate the forum and the people here. Even tho most of the time I don't have any input that would improve the conversation, I still enjoy reading.


Anyway, this is a more centered but still stereo example of the fx pedals and my style of playing. It's also got the internal crossfading that I've been doing lately, and it's also kinda slow... probably because the faster I go, the more my improvs fall back on my most common habits.

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One of the singers of my project(Forbidden Myth) uploaded her new songs on bandcamp!




Very nice song!

Kurzweil K2661 + full options,iMac 27",Mac book white,Apogee Element 24 + Duet,Genelec 8030A,Strymon Lex + Flint,Hohner Pianet T,Radial Key-Largo,Kawai K5000W,Moog Minitaur,Yamaha Reface YC + CP, iPad 9th Gen,Arturia Beatstep + V Collection 9,Osmose



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I wrote this originally in 1980 but did a more recent recording of it for my next classical album. The album isn't in release yet but this promo mix is a taste. 

Sort of proggy.



"The devil take the poets who dare to sing the pleasures of an artist's life." - Gottschalk




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Might as well drop this here. I was in a "song swap" a few weeks ago. How it worked was, each of us turned in a line or two of lyrics from our notebooks, something we weren't going to use. Then we were all assigned someone else's lyric as a prompt to write a song to. We didn't find out until the performance whose we got and who got ours. We had a month or two between getting the prompt and the performance, but my first crack at using the prompt ended up in a completely different song that didn't use it. I was pretty sure that was it and the air was out of the balloon, but then the week before the show this one popped out.


The prompt I got was, "He looks like Oklahoma." Here's the song I ended up with.


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Now out! "Mind the Gap," a 24-song album of new material.

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It has been 32 years since the recording and a release on a small independent label out of LA called Nine Winds.

I got a tad of press in the LA Times, Jazz Times and a few other places I've now forgotten. It was cool to see my CD in Tower Records when I went to Boston and the Tower in Manhattan/NYC.


With Bob Sheppard ( Tenor Sax), Eric Von Essen (Acoustic Bass), Kendall Kay (Drums) It was at Chick's old  Mad Hatter studio. No overdubs, all live to two-track tape.  Bernie Kirsh, Chick's long time engineer, did an amazing job on the recording. He knew the room, the mics and the Neve console intimately, and had a band sound within 5 minutes. Chick had two pianos to choose from- a Hamburg D and a Bosendorfer. I can't recall the latter model but it wasn't good. Practically everyone used the Steinway Bernie said.









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 2005 NY Steinway D

Yamaha AvantGrand N3X, CP88, P515







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16 hours ago, MathOfInsects said:

Might as well drop this here. I was in a "song swap" a few weeks ago. How it worked was, each of us turned in a line or two of lyrics from our notebooks, something we weren't going to use. Then we were all assigned someone else's lyric as a prompt to write a song to. We didn't find out until the performance whose we got and who got ours. We had a month or two between getting the prompt and the performance, but my first crack at using the prompt ended up in a completely different song that didn't use it. I was pretty sure that was it and the air was out of the balloon, but then the week before the show this one popped out.


The prompt I got was, "He looks like Oklahoma." Here's the song I ended up with.


Josh, this doesn’t sound like something that would just “pop” out. Sounds like a fair bit of sweat went into writing that. Nice work. 

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4 hours ago, Piktor said:

Josh, this doesn’t sound like something that would just “pop” out. Sounds like a fair bit of sweat went into writing that. Nice work. 

Thank you. I meant more in the sense of, I didn't expect another song to come at all, and then suddenly one did, and got into shape pretty quick. The first versions weren't that different from this one; the lyrics took longer. 

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Now out! "Mind the Gap," a 24-song album of new material.

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On 8/22/2023 at 9:45 PM, MathOfInsects said:

Might as well drop this here. I was in a "song swap" a few weeks ago. How it worked was, each of us turned in a line or two of lyrics from our notebooks, something we weren't going to use. Then we were all assigned someone else's lyric as a prompt to write a song to. We didn't find out until the performance whose we got and who got ours. We had a month or two between getting the prompt and the performance, but my first crack at using the prompt ended up in a completely different song that didn't use it. I was pretty sure that was it and the air was out of the balloon, but then the week before the show this one popped out.


The prompt I got was, "He looks like Oklahoma." Here's the song I ended up with.




Wow, Really love this Josh!!  Your emotion really makes it hit me.   Thanks for sharing!

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J  a  z  z   P i a n o 8 8


Yamaha C7D

Montage M8x | CP300 | CP4 | SK1-73 | OB6 | Seven

K8.2 | 3300 | CPSv.3

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13 hours ago, MathOfInsects said:

…the lyrics took longer. 

I’m not surprised. I think that most of us who make the attempt struggle. It is really challenging to convey ideas using just a few thoughtful words, while navigating the minefield of cliches and awkward phrases. You seem to be really good at doing that. Thanks for sharing the song.

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11 hours ago, JazzPiano88 said:



Wow, Really love this Josh!!  Your emotion really makes it hit me.   Thanks for sharing!

Thank you.

1 hour ago, Piktor said:

I’m not surprised. I think that most of us who make the attempt struggle. It is really challenging to convey ideas using just a few thoughtful words, while navigating the minefield of cliches and awkward phrases. You seem to be really good at doing that. Thanks for sharing the song.

Thank you!

Now out! "Mind the Gap," a 24-song album of new material.

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The newest track from my band. Pretty concise, but it's got some nice bouncy summer vibes.


I shot for a Hammond vibe that was something like "Billy Preston, but a bit more understated" - lots of high drawbars, fast Leslie, and C3 chorus for that "big, joyful" sound. Buried in the mix towards the end, you can hear me indulge myself a bit with a quick flash of Jon Lord machine gun chord-stabbing. 🤓

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Not talking about convoluted secret A grade mixing DSP tricks or "digital = ...", after listening to the last page and a half or so (on my big monitoring system with the MG16XU as DAC), I feel the need to say Dave F. sounded by far the best. No digital pre-correction but apart from that and the soundcloud compression limitations, no boominess in the bass, no ugly low-mid, natural enough highs, a bit of openness, no annoying compression, excellent music.



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I thought I would post this composition showcasing some of the Brass, Strings, Mixed Choir, and Percussion sounds from my Yamaha Genos arranger keyboard. This is not a Pink Floyd or AC/DC cover, nor from the 1980 movie of the same name. The genre is Cinematic Orchestral. Everything you hear is Genos. PS: Yamaha has a new Genos2 in the works from what I've gathered, which I would assume will include even more & better sounds and new cutting edge features, but time will tell. For your listening enjoyment.

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Went totally retro with this one.  Started out with messing around with a custom synth-guitar/plucked sound I created with Synclavier V.  Then, the rest of it just took off above the clouds, so to speak.



"Above The Clouds"




Yamaha DX7, PSR-530, MX61/Korg Karma/Ensoniq ESQ-1/Roland VR-760/Hydrasynth Deluxe/

Behringer DeepMind12, Model D, Odyssey, 2600/Arturia Keylab MKII 61



Studio One/V Collection 9/Korg Collection 5/Cherry Audio/UVI SonicPass/EW Composer Cloud/Omnisphere, Stylus RMX, Trilian/IK Total Studio 3.5 MAX

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