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About BMD

  • Birthday September 5


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    Music and walking the dog
  • Location
    Perfidious Albion

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  1. I wrote a song some 20 years ago entitled Black Market Daydreams. Craig did me the honour of covering it, and it was also covered by a guy named Doug West, and by a band with the unlikely appellation of Fredfin Wallaby. I'm ever so slightly the worse for drink, and when that happens I feel emboldened and do things I wouldn't ordinarily do. Like indulge in self-promotion. If any of you guys on here are remotely interested (and I suspect the overwhelming majority of you aren't), here are links to the four versions. My original (Saul T. Nads was my nom de music. Forgive me) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xteKJizVY18 Craig's excellent version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zMGr5QWVU1o Doug West's version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nf1IXE0vDZ0 And finally, Fredfin Wallaby's take on the song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SOAiQo4O17U Thanks for (not) looking
  2. What's it all about? Why do we bother? Why do you bother? I mean, we're all gonna die. And unless we're famous, no one will remember us. So what's the point? Is there a point? Oh dear, this is quite depressing. Allow me to add a smiley....😀
  3. Let's hope they were 20,000 accordions...
  4. I like it! Great production as always. Wasn't expecting that note at 2.14. That really threw me. But having listened to that bit again a few more times, I get it. Sweet!
  5. That's a great song from an excellent album!
  6. And there's a Cushing Street and a Lee Street. Peter and Christopher. Coincidence? There's definitely devilry at work in that place...
  7. Thanks, Craig! My voice is knackered, so I just do these daft instrumentals these days using Studio One. Vocal versions of a couple of the songs can be found at my sig, but I never actually got round to recording vocals on most of them Black Market Vasectomy, eh? I think I'll just stick to dreaming...😆
  8. I'm (not particularly) proud to present: 'The Man Who Faked His Own Life' A collection of extremely cheesy instrumental versions of songs I've written You have been warned... https://soundcloud.com/bmdbmdbmdbmd Oops, nearly forgot to sign my post - Cheers, BMD
  9. When it comes to Elon Musk, it really does help if one has a sense of humour
  10. I haven't recorded anything in years, but if I remember correctly I sang through a Rode NT1-A mic (with pop filter, of course) into a Focusrite Scarlett Solo interface into PreSonus Studio One 2 DAW (using a Sony Vaio laptop) Post-recording treatment was Studio One delay and possibly a light dusting of Melodyne. No reverb or compression on the vocal. I used Studio One compression on the completed mix. I took advantage of the drop-down presets with regard to delay and compression, simply because I had no idea what I was doing! And this is the result: https://soundcloud.com/user-729188432
  11. Is their every typed utterance of such monumental importance, or are they just pretentious arseholes? Cheers, BMD
  12. CDs are definitely in the doldrums at the moment, but the simple fact is that they're superior in sound quality to anything else that's out there. I'm sure their time will come again when people eventually wake up. Meanwhile, I have an excellent Denon CD player and two laptops (Sony and Acer) which both have onboard CD players. I'm a huge fan of CDs. To misquote Mark Twain: The reports of the death of the CD are greatly exaggerated. I love listening to music on CD - the sound quality is superb! There are plenty of CD fans out there. They/we just don't make a song and dance about it.
  13. I reckon old Rick is running out of ideas for his videos
  14. Sounds good as long as Yoko doesn't decide to step in and take the mic...
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