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Welcome to the (new) Music Player Network!

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We did it. :2thu::cheers:


We control the Musicplayer forums. All of them.


They've been migrated and upgraded...and we can do whatever we want with them now.




Obviously, deepest thanks to Jim Quinn for taking care of us all these years, and for his amazing determination and perseverance in helping to pull this off.


Thanks also to Craig Anderton, without whom none of this would exist. I believe we'll be seeing quite a bit more of Craig around these parts very shortly, perhaps along with a few other folks from MPN's past.


Steve Fortner is also becoming an integral part of the team. Wait until you see what we have in mind... :D


...however, the biggest amount of thanks goes to the members of the community. Without y'all, this place is nothing - period. Thank you all SO much for your time and energy, your support, patience, suggestions and guidance over the years. It appears that we have achieved the (pretty major) goal we laid out together: to rescue the forums while keeping them looking and acting like they always have...with some improvements from the upgrade, of course... ;)


I can NOT believe we pulled it off. The inmates own the asylum.



Now, let's have some fun with the place... :idea:





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Thank you so much for saving this forum.

For those of us who are curious, could someone share the high level details on the upgrade, such as "before we were running version x.y which was released in year zzzz, but now we are running version w.z, which was released " ?

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What Dave and Jim have done is amazing, the only credit I actually deserve is being a cheerleader while watching them work their magic :)


And big props to Future Music, too. They could have just let this whole thing die, but instead, they did the right thing. Wow.


I'll be resurrecting the Sound, Studio, and Stage forum, free of the constraints it's had to deal with over the years at GC and Gibson. We're gonna have fun!!!

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Thanks to all involved!!!


One "problem" I'm having with the new forum is that posts aren't showing as unread for me. It used to have the folder colored when there were posts in the thread I had not read, and clicking on the title took me to the first unread post. Now, everything is being shown as read and clicking on the thread takes me to the first post.


What did I break now??? :pop:

"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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Thanks so much for keeping the vibe and environment so familiar. I mean, it"s still our clubhouse! These days, that is a very big deal.


Well done, each and every one!!


Here for the gear.

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As a latecomer, I am very grateful for all the wit, wisdom and knowledge I have absorbed by being here. Some of my best and latest equipment was thoroughly researched on this site, without which I never would have been able to buy what I wanted.


I see the extent of elbow grease involved in the founding, nurturing and now the migration, even though I know very little of the previous challenges.


Congratulations to all of you and all of us!





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Knowing a bit about servers and upgrades, THANK YOU db and others for the amount of work needed to do the move and upgrades. These forums are way too valuable a resource to have them disappear into the bit bucket of history.


I also don't see any "unread" marker on posts. No problem immediately (can just search by date/time).

Howard Grand|Hamm SK1-73|Kurz PC2|PC2X|PC3|PC3X|PC361; QSC K10's

HP DAW|Epi Les Paul & LP 5-str bass|iPad mini2

"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."


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Congratulation and well done with the migration.

I know the forum software might been a PITA to get working, based on experience from other forums, but so far, so good here.


Now, let see if I can get rid of that stupid Photobucket that are hosting my avatar .....

/Bjørn - old gearjunkie, still with lot of GAS
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