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SK-1 and 2 Tips, Tricks and Other Cool Stuff.


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So I downloaded the system update to usb drive and installed it. The installation was really fast and easy. It only loaded for a few seconds and didn't erase my custom presets which leaves me suspicious. No download failed message or anything. When it stopped the SK just went back into play mode. I believe I was only updating from 8.3 but still expected a much longer load time. Now when I call up system version in the menu it says mainV1621. Does this mean my system update was successful and I now have updator release 8.4? Thanks much for any help.


V1621 is the 8.4 update main system file so you are up to date. The version numbers for the other files are listed in the readme file that is part of the update zip file.

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Great. Thanks again JMcS. Although I've been able to navigate a Hammond console easily for over 45 years,sometimes the complexities of deep menu diving and online updates can be a little perplexing especially when the wording in manuals can be a little oblique. You've helped me and others many times in this thread with your knowledge of the SK/XK line and I'm sure we all appreciate your willingness to share.
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HELP! My SK1 73 has developed--overnight--distortion on all organ patches from about the G above middle C on down, getting louder and more unmusical as it descends.


I swapped cables, no change. I unplugged my Yamaha expression pedal, no change. I turned off the 'drive' and though everything was softer, the same distortion was still there.


Played my Casio through the same amp, no problem.


Can't call Hammond as they don't publish a support # on their site. Can't send them a report as they need the serial number and the axe is at the gig, waiting for me.

Doug Robinson


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  • 1 month later...

Guys, had a similar problem with my XK-1c. I called Ray and he took GREAT care of me. My replacement keyboard was on the way 1 day later. Try calling at 9am central time. I reached him several times on the phone at this time.



My Rig: Stage Piano: Korg Grandstage 73 - Organ: Hammond SKx - Amps: Motion Sound KP-500s - Mixer: Yamaha MGU10
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Guys, had a similar problem with my XK-1c. I called Ray and he took GREAT care of me. My replacement keyboard was on the way 1 day later. Try calling at 9am central time. I reached him several times on the phone at this time.




Ray has helped me out in the past as well. very responsive!


Montage 7, Mojo 61, PC-3, XK-3c Pro, Kronos 88, Hammond SK-1, Motif XF- 7, Hammond SK-2, Roland FR-1, FR-18, Hammond B3 - Blond, Hammond BV -Cherry
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I just discovered a neat trick. Forgive me if this has been posted before.


One of the big beefs against the SK2 is the lack of a second set of drawbars. What to do if you're in the middle of playing and you want to swtich to a particular registration that you do not have saved as a preset?


Well, you can use the MANUAL button.


First, turn off the DRAWBAR select button for the upper manual. Now the drawbars will not affect your current sound. Adjust the drawbars to taste. Press the DRAWBAR SELECT button for the upper manual again to activate it. Now press the MANUAL button and the SK will read the drawbar positions! This works for the lower manual, too. The same process, just use the activate the LOWER drawbar select button instead of the UPPER.



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Excellent tip Jim. I'll be using it. It's great discovering a useful feature on an instrument you've had for a couple of years.


Now,here's a question for anyone who might be in the know. Scenario is this: I want to use an old Korg rompler to trigger extra voices only on the SK2. I have called up the EX voice template which enables control of the extra voices only and still enables EVs to sound from the Sk manuals if needed. Great so far but the rompler always transmit on its global channel (1) and the SK2's extra voice template causes tthe SK EVs to sound in response to any incoming MIDI regardless of channel. So far the only way I've found to mute the EVs is to turn down their volume knob or program a EV patch with the volume turned down. This leaves the EVs totally inactive.


What I'd like to be able to do is be able to set up a patch on the SK where the rompler can sound on its own after turning up its volume control. Example: SK top manual organ SK lower manual piano. Rompler sounding its own internal voice. This while still MIDIed up to the SK. Then revert to rompler controlling SK EVs and SK being a 2 manual organ.


The sticky part comes in with the SK's EV template always responding to any MIDI signal regardless of channel. Am I missing something? There was a post here not long ago asking about the availability of a simple in line MIDI on/off switch but the the responses weren't too encouraging what with threats of stuck notes. I wouldn't be switching while sounding notes,but still... Any ideas?


Btw,I've been able to get a quite usable AP sound out of the SK by tweaking the EV eq and velocity values. The SK piano can be way better than what you hear from the factory AP patches. I like it quite a bit better than the PX5s APs. Who knew?

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Btw,I've been able to get a quite usable AP sound out of the SK by tweaking the EV eq and velocity values. The SK piano can be way better than what you hear from the factory AP patches. I like it quite a bit better than the PX5s APs. Who knew?


C'mon Pa, don't tease me like that, give us the values.


I just did a gig using my Korg arranger keyboard after using nothing but my SK1 for the last 18 months. Same speaker system and the difference in the AP was dramatic. The Korg was much better so please, I'm interested in what you did.



Hammond SK1, Mojo 61, Kurzweil PC3, Korg Pa3x, Roland FA06, Band in a Box, Real Band, Studio One, too much stuff...
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Btw,I've been able to get a quite usable AP sound out of the SK by tweaking the EV eq and velocity values. The SK piano can be way better than what you hear from the factory AP patches. I like it quite a bit better than the PX5s APs. Who knew?


Hey Pa, I'd also appreciate some more info on how you tweaked to get a better AP.



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First of all, I' amazed that anyone actually read my initial endless,wordy post.Ok,here are the tweaks I did to the stereo grand AP in the SK2. Caveat: In case you don't care for these changes I suggest you save or write down your original settings so you can always get back to where you started.


The stock AP in my SK always struck me as unresponsive and so bright as to be fizzy sounding (and I like a bright piano).

Here are the changes I made:

Control menu-velocity offset +7

Ex voice menu Lo A-0 High 8C

Vol 51 Vel 3 Exp off

EV eq ( not master eq) Bass 0, Mid 6, Treb -5

EV eq frequencies Bass 100, Mid 250, Treb 6.3 k


For me these really worked,although I must say they won't be road tested till the end of this week so I have yet to hear how they'll sit in a live mix. Don't expect Ivory os Ravenscroft like results,but I think this piano is now usable. I can say that my SK piano now sounds more full bodied and is more dynamic in its velocity response. MIDIing up a longer keyboard also makes for a more piano-like experience.




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Thanks for posting those settings, Gherkin! I'm going to try these as I rely on the SK piano when I sit in with a rock band where bringing my entire rig isn't feasible.

'57 Hammond B-3, '60 Hammond A100, Leslie 251, Leslie 330, Leslie 770, Leslie 145, Hammond PR-40

Trek II UC-1A

Alesis QSR






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I'll have to try that as well. I had someone tell me it was a bit shrill, and that should help out.


Now I just have to crack open the manual to remember how to get to those parameters.


I'm only going to use it in a band situation, so I don't need Ivory quality. I just need it to sit well in the mix.



"In the beginning, Adam had the blues, 'cause he was lonesome.

So God helped him and created woman.


Now everybody's got the blues."


Willie Dixon






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Each time I start my SK2, the volume on the drawbar sound is set to 0 on the P-presets. The user-presets have correct volume on 127.


I then have to set the volume in the drawbar menu to 127, and everything works great. The next time I turn the organ on, the volume is at 0 again.


I have tried a factory reset.


Any suggestions?

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I'm now on my second Sk1 (first was stolen). On this one, the Split mode status doesn't seem to be saved as part of a patch. So if I'm playing a sound and I hit the Split button, then change to a new patch, the new patch will still be in Split mode, even if it wasn't saved that way. Conversely, if there's a patch I want to save as a split, I have to hit the Split button after selecting that patch (unless I already had the board in Split mode when I selected it). I don't remember the old one behaving this way. Is there a way to change this? If it's mentioned in the manual, I couldn't find it.
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Each time I start my SK2, the volume on the drawbar sound is set to 0 on the P-presets. The user-presets have correct volume on 127.


I then have to set the volume in the drawbar menu to 127, and everything works great. The next time I turn the organ on, the volume is at 0 again.


I have tried a factory reset.


Any suggestions?


I had this occur after installing the last update. I don't use the factory presets so that hasn't been an issue, but all my user presets had the organ volume set to 0 so I reset them all and saved and haven't had a problem on boot-up, but all the factory presets come up volume 0.

Gig keys: Hammond SKpro, Korg Vox Continental, Crumar Mojo 61, Crumar Mojo Pedals


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Reposting here...any help appreciated. Thanks

Has anyone experienced this problem and can you suggest anything to correct it. My SK1 powers up and seem fully functional, all LEDs light up, the Display is active, the USB can read a flash drive, the menu's are accessible, but I get no sound output from L/R/or Phones jacks. It worked fine one night, the next day, nothing. The last time it worked it was hooked up through MIDI with a Yamaha ES6. Any help greatly appreciated
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Also reposted... thanks

Does anyone have experience with component level repair on motherboard. Does anyone have a schematic of the motherboard, the drawbar board, and the control board. Hammond does not have these available on they're web site and no authorized repair shop within 200 miles of my house. They only do board level replacement only and want more than $600 for the motherboard and $65/hr to repair it. No commitment on hours needed. And it will cost me about $120 round trip to send it to Illinois to Hammond. I'm not very happy with the options they're offering so Im exploring repairing the unit myself. A schematic would help in a big way.
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  • 1 month later...

I've just joined the SK1-73 club. Though I've loaded up the 'Big 50' set of sounds from Hammond, and have started into the manuals / tutorials, I could use a little quick, 'shortcut' advice for stage.

As I'd been interested in trying out the Jim Alfredson drawbar settings, I used the 1954 B2 Program (which has a 122 Leslie chosen, IIRC) on the SK's maiden voyage last night - a classic rock gig. Turned out not to be the best sound choice; the band members stated that the SK1 sounded rather 'underpowered', and kind of wimpy - even at a variety of drawbar settings - including 888888888.

So I'm seeking preamp / Leslie settings that are better suited to a rock gig. Granted that's something I'd eventually figure out, but I'd value the input of those here with established SK experience.

'Someday, we'll look back on these days and laugh; likely a maniacal laugh from our padded cells, but a laugh nonetheless' - Mr. Boffo.


We need a barfing cat emoticon!








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I've just joined the SK1-73 club. Though I've loaded up the 'Big 50' set of sounds from Hammond, and have started into the manuals / tutorials, I could use a little quick, 'shortcut' advice for stage.

As I'd been interested in trying out the Jim Alfredson drawbar settings, I used the 1954 B2 Program (which has a 122 Leslie chosen, IIRC) on the SK's maiden voyage last night - a classic rock gig. Turned out not to be the best sound choice; the band members stated that the SK1 sounded rather 'underpowered', and kind of wimpy - even at a variety of drawbar settings - including 888888888.

So I'm seeking preamp / Leslie settings that are better suited to a rock gig. Granted that's something I'd eventually figure out, but I'd value the input of those here with established SK experience.


A few things, try adjusting the EQ to get more mid and lower's to beef up the raw tone, as well as set the LPF on the percussion lower to take the high end sting out of the perc' .Also experiment with different Leslie's , I believe theirs one set up for Rock. Also, I as many others do , prefer the EP Amp setting on the Overdrive , dial that in and see how it goes.

I personally go through a tube driven speakeasy pre amp , I can get some gnarly growl or just a bit of warmth.

What speaker / amp are you running through ? That makes a considerable difference .

"Ive been playing Hammond since long before anybody paid me to play one, I didn't do it to be cool, I didnt do it to make a statement......I just liked it "


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I've just joined the SK1-73 club. Though I've loaded up the 'Big 50' set of sounds from Hammond, and have started into the manuals / tutorials, I could use a little quick, 'shortcut' advice for stage.

As I'd been interested in trying out the Jim Alfredson drawbar settings, I used the 1954 B2 Program (which has a 122 Leslie chosen, IIRC) on the SK's maiden voyage last night - a classic rock gig. Turned out not to be the best sound choice; the band members stated that the SK1 sounded rather 'underpowered', and kind of wimpy - even at a variety of drawbar settings - including 888888888.

So I'm seeking preamp / Leslie settings that are better suited to a rock gig. Granted that's something I'd eventually figure out, but I'd value the input of those here with established SK experience.


A few things, try adjusting the EQ to get more mid and lower's to beef up the raw tone, as well as set the LPF on the percussion lower to take the high end sting out of the perc' .Also experiment with different Leslie's , I believe theirs one set up for Rock. Also, I as many others do , prefer the EP Amp setting on the Overdrive , dial that in and see how it goes.

I personally go through a tube driven speakeasy pre amp , I can get some gnarly growl or just a bit of warmth.

What speaker / amp are you running through ? That makes a considerable difference .


Thanks for the helpful suggestions ! I usually submix through a basic Yamaha stage mixer (which goes to the FOH), then take the monitor send to my DXR12 powered cabinet. So no Leslie or specialized preamp, yet..



'Someday, we'll look back on these days and laugh; likely a maniacal laugh from our padded cells, but a laugh nonetheless' - Mr. Boffo.


We need a barfing cat emoticon!








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Turned out not to be the best sound choice; the band members stated that the SK1 sounded rather 'underpowered', and kind of wimpy - even at a variety of drawbar settings - including 888888888.


It's simply the nature of the beast. I owned a SK1 for a while and it never delivered the sounds I looked for, no matter how deep I dived into the menu and no matter which parameters I tried to adjust. No ill will intended. But fat rock organ sounds aren't the strong points of the SK1/2 in my opinion. Finally I sold it and got a UHL X3 instead. Problem solved.






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Actually, fat organ sounds can be easily had with the SK.


For Jim's sound, I had to boost up the level of the patch itself. His EQ setting is flat with a big dip in the mids (if I recall correctly). Go to the EQ menu, the 1st parameter is the drawbar level. Bump that up. Mine is around +7. I left the bass and treble flat and the mid is set at -4.


Jims sound is pretty clean, more of a jazz sound. It's not my go to rock tone, I have a couple other programs for that that are hotter level wise and with added overdrive. (I like the EP amp for over drive, it's a little smoother than the other types.) What you do with the Leslie parameters can also help get that big fat sound.



Live: Korg Kronos 2 88, Nord Electro 5d Nord Lead A1

Toys: Roland FA08, Novation Ultranova, Moog LP, Roland SP-404SX, Roland JX10,Emu MK6



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Actually, fat organ sounds can be easily had with the SK.


Interesting. I never managed to make the SK1 meet my expectations. Maybe it was just me. But I know quite a few players who had exactly the same problem with the SK1/2 as the OP described above. Never mind! These days organ players have more good clonewheel choices than ever before. "So Hedge therefore, Who Join Forever ..."






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Actually, fat organ sounds can be easily had with the SK.


Interesting. I never managed to make the SK1 meet my expectations. Maybe it was just me. But I know quite a few players who had exactly the same problem with the SK1/2 as the OP described above. Never mind! These days organ players have more good clonewheel choices than ever before. "So Hedge therefore, Who Join Forever ..."




I have no problem getting big rock sounds from the SK2. Certainly wouldn't say that wimpiness is "the nature of the beast." Vent helps but is really not mandatory. Check out this Youtube link from Italy.


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