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So whaddya get?


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I bought my wife the 2008 Genesis box set thanks to opinions from some of you guys. Can't wait until I ...I mean she gets home to hear it.


Hmmm, reminds me of the time I bought my wife 5 Eric Dolphy albums for her birthday. She likes Dolphy, but it was really because I wanted them. I've learned a bit more about generosity since then. :-)

Turn up the speaker

Hop, flop, squawk

It's a keeper

-Captain Beefheart, Ice Cream for Crow

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The family bought me WideSpread Panic at Austin City Limits/Rush SnakesnArrows dvds, CheapTrick at Budokan 30th anniversary dvd/cd, Widespread Panic at Carbondale 2000 and GnR Chinese Democracy cds.


Got my wife a new fleece and tickets to Dirty Dancing the Musical; college son got a new winter coat, Call of Duty World At War for 360, and a ski trip with his buddy next week; youngest son got a fish eye lense for his movie camera, an iPod shuffle for when he's extreme skating (teeny weeny, but the strongest clip ever, and small enough that when he crash-n-burns it doesn't implode/explode) and some crazy Nikes from China and some clothes. This was the most economical/low budget Christmas we ever did, but it was great....we sat and watched all 5 Harry Potter movies in 3 days together, and just hung out. I was on vacation all week, so we got to spend a lot of time together. PERFECT.


I'm gigging tonite (with a new band, first time, huge club) and tomorrow (with the Ritalin Brothers) so I'm very excited.


Hope your holidays were as good as mine!


Hitting "Play" does NOT constitute live performance. -Me.
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It was a good Christmas for everyone in our house as well, but my real present arrived several weeks back, when I bought SK's QSC/Accugroove rig. (My wife's present to me was graciously agreeing not to call me an idiot for spending a hefty chunk of change on gear for which I really have no current need since I'm not playing in a gigging band at the moment.) ;) That said, I've got a reunion gig with my last band coming up in February, and I'm working to put together a new band (comprised of one member from each of my last three groups -- sort of my own personal "super-group" based on both musicianship and, more importantly, personalities), so I'm hoping to put the QSC and AGs to good use in due course. In the meantime, yesterday, my wife (lovely lady that she is) gave me an SKB 4-space rack to hold my QSC and my Furman power conditioner. Now, I just need to fill that last rack space! I'm considering a 1U graphic EQ like the dbx 215, but I'm open to other suggestions . . . .


All the best,


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Let's see, I got:

1970-75 Genesis Boxset

Steve Hackett "Please Don't Touch" CD


Clothes, etc.


Got my Wife some perfume & a watch, among other things.

14 year old is big into Twilight, so she got a few related articles, plus an avalanche of clothes & giftcards.

11 year old got her DS games & a few DVD's, including Iron Man.

The family gift this year was a Wii, Fit & Call of Duty with the Zapper! (actually, C Of D was for me, I like shooting stuff, virtually).


We had the Wii over at my parents yesterday, and everyone got a big kick out of it. My 11 year old kicked my dad's ass at baseball.

A great day.


What we record in life, echoes in eternity.


MOXF8, Electro 6D, XK1c, Motif XSr, PEKPER, Voyager, Univox MiniKorg.


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I played with the worship band at our church's 11pm service last night. We played a blazing rendition of Trans-Siberian Orchestra's "Christmas Eve in Sarajevo" for a prelude ...


That says something about your Worship team if you pulled that piece off- wow! Did the MD transcribe it or did you find a score of it (& if so where)?


We used a score that came from a songbook with stuff from TSO's "Christmas Eve and Other Stories". The pianist and drummer (a father & son duo)knew the piece...we added bass guitar, synth (me) and a cellist who our MD met at the grocery store about a week earlier. No electric guitar, although I used an Oberheim patch that buzzed things up a bit. The drummer added a little swing to it which worked surprisingly well. The congregation applauded politely but the pastor and sound guy said it was the best prelude they'd hear in our church's 11 year history.




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Not a lot. The turkeys were sold out. ! First time in history no turkey. But my daughter's here and we had a great time faking christmas dinner.


I'm into luxury linens so that's what my kids got, too...Egyptian cotton, nothing quite like it.

"........! Try to make It..REAL! compared to what? ! ! ! " - BOPBEEPER
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The wife and I just did stocking stuffers this year. I wanted a copy of GONZO the new Hunter Thompsen DVD that I rented and must have. She probably couldn't find it! I may get that for myself.



 CP-50, YC 73,  FP-80, PX5-S, NE-5d61, Kurzweil SP6, XK-3, CX-3, Hammond XK-3, Yamaha YUX Upright, '66 B3/Leslie 145/122

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Around here I gave my girlfriend an Ipod Classic so we can get her whole music library on it. I am having to clean her CD's with Brasso because she just throws them around and most of them were skipping. I got cloths, shoes and smell good stuff which I needed.


BUT my present to myself was a Presonus Firebox so I can record 8 tracks simultaneously (off Craigs list)which came with Cubase LE. I am thinking of switching to Cubase. Will I be happy with LE or do I need to purchase the upgrade?



Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others. Groucho




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Omnisphere was the music thing this year. The install/authorization went perfectly. I knew I'd love it. Very useful VI. Looking forward to working tomorrow.


I installed last night, took about 5hrs. Stayed up till 1:30 playing the presets.

Very interesting textures, and soooo clean.

Looks like I'm going to need some more ram & perhaps a CPU upgrade though, some sounds are pushing a 50% CPU usage.

Very happy with it though.

What we record in life, echoes in eternity.


MOXF8, Electro 6D, XK1c, Motif XSr, PEKPER, Voyager, Univox MiniKorg.


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Will I be happy with LE or do I need to purchase the upgrade?


I'd use it for awhile and see how you like it. My last upgrade was to SX3, and it has tonnes of stuff I haven't used yet. The only way I might upgrade is if I get a Motif Rack XS. Cubase 4 has the ability to see the Motif as a VSTi, so you can open up all your patches & the editor right in Cubases' arrange window, pretty cool.

What we record in life, echoes in eternity.


MOXF8, Electro 6D, XK1c, Motif XSr, PEKPER, Voyager, Univox MiniKorg.


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I got some socks.


We prepared a nice Christmas dinner for my sisters & brothers, nieces and nephews, mother-in-law, sister-in-law, & step-mother (13 adults and six kids total). I made a killer roast leg of lamb, brussels sprouts with bacon, mashed potatos, one of my sisters brought a cauliflower goat-cheese gratin dish that was yummy yummy, a nice green bean dish from my mother-in-law, and various other nice side dishes.


The children got some nice gifts from their aunts and uncles and grandmas, which is good because we didn't have a whole lot to spend this year on gifts for our two girls.

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Since I already have everything, I give more than receive. The smiling faces are priceless. :)


More importantly, X-mas dinner was off the hook. :thu:


The positive spirit of the season and being able to bring joy to others makes it worthwhile to me. :cool:



"The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return."--E. Ahbez "Nature Boy"

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Gave (3 girls): American Girl doll ($$!!!?!?!), iPod nano, bath robes, gloves/scarves/hats, metric ton of Princess stuff for the 4-year old...that's where it starts to get hazy. There was a lot of pink...fruffy...tassly...tea-party-ishly...thingies everywhere. Frank Lucas' wife sent home 3 'snowballs' (bouncy balls that have 'snow' in them - thanks!) Trip to IN to see cousins for New Year (leaving Monday).


The wife and I: ...should have a new (to us) 4x4 Suburban when we return from Indy-Anna. For Christmas, we saved our money for the new house (coming Q1-Q2 of next year!)


Got: All of Christmas afternoon uninterrupted to rewire / re-do my studio/office/game room (worth the price of admission! :thu:), xD card for saving PC3X data, Incase power slider for my 3G, and some socks.


Pics of socks and studio will hopefully follow tomorrow...



Main stuff: Yamaha CP88 | Korg Kronos 2 73 | Kurzweil Forte 7 | 1898 Steinway I

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kanker, what did you get your brother?
He's learning guitar (wants to lower his pretty considerable IQ by quite a bit without having to smoke pot I guess), so I got him some guitar stuff. He used to play piano and bass, so he has a strong grasp on music, but he's just getting back into it.


Buy him a banjo for his birthday.

Burt Johnson: I don't drink because drinking affects your decision making.

Arthur: You may be right. I can't decide.

Kurzweil Artis 7, SP4-7, SP2, Excelsior accordion, M-Audio ProjectMix I/O

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