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About mcgoo

  • Birthday 11/30/1999


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  1. So... installed the Midi Translator Pro demo, watched the 1st 2 tutorials and then programmed a couple translators to turn on & off the Upper C/V. Once I figured out how to do that, I knew this was going to work. Purchased, installed the full version, finished setting up the SKX as a controller for B-3X in Cakewalk. Very cool. Thanks again @D. Gauss for the recommendation!
  2. Wow. That looks like it should do exactly what I want. I was kinda hoping someone would tell me to enable something in some hidden file in CW, but this should work. Thanks!
  3. I tried asking this at the Cakewalk forum, but to no avail. I'm trying to use a Hammond SKX to control the B-3X in Cakewalk. The B-3X's SK profile works great if I use it in Gig Performer, but I only want to use the SKX to control B-3X when recording. In CW, it doesn't work. The SKX sends NPRNs and how CW interprets those messages appears to be the problem. For example, in GP, hitting the SKX's Upper Manual C/V on switch sends this message: CC99 Non-registered Parameter (coarse): 2 channel 1 CC98 Non-registered Parameter (fine): 9 channel 1 CC6 Data Entry (coarse): 1 channel 1 CW shows the message this way: Ch:1, Kind: NRPN, Data: MIDI CC 0|111 Any ideas / solutions / work-arounds? thanks, greg
  4. This hits home for me, because this is how I make my living. Already, custom music in the corporate world has been significantly hurt by the plethora of "good enough" library music that is dirt cheap. Biggest advantage I have over needledrop is that I can write to follow a story, and change moods on a dime, which library music can't do so well. But if AI will be able to quickly generate music that can follow a story, stay out of the way of dialog and create the right mood at the right time, well, that could make what I do a harder sell.
  5. If I could have a tenth of her talent and a tenth of her stage presence, I would be 10 times the performer I am now. She's pretty bada$$ in my book.
  6. Shame on the music director for making you work that hard to figure out what he/she wants. I'm the MD at my church. I don't use Planning Center because I've never seen the need. I post a pdf book of the charts and provide mp3s of the recordings (CCLI Rehearsal License covers that) in a shared Dropbox Folder. I've thought about sending out a Spotify Playlist, but then I wouldn't be able to share edited versions of the songs. I frequently edit recordings because they're insanely long. I also post transposed versions of the songs since much of the music gets transposed. So for me, a shared Dropbox with mp3s seems to work better.
  7. I think a lot of folks are evaluating it on the basis of what it isn't... a ROMpler. Assuming you already have the V-Collection, it seems like it could be a really good top keyboard in a 2 kbd rig for someone doing a pop gig. Or, pair it with something like a Nord Electro, and you've got a decent rig for a Pink Floyd tribute band.
  8. I'm running out of room in my studio, and I really don't need these because I've got the PolyBrute, but I may have to make room for some or all of the sound force controllers.
  9. I'm not sure if it's a culture thing, but the thing that struck me from the OP is, what church doesn't have a piano? That's not a criticism, just a bewildered observation! Congrats on your niece's wedding and kudos to you for helping to make it special.
  10. I'd recommend giving the PolyBrute another look. The layout has never felt crowded or crammed to me. The 1st time I sat down in front of it I spent 20-30 getting lost in sonic exploration. I went thru only 2 actual patches because I spent so much time tweaking. It's very inviting. The ease of assigning anything anywhere is addictive. The PB Connection software is very cool and makes managing patches a breeze. There are excellent tutorials to help you get started. 3 years later I can still get lost in tweaking nirvana, but I can also reach for it and quickly dial up what's in my head. My two cents, because you asked!
  11. Oh. Never mind.... b*tch. 😜
  12. I brought the church's RD-800 home once to do some programming on it. As I was schlepping that thing upstairs to my studio, I remember thinking "there's no fricking way I'd gig this board!" With the advent of nice feeling 88 note boards that weigh 30 lbs, coupled with a Laptop / NUC / tablet, I see little reason to break my back these days.
  13. Yeah, it all seems a bit like the Y2k panic. Let's hope it's nothing more than that!
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