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About techristian

  • Birthday 08/24/1955


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    music and video production /computing
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  1. My wife had a Samsung phone. Never again because Samsung has a software layer ON TOP of Android which can further complicate things. On top of that Samsung has redundant apps which Google also has. You can't remove or disable the Samsung apps, this using up extra resources. Dan
  2. Android phone apps are like WHACKAMO. Every time I get used to the system Google moves things around again! I can't find MY photos. They want me to upload everything to THEIR servers and then charge me. Is it the same with Apple I Phones ? Dan
  3. And it may sound a bit stupid, but you CAN'T run as administrator when you right click the ICON on the TASKBAR. This is part of what tripped me up. Like I said, I must ALWAYS be admin on my other computer because I never have to worry about this. This is first time in a long time running X3 on this computer. Dan
  4. Once again Sonar won't work on this computer??? I don't know how many times I needed to re-install this program. I never had it on CD. It was a digital download / upgrade directly from Cakewalk /Twelve Tone Systems I have just reinstalled it and still the same problem, There used to be a thing that I had to run as administrator. My BAD . ADMINISTRATOR THING AGAIN. I don't have this problem on my other computer. Dan
  5. https://synthanatomy.com/2024/06/moog-music-closes-the-factory-store-in-asheville.html Dan
  6. A little article to get your blood boiling a bit. https://www.musicradar.com/news/spotify-ceo-content-zero Dan
  7. Sam Ash is closing after 100 years, so you have a month before they close to get some steals! Dan I read 1 month in some places but NYT says "End of July" https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/03/business/sam-ash-music-closing-stores.html
  8. One thing I must say about this "new AI music" is that it all sounds like cookie cutter music. The POP today all has that same feel, as far as I'm concerned. I'm sure that if this had been dropped into the late 60's we would have never heard anything as innovative as "Whole Lotta Love" and "Aqualung" and many more experimental songs that tried a new direction of innovation, or in the 90's with "Alternative" style. That also would have never happened. NEVER. Nevertheless, corporations look at the bottom line and this will be attractive to them. Dan
  9. WILL AI PUT BILLIONS OUT OF WORK? https://rumble.com/v4qemp5-will-ai-put-billions-out-of-work.html DAN
  10. I knew that he died some 8 years ago, but I didn't realize that it was a suicide. I had heard way back in the 90's that he had mental health problems. Why is it that some of the most creative people have "breakdowns". Are we more "sensitive" than others ? If you were to ask my wife, she would tell you that his music drove him insane, because she doesn't like fast ,busy music. I get to hear only a few ELP songs in the car before she has me switch to Beatles or Pop. I also know that LOUD VOLUME also affects the nervous system. Dan
  11. Making Great Music is More about EDITING than Composing. That is what I have seemed to learn over the years. On good days, I can pound out 5 or 6 tracks on a keyboard , BUT HOW MANY OF THEM will be in the final product? Sometimes, I even throw out the first track that started the whole process! Jamming for 2 or 3 hours may create the skeleton of a tune, but it can be up to 30 hours of editing that makes it fly. Recently a song got so "busy" that I copied a track out to start another complete composition. I admit that I'm a drummer and not really a keyboard player, but I found that EDITING is the most important. I have also found that sometimes, breaking melodic "rules" helps. Dan
  12. Remember DVORAK VS QWERTY ? or Beta VS VHS ? Whatever becomes the established system will dominate. It doesn't matter which one is better. As someone who wrote a bit of MIDI software, I don't want a whole bunch of new things to implement in my software. Dan
  13. We are all getting older. I turned 68 a few months ago. Some of us live to 100 and others only the 70's. I have a few of her albums. She was younger than I expected. RIP MELANIE Dan
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