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Everything posted by J.F.N.

  1. Hence the Amazon plastic eggholder I sent ya, cut the "lid" off, attach the remaining "bottom" egg holder to whatever type of clamp that works on to your stand. No idea what stand you use but I am sure you have a clue about how you could attach something to it, like this one:
  2. Running on Android, so you could watch YouTube when bored... 🤣
  3. I have used it back and forth when needed, on iPad, super convenient app!
  4. The world needs more FPGA based hardware synths, where tons of stuff going on at the same time is not a problem!
  5. It's interesting how their marketing trick calling it a "stage keyboard" is uncritically received everywhere, loads of posts all over the internet about how this must be a great live/stage/band/whatnot keyboard, by people who are not players... I love the concept, VIs in a hardware unit, a wet dream from the dawn of VIs, but the packaging here with AstroLab feels like a total hit and miss for their intended target group. I can see this as a great noodling machine for a home studio and for inspiration when composing or when starting to sketch on an arrangement for a pop song, but that's it! Let's give it an incarnation or three, or see if NI is picking up on this, they already have the parts, Software, Keyboard, and the brain in Machine+.
  6. Yes, I saw that, then the singer gave me a note 2 minutes before we went on stage, with a new playlist...
  7. And then "shake your money maker..."
  8. A tiny keyhole window, no numeric keypad for selecting patches, and very odd design with the parameter buttons and knobs on the right side of the top plate? Not designed for live work clearly.
  9. Oh man, I've spent almost 2 decades of my life in that backwards country.. I could tell you why, probably, the things mentioned have been overlooked... but I'm just laughing here, I think this will be a perfect noodling machine for home studio and song writing usage...
  10. Who designed the user interface? A tiny keyhole window, no numeric keypad for selecting patches, and very odd design with the parameter buttons and knobs on the right side of the top plate?
  11. My friend never had any direct breakdown of the app, he just isn't overly impressed with how it is designed and works...
  12. They have announced long time ago that they one day will release a DAW, based on my experience with anything software from them so far (companion apps for synths, drum machines, and mixers) they definitely will have to prove that they can manage software before I'd even touch any type of production workflow software from them. They're great on hardware these days, love my DM12, and one of my friends run their digital app controlled mixer with his band live and is super happy with it too, (well, except the control software for that mixer), so yeah, who ever wrote that plugin, makes no difference, it will not come close to any of my computers...
  13. https://www.amazon.com/Joyeee-Waterproof-Shockproof-Shatterproof-Refrigerator/dp/B0C7PYRXKS/ref=mp_s_a_1_1
  14. A pair of these puppies on incoming: https://www.kaliaudio.com/lp-unf
  15. FM : "Frequency Modulation... " https://youtu.be/6esDuNzeSaI?si=MS_UE9idKYpAd5Tr
  16. That sounds an awful lot of FM to me!
  17. Yeah, that type of button material is really crap, same on my Nektar P1 as well, at least Nektar had the good taste of sending out replacement knobs for free, even though I bought it used... Both of these units will end up on Reverb at some point, never use them.
  18. Unfortunately not a firmware update for Beatstep Pro, such a great concept but unfortunately seems to have turned into abandonware.
  19. Seen them on eBay for $300... "vintage" 🤣
  20. I have no clue about the UK shipping process and cost, just reacted on the price and condition of it, seem to be good raw material for an eventual solution to your problem.
  21. There is one in Spain: https://es.wallapop.com/item/teclado-controlador-midi-roland-a800pro-988159588 If you want to pursue it, I am friends with the owner of the Jazz Club in Girona (I used to live there) who I am sure would assist if needed. DM if you want to talk about it. (I am thinking this unit could be purchased and sent to the UK from Spain if you can't find one there.)
  22. I have memories of 3 in the morning, lifting my Leslie (760 solid state) all on my own out of the van up on the loading pier, where the elevator was, at the rehearsal space building.. (there was no ramp from the parking up to the pier). I have no idea how that was even physically possible, but I was in my early 20's and obviously saw myself as immortal, close to superman..
  23. I am in the market for a second KW too within the coming months, got a PC3 76 that I plan to leave in the rehearsal space, and get another KW for home/studio. My first thought was also the 2700, but after consulting KWs comparison table, and understanding that the PC4 uses a later version of the Medeli keybed found in the SP4-7, that I also had before but sold because of the keybed, I have finally settled on a Forte instead, check the specs, see what ticks your boxes. https://kurzweil.com/2021/09/02/comparison-chart-workstations/
  24. Today, replaced by mobile phone camera 🤣
  25. That's what gave Dave Smith the advantage leading to enormous success back in the days! 😍
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