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Everything posted by J.F.N.

  1. Oohhh that's a very sexy little box!!! Config app Mac/Win only, right?
  2. Lovely, that's 724€ in my situation (VAT registered company in another EU country). Though my next planned purchase is a Mac Mini M1 16GB (used) to set up a proper DAW for composition.
  3. Loopy Pro has a midi router grid like the one in AUM too?
  4. Started fiddling with this today, connected one of the interfaces to the iPad, showed up in AUM as 16x16 ports, as it should, then connected MIDI In on my DM12D to one of the ports, renamed that port to Deepmind 12D, and with a simple finger click in AUM my keyboard was routed to it. I love this, sure, it's not rocket science but I just saved a lot of hundreds of euros in not needing to buy the MRCC to get the MIDI in my Lab under intuitive instant control! This will be fabulous once the rest of the HW is connected too. Got some structural planning to do before going on with that. 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
  5. Could be that the Norwegian price included VAT, and then you're right on the spot... I didn't see that price myself (one has to login and I can't be bothered creating an account). From Gearnews about the Norway leak: "Price of Moog Muse was listed as 47380 kroner which translates to around $4300 USD. No word yet on availability." As it's a reseller I assume the price would be displayed including VAT, but I don't have the facts here...
  6. I remember them from Moog Rogue, owned one for a couple of months, ended up selling it as there was no way for me to have a synth without presets in my rig at the time, I just got it for a good price and couldn't resist it...
  7. Now we're talking, no need for Rocco's jeans here now (in the fairy dust thread)... 🤣🤣🤣
  8. They probably have a HUGE stock of those lying around... As long as it feels good for the eyes when working with the machine I'm okay, ,don't give me white or the kind of flash blue that you can get in many a LCDs, they hurt.. I have that in my Argon8m, not happy about it...
  9. Can you buy that as a pedal for a Korg digital CX3 (2005), Nord Electro 2(2008) or a Roland VR09(2013) ?
  10. I really love the product this thread started about, I have absolutly no need for it atm, but I want one still.. hahaha! (Not buying it now, but if I find the sliiiiightest need, I'll source one right away..). (I am a midiholic.. I usually say, Music is my Passion - Midi is my #1 Hobby!)
  11. GAAAAAAS!!!! It sounds soooo bloody great, I might grab one kb and one of these just for the h of it...
  12. Do I get a harder boner if I use the same jeans as Rocco?
  13. Apparently around $4000, saw a post from someone in Norway who had seen it listed in an online store there, with price.
  14. It's getting even worse when it's about plugins... "Buy this bundle get the sound of this and that producer/engineer"... Seriously...!!
  15. Ime analog synths may sound different from one to another, I have owned three Juno 60s in my life and they all had different characteristics... May have been mileage, it's possible they all sounded the same new from the factory back when they were introduced...
  16. Look at his catalogue today, what we are going to see come alive bit by bit, many subtractive synths are in the making, one more or less... Though it would have been more interesting with a "Super Jupiter" from Behringer, covering the entire span...
  17. And clonekeys.. Crumar Hapi 61 🤣
  18. I keep my hope up for Uli, 16 voices is a lot more than 6!!
  19. I will never buy any old junk, with one exception, I could imagine a Jupiter 6 if in good condition and not priced like one or two good months salary before tax, but only because there are no options, I am still hoping that Uli will take care of this and deliver us a Jupiter 6 with 16 voices one day! (Jupiter 8 is heavily overrated imnsfho)
  20. It's like with AI, it won't make magic without a human feeding it... The fairy dust, is our creativity!
  21. The thing I really like with this model is that it's very far from clean and perfect, I would call it "organic" it's "alive".
  22. Agree, as I said before, with these M architecture iPads theres lots of headroom for more voices indeed. Let's hope at some point KORG release an updates Module version, it seems at least they still release libraries for it. And regarding Gadget, that's kind of a host, not available in AUv3, right?
  23. Did you try fiddling with the velocity curve (press misc button) ?
  24. Though she's fake, not Spanish, she's Swedish (just like me 🙃)...
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