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To B3

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About To B3

  • Birthday 02/17/1978


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  1. Big fan of your videos! I´m always rewatching them! Thanks for the contribution! The Lex seems fantastic, but it´s very rare here in Brazil, and that one that I mentioned is already sold :(. Guess it´s about the Lester now. In one of your videos, I saw that you used the Lex with the VB3m, an organ plugin that I love. How did it cmpared to the sim on the VB3m? One other curiosity, does the Nux sounded that bad to you? It´s everywhere here and at a good price. Exactly the same board tha I have! How does the CX3 internal sim and especially overdrive compare to the Lester? I think the main problem of the CX3 is the overdrive, very, very digital. With some editing, I achieved a good simulation in terms of movement on the internal leslie. Would love to hear more, if possiblem about that chorus-y impression that I got with the Lester´s slow speed. If you have some videos too, woul be great!
  2. Thanks for all the inputs so far, guys! Gonna read and watch all the videos with atention, Meanwhile, for all the Lester K people: does the slow speed sound chorus-y like on the videos? Have to say that it bothered me very much 😫 By chorus, I mean the guitar effect, not the hammond chorus.
  3. I imagine the Vent is superior, but the price difference is too much for me. Main thing ´dd like to know is how the Lester and the Lex behaves compared to the overdrive and leslie sims of my clones, that are older or more entry level. Especially the 2000s Korg CX3, that lacks the most IMO on that department.
  4. Thanks for the answers so far! One thing I always read about the Lester K is the lack of volume. Is it really an issue? Another thing I perceived from the vdeos is that, on slow, it sounds more like a chorus pedal. Real or just perception? What about overdrive?
  5. Would like to know specifically to those who experienced those pedals: is the Lester K and the Lex mk1 too far from the staple leslie sim, the Ventilator? The situation: I´d like to improve the leslie sim and overdrive of my older clones, a Korg digital CX3 (2005), a Nord Electro 2(2008) and a Roland VR09(2013). Dont have the money to buy a new clone, so a leslie sim seem the right choice. As I live in Brazil, the hardware leslie sims within my reach price wise are some new Lester K and some used Strymon Lex Mk1 that show up form time to time. Ventilator or Burn is out of my reach definetly. Questions are: how much of an improvement are those pedals from the internal sims of the aforementioned clones and specially, from the Ventilator (any model)? Overdrive and air movement are important. I can´t test any of them in person, would have to jump it blind sighted. Watched may, many youtube demos and comparisons, but I´d love to know for real the real experiences. Is it worth it to bite the bullet and get one of those "lesser" spoken leslie sims or only the ventilator is the answer? My main references organ style are Gregg Rollie, Gregg Allman, Ian McLagan, Billy Preston. So, blues, rock, funk, overdrive, air movement sensation, are all important. Thanks in advance.
  6. What´s that wurlitzer from dexibel?
  7. Love the Vb3m, although I still dont use it live (still a hardware guy, but i´m trying to change). What are you using as conections, both as audio and midi?
  8. My band got invited to do a residency on our local Hard Rock Cafe (I live in Curitiba, a large city of about 2mi habitants in southern Brazil). We are a 3 piece trio that plays groovy blues-rock in the vein of Lachy Doley, lots of organ (clonewheel), bass/vox and drums. To be honest, the gig landed on our laps, as the Hard Rock Cafe vibe never appealed to us. But it´s going surprinsingly well. Thing is, the obligations are curious: electronic drums (the main thing we thought that would not work, but it´s working), all in ears monitoring, no amps on stage, very strict time on our sets, things like that. Oh, and we got paid about a month and a half after the gigs (crazy). The audience are basically tourists (my city is very touristic) and always a full and receptive house (another surprise to us, as we are very experimental and psychedelic sometimes, in contrast to the top 40 kind of sound that is more common there); Never liked in ear monitoring, but I´m getting used from that experience LOL; From that scenario, I would love to know more about the other members´experiences on your local Hard Rock Cafes. Similarities, differences, things you like, things you don´t like, curiosities, as we are starting to navigate that path. Anyone would like to contribute?
  9. I like the Koch-Marshall trio for a more rockn roll aproach of the format: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RUC0gao4-Xs And some trios from my homeland of Brazil are very good too. Hammond Grooves: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZcMQnQkFeE Du Rompa Hammond Trio: And Hammatrio: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nUZOhemHrjk
  10. Love Lachy, but that Gary Moore vibe on the clav (both in the lead guitar type playing and harmony/melody) does not make it for me. The last album in general is miles behind his older material, IMHO. All in all, great performer with very good original songs and catalog. Hope to see him live someday.
  11. So, no using it as a standalone app? Like I do with the Vb3m? If it´s that the case, bummer.
  12. About the GSi Rotary, anybody can confirm if it can be used as standalone too, meaning that my ipad turns into a leslie sim pedal? Or just as a plugin within another DAW type app?
  13. Gov´t Mule´s version is a great example of that song without horns: Gov´t MUle What Is Hip
  14. I´m thinking to do just that, but I´d like to know some things first... Has anyone tried to pair the GSi Rotary with a Roland VR09 and had any success to assign via MIDI learn the fast/slow controls to the mod lever or the sustain pedal? Or you with the VR09, you´re confined to the on screen controls? Can I use the app with just a MIDI cable or USB plugged on the keyboard, using the line out of the ipad? Or do I need to use an audio interface, take a line out from the keyboard to the interface/ipad and then, another cable from the interface to my amp or mixer (like I would do if it was a pedal)?
  15. Any luck in using it with the Roland VR-09? Would like to know if anybody used the VR-09 to control the GSi Rotary on the iPad... Are the fast/slow controls of the app assignable to physical controls of the keyboard?
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