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Everything posted by J.F.N.

  1. Hopefully they are porting all their software to run on the same platform, now it seems to be split out on Intel and ARM (Kronus/Nautilus, and the rest), and building a NEW BIG FAT platform with NOT 2 minutes start up time..
  2. It became obvious here, "I verify my Jupiter and Fantom are both set to the same control channel. ", where this was going.
  3. Here's a test I just did... The noises start already in the third octave... 20240724_201902.m4a
  4. Yes, you could indeed have a ready trained AI running locally in some context, that is actually a very good point. It would be limited and very specific indeed, which no matter what would be the case if it sits in a hardware machine.
  5. Swedish Television 1980, Damn! Loads of gear... Seeing the Yamaha CP there, makes me think, I never gigged my CP80, it was parked in my friend's studio and luckily I never was in a situation elaborate enough to need to bring it! All the amps behind... That I recognize though... haha!
  6. If you have the Far North expansion, try the different choir pads, big block chords repeatedly played over octaves with sustain. I have an Air M1, CPU in AUM never goes above 28%.
  7. After reading about it I just grabbed both of these, definitely interesting, sat down only 20 minutes with them and a Rhodes from Korg Module, and I can already absolutely see these plugins being useful! Very tasty modulation effects, played around with chorus and delays, fat warm sounding stuff, and a bunch of Spring reverb types as well, I will dive deeper into this some evening this week. https://synthanatomy.com/2024/07/surreal-machines-goes-ios-with-dub-machines-modnetic-and-diffuse-delay-reverb.html (This video wasn't that interesting imho but here it is anyway)
  8. I've had my eyes on that Hydra Deluxe since it was released... How's the keybed? That could become my first poly AT (unless I grab the Uli UB-Xa first...).. hehe!
  9. AI in my perception is when you can instruct a machine to assist you with a non predictable or predefined assignment, without the need to provide the abstract it may need to solve this, and instead allow its machine learning system to provide this. "Make me a set of scenes with all the sounds needed to play the keyboard parts of the top 15 songs on Billboard right now." etc. Or any typr of automated tasks where analysis of abstract data in a non predictable way or context is used for AI decision making without any human interaction required.
  10. Hence my emphasis initially on "real" AI, the buzz word is indeed used in a lot of user centric simplified services (as the case also seems to be with that Samsung phone), however, this doesn't mean it's in fact AI.
  11. What I mean is, if we are talking about AI onboard, it's not going to happen as that would require a permanent network connection until the day we can fit a supercomputer into a small enough box. But yeah, a companion app solution we will probably see soon, where the AI is used in one way or the other.
  12. Yup it seems stuck indeed, and Gadget is messy imho. In my case here I simply removed this Module instance from AUM and my "Layers" channel, and replaced it with the AudioKit Nerd Synth. Since I am not (yet) doing any live shows, I am in the meantime building my possible rig options and getting familiar with these, just trying to make sure everything is solid before I sit there in a rehearsal room one day.. As I opted for Pianoteq for, I only have one Module instance left, for electric pianos, and so far this has not created any intermezzos for me during practice playing. Will att some point have a look at the Pianoteq electric pianos as well though. What buffer size are you guys normally using? I have opted for 64 samples, as this works great in the Air M1 iPad, I started at 32 to see how that worked out but some instruments seemed to have a tendency to hickup on that even though the CPU usage was nothing to talk about.
  13. Considering the fact that the board would need permanent network access in order to provide "real" AI, I doubt we will see this become reality.
  14. I tried here tonight with a couple of pad sounds from a new expansion, and I got clipping noises when doing big over several octaves chords using the sustain pedal. CPU usage still only on 25ish percent.
  15. Just had a quick sniff on that vid, this is ridiculous!
  16. Was listening to some of her work the other day to find out what it's about, wasn't really that much of a piano virtuoso on those tracks, maybe I listened to the wrong ones though...
  17. Back in the days when I was a Hohner player, I used to have the old orange MXR Phase 90 (wonder where the H that pedal ended up, it's not here, and I for sure didn't sell it...), and this one:
  18. I had a look here this morning, and indeed, there's like 4-5 notes only with a bell sound there in the middleisg which is indeed very odd, hadn't really noticed before, wonder if this is a bug or something as I can't figure out why this would be "by design" made like this? I grabbed all of the Rhodes libs a week or two ago, including the Scarbee, so I will continue experimenting when I have more time to waste on it.
  19. Ha, look the Neo Soul Keys, "25 GB (8.0 GB Lossless) Sample Library", and still imnsfho that product sounds dull...(own it but does not have it installed).
  20. Bunch of good stuff in those mentioned modules that are definitely more than good enough for live use.
  21. It's on sale right now, saw it at plugin boutique, possibly other online dealers too, not checked. I'm waiting for the iOS version before I'll swipe my card.
  22. You may end up discovering some spy radiotraffic! Sometimes my Leslie (760 Solid State) back in the 90's picked up what sounded like Russian radio, always wondered what that was about (It was in Sweden back when I was still living there...).
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