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Everything posted by J.F.N.

  1. I'm using an iPad 8G in my keyboard lab for among things practice, and sometimes the recordings (streaming) are for some reason out of pitch, guessing they used varispeed for the track which was not very uncommon, but still is utterly annoying. You guys probably have already been in this situation, and I know many of us use iPads for a bunch of things. So, anyone of you fellas out there know about some type of realtime pitch correction plugin for the audio output in iOS?
  2. Apparently they flashed the 2061 at Superbooth, though I've found really nothing new in the media so I guess they had nothing new to communicate in public yet, which feels a bit odd! I hope we get some updates soon, with no Forte 7 available anymore, they're even tough to find used, I start to get used to the idea of a K2700, or potentially the 2088... Means my Jaspers will have to be modified with new tubes (it's a 120cm wide now) no matter... 🤪
  3. Just grabbed some strings for my MPC Key 37, sounds amazing and great options for timbres and setup of the sound, unfortunately ridiculous memory hog, two instances and 70% of the RAM is gone.
  4. A collection of magazines 4-5 decades in total, that's a lot of space, easily a 3-4 tier stand full of enjoyable synths!!! (Potentially more...) 😂
  5. Just jumped the wagon, ditched Tidal and signed up for Qobuz. The playlist transfer initiated by Qobuz using a third party service worked out fast and flawlessly as well!
  6. Dang, wonder if these can be had with MIDI... 😂
  7. Arturia claims that what you need is an AstroFab "Avant-garde Stage Keyboard".
  8. Space shuttle pilots rely more on automation...
  9. I have the module version, you for sure have a lot of fun ahead of you, it's a stunning little machine!
  10. Nobody said anything about it being a bad product, I mean, cigarettes and other tobacco products are total blockbusters, and loads of people adhere to them too.. (This is the point where I'm just pulling your leg... 😂)
  11. Urban street kids stuttering angry words to a beat or a drum machine is definitely an acquired taste (and imnsbho has a very short expiry date)..
  12. I was a huge Run D.M.C. and LL Cool J fan as a youngster, now that was great stuff!!
  13. I left Spotify 3 years ago after being with them since the start as a premium from day 1 it was released, as I can't stand behind Ek and his total ignorance. I went with youtube for a while after that, as it contains both ad free videos and their music platform, but in the end I learned about the payment rates and I've been with Tidal for the last 2 years. But now after the ownership shift, and the appearance of new actors paying better to the authors I definitely will reconsider. Thanks for the information!
  14. Royalty payment rates for each streaming service are as follows: Napster: $0.019 Per Stream, 53 Streams For $1 Tidal: $0.01284 Per Stream, 77 Streams For $1 Apple Music: $0.00783 Per Stream, 100 Streams For $1 Youtube Music: $0.00069 Per Stream, 136 Streams For $1 Deezer: $0.0064 Per Stream, 178 Streams For $1 Spotify: $0.00437 Per Stream, 228 Streams For $1 Amazon Music: $0.00402 Per Stream, 249 Streams For $1 Soundcloud: $0.0019 Per Stream, 526 Streams For $1 Pandora: $0.00069 Per Stream, 752 Streams For $1 https://www.charlescleyn.com/blog/which-streaming-service-pays-more
  15. "Today, with the cost of creating content being close to zero, people can share an incredible amount of content. This has sparked my curiosity about the concept of long shelf life versus short shelf life," said Ek in a post shared May 29. "While much of what we see and hear quickly becomes obsolete, there are timeless ideas or even pieces of music that can remain relevant for decades or even centuries." https://www.musicradar.com/news/spotify-ceo-content-zero "Daniel Ek's comments arrive as Spotify reports record profits of over €1bn in Q1 2024" Anybody joining me for a trip to Stockholm to "do a little job".... ? 😡
  16. It's kind of like Bob Dylan but for younger generations, a lot of ranting, and loathing expressed, with oftentimes questionable artistic qualities.
  17. Redundant title...
  18. "We're putting a man on the moon".. Talking about scary development! 😂
  19. +1 on that, personally I have always loved Drummer in Garageband on iPad (now I have Logic on iPad too) and used it a lot for compositions and practice etc. And I can imagine for anyone with lack of chops on keys and bass the new AI players will be very useful, I probably will use the bass player when I am too lazy to do it myself, for a demo or a practice track.. I would be surprised if AI workflows will not be standard in all music software within the next years, and I definitely look forward to find out how creative the software creators will be in terms of how they will use the technology to give us new interesting tools for inspiring us in our creative endavours!
  20. Now we got Logic on the iPad, only waiting for Mainstage so all virtual instrument manufacturers will get a real incentive to open up their products for the iOS platform finally! They already have AU on ARM, and it's not rocket science to add iOS in XCode, so should be a breeze unless they're using a bunch of other 3rd party libraries too that are not available for iOS.
  21. And I just tested it, unfortunately it's not working like that, a bit sad, that would have been intelligent!
  22. I have one of these, the 2408, since a couple of years, but never really used the AUXes, do you guys have any idea how AUX 3 and 4 are dealt with on the stereo channels? Can the "musician mix" outputs be used for actually sending stereo signal from a stereo channel on either of AUX 3 or 4, using a TRS cable, and by this actually being able to feed a stereo effect with actual stereo signal? I could try this of course, but after reading this review I figured I'd throw this out to start with!
  23. Are you guys using the SoundTower librarian or is there any other (better?).
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