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Everything posted by J.F.N.

  1. I assume it's possible to jam to the radio, and record it, too bad there's no beat detection algorithm so the drum machine could run to the music as well, and it seems there's a microphone in the top of what I assume is the radio antenna as well!.... 🤣
  2. I'd love to see the marketing brief for the creation of this one!! https://reverb.com/item/82898989-sankei-entertainer-tch-8800-drum-machine-synth-keyboard-mixer-amp-radio-tape-player-recorder-1978-tan-and-black-plastic
  3. Until a couple of days ago I had never heard a second of Miss Swift's work, and due to current hype decided to give it a go with an open mind (I do like pop music in general, not only stuff from the 80's when I was in my teens). Started with her last album, something about a tortured poets department, snoozed through the songs on the album, then went on backwards to the next previous album, and again to the next, after 3 albums I stopped, kind of confused. My conclusion is that this can't have anything to do with the music, at all, it left me with no impression whatsoever. There's gotta be something eise in play here, and the lyrics in large are extremely bland, almost like they intentionally are created to be "generic", kind of like "cheap" train station shop paperback literature. There's something that tells me that identification is the thing here, and I'm definitely not the demographics.
  4. I would say it depends on the importance for the song, and to some point the ambition of the band you're with. Some parts may be less important to spend graveyard time to master, while with others it may be worth it, and sometimes right out necessary. Your good judgement totally (and the band's..). Most importantly - Have fun and don't be a stranger to challenge yourself, this is what helps you evolve!!
  5. The word came from a reseller, who probably got the message from Moog/InMusic, for sure some larger dealers have stock, but when that's sold out it's over.
  6. See if you can find a used Yacht at a good price, rinse and repeat... 🤣
  7. Beautiful!!! Enjoy your new baby!
  8. Good stuff, I have the UR44c, only good things to say about that, they recently released a new version of their mixer software as well (iOS version too!), and it's really a nice system!
  9. The first time I had a MemoryMoog under my fingers was a kind of religious experience, never had the pleasure of the Moog One though.
  10. Why does this remind me of the Pirate Bay trial, where the media conglomerates were doing everything they could in order to try to recoup what they had lost during the heydays of filesharing using a scapegoat, while they were just sitting like ducks in a row instead of acting, which short after (or actually meanwhile) a certain Daniel Ek did instead... This will become interesting to follow, Popcorn time!!!
  11. Moog is now InMusic Brands, they probably crunched the data and also know the market well enough to see that there will never be sufficient ROI keeping that beast alive.. And they have a new polyphonic Moog waiting around the corner, one important marketing parameter to improve the possibility of economical success, includes probable cannibalisation if there is already a product which touches partly (or completely) the targeted segment...
  12. Let's hope it sounds fabulous, has a great playability, and is reachable price wise... Could be really good if done right!
  13. If there's not enough bells and whistles for what a player needs/wants there will always be something new, with more bells and whistles, to grab. It's not that there is any lack of tools on the market really, especially considering the option to run a Mac with Mainstage etc. I love digital technology, it's great fun, we live in an amazing time with loads of amazing stuff going on, and reachable price wise most of it too, it's not like back in the days when Synclavier, Fairlight, EMU, were the dreams and only reachable if you managed to either rob an old rich lady, or get a BIG TIME record deal with a major label... Today it's the other way around, I can't believe I have owned 3 Fender Rhodes (1 MkI and 2 MkII), 2 Hohner Clavinets (1 D6 and 1 E7) and 3 Juno 60s (one with a Kenton Midi in), and a lot of other "junk" that today are way too expensive for a one trick pony for most of us (thinking economically realistically...), but would definitely be fun to have still!
  14. Okay, so a "Zarenbourg" Wurly!
  15. That one flew over my head, guess it's some reference I missed here
  16. I don't see being a gearhead AND an active musician being any contradiction!
  17. Impressive, thanks for sharing! University professor?
  18. They definitely were part of all that, influencing others, but yeah, invent may be a bit too stroy expression in a context of trends evolving, I stand corrected!
  19. The Beatles definitely created pop music, the way we know it today, layered multi track recording stem by stem, themed albums, mixed styles, flirting with trends in society, all incorporated in their productions.
  20. I definitely dig the concept of the AKAI MPC platform, just grabbed a Key 37 and I am quite impressed so far. Before, ie. with the pre Key version MPCs, I do belive these machines had a stigma of being a beatmaker's tool only, and I am very sure InMusic opened up a wide new customer segment with the Key versions, now the MPC is a workstation "as we know them", ie. a keyboard with a full set of tools for composing, recording, etc. no matter if you do "beats" or compose whatever type of music, which can be customized for Your needs, with software (Instruments and Plugins), on top of its core - being a very powerful sampler. With this in mind, a great concept for a "Unicorn" keyboard, would be a stable standard hardware platform with the option to upgrade the components in the future with standard components. Think Korg's Oasys platform, which derived into the Kronos/Nautilus, there are creative people who hacked that limited Mini ATX Atom platform and upgraded it to an Intel I-series platform instead making it a fair bit more powerful. Pretty much what Ableton has done with their stand-alone version of Push, an upgradable platform making it somehow future proof, apparently you can buy it without the stand-alone hardware, and even grab an upgrade kit later on if you develop the need. To make this work, a stabile operating system contained and maintained by the manufacturer is crucial, though to make it really interesting, a public SDK providing the possitibility for any software developer to develop modules for it (KORG *Logue, VST/AU etc. in mind...) would definitely provide the prerequisits for building an interesting and potent eco-system, which potentially would open up for something extremely versatile that could be configured to everyone's needs and wet dreams!
  21. That's great, but I am pretty sure, looking from a commercial perspective, evolution would generate more interest. You can still experiment with the palette of tools available for making avant garde sounds. This is what I love with the Yamaha EX5 (I have the Rack) at its core its a common sample based "rompler", but on top of that they included some very interesting stuff to provide the options of doing some wild and interesting things too!
  22. I for one would love to see some interesting modeling objects for things like Rhodes/Wurly etc., and some updates on the FX side are definitely welcome too, an IR player would be really useful! (I use the Mooer Cab x2 now..)
  23. Regardless of net worth statistics, number of outspoken fans, awards, billboard positions, etc. ( New York Times reference article )The Beatles created a whole new genre of music paving the way for what we today know as pop music, and with this also created a lifestyle for the generations who were growing up then, something brand new to identify with and to rebel with claiming their (our) little corner of the universe. In saying this, I'm not a huge fan, I do like the occasional tune every now and then, but I definitely understand their importance in the history of modern music, to the core. But clearly, as with everything, times are a changin and new generations have modern new references just like we did, like our parents, and like every generation before that did. In the 20th century music history The Beatles were a HUGE milestone, who knows what the 21st century has in store. As of today Miss Swift seems to have a firm grip, just like The Beatles had, of a huge part of the population providing them the same vehicle for claiming their little corner of the universe, meaning the population who were not born in the 20th century and who has The Beatles as the reference point for their musical universe, now what's next? I LOVE the story of how Brian Wilson and The Beatles "competed" by listening to each others latest album and then feeling they needed to do something that would beat the other, Pet Sounds, Sgt. Pepper etc. ya'll know the story I assume, progress by competition, and I am sure there were quite a bunch of "old people" thinking "wtf is this, this sounds like crap!"... At the end of it, we all get old and grumpy one day!
  24. Though you're still limited to the available objects in the VAST which, even if very comprehensive on the more "classic" synth side of things, lacks quite a bit in order to approach things in line with the models you find in, as an example, the Kronos/Nautilus. Looking forward to see what they have been working on at KW during the last years for the new upcoming series.
  25. And now it's ridiculously easy for any developer to do a proper iOS audio software as well: https://www.audiokit.io/
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