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Everything posted by J.F.N.

  1. One of my good friends is an AV Sales Technician working with large installations, universities, conference centers, etc. and whenever we talk about gear and studio stuff (he's a composer/producer at home) his mantra is always "Is there a problem that needs to be solved? If not, save your time and money...". 🤪
  2. I also would not be surprised if the "Survey" mentioned here is just a dumb internet poll, which then per se makes it completely unreliable and useless...
  3. The major labels united will sue the party for not using a tune written by a human...
  4. I'm sure there will always be exceptions, human psychology is more complex than just a bunch of studies on certain populations, still, there's definitely something to it. https://neurosciencenews.com/music-youth-17765/ "We found consistent evidence for a reminiscence bump for two aspects of the songs used here: ratings of the degree to which the songs evoke autobiographical memories, and familiarity ratings for the songs themselves. Reminiscence bumps for these two dependent variables were evidenced in all four age groups. The results for autobiographical salience ratings of the songs were broadly aligned with general theoretical conceptions of a reminiscence bump that occurs between ages 10 to 30 years" Source: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/2059204320965058
  5. As touched before, the subject of experiencing music from one's earlier stages of life is cemented into the self and based on emotional memories and history of importance for one's perception of self, hence the adamant attitude regarding what then is "good music".
  6. Oldie but Goldie, the Mos Eisly Bar house band theme song!
  7. Now that sounds like a great context for AI generated content, hmm sorry, Music, it could even be instant, generated on the fly based on the time of the day, weather, and other promptable parameters!
  8. It comes with the system of today, instead of creating albums aiming at longterm durability, today it's the complete opposite, spam the platforms with 1-2 tracks as often as it is possible in order to build a continuous streaming engagement... Result, well, go figure..
  9. The Roland D50 was imho an interesting evolution of the usage of subtractive synthesis, I have spent a lot of time hanging over that two row display, and quirky page navigation... https://www.muzines.co.uk/articles/l-a-synthesis-what-is-it/1975
  10. Or as someone said; God gave the people their free will, and the Devil gave them the choice (or something in that line). There is always a choice, and Zappa made a very good point indeed!
  11. Yup, old man yelling at clouds...
  12. 53% of 2200 (survey population), that's about 1100 peeps (target population), based on other data showing that Miss Swift has sold 5-6 million tickets to her recent shows, I strongly question how seriously we should take that survey result... To further add perspective: 283m followers on Instagram, 32.8m followers on TikTok, and 95.2m followers on X. In addition, looking at the data for "avid fans", 16% out of, one can assume, the target population, would suggest about 175 people only... Feels like way too large error margin here! Source:: "Number of Eras tickets sold Swift sold an estimated 4.35 million tickets across 60 tour dates within concert trade publication Pollstar's chart year of Nov. 17, 2022 to Nov. 15, 2023. That's an average of 72,500 tickets per show, with each ticket costing an average of $238.95. Using those numbers to extrapolate across shows played since then, Swift has likely now sold around 6.02 million tickets". https://time.com/6900208/taylor-swift-eras-tour-anniversary-stats/
  13. Only works with Spotify (I hope nobody here uses this!!) and Apple Music (a tiny bit better). Qobuz: $0.022 per stream Napster: $0.019 - $0.021 per stream Tidal: $0.013 per stream Deezer: $0.0064 per stream Apple Music: $0.0056 - $0.0078 per stream Spotify: $0.00437 per stream Amazon Music: $0.00402 per stream SoundCloud: $0.0025 - $0.004 per stream YouTube Music: $0.0007 - $0.0012 per stream Pandora: $0.00069 per stream
  14. Grabbed the MPC Fabric Collection for my Key 37, on promo now. Basically a fully programmable "Rompler" with a wide range of sample based sounds, accompanied by a quite nice set of FX to enhance the sound design. Not that impressed by the pianos tbh.
  15. So kind of the opposite of Kevin Bloody Wilson then...
  16. Any of y'all running this on Android? I have a Huawei P20 Pro (2018/19 ish), with USB-C that works flawlessly with Midi and Audio, and was thinking that this would be a great backup to my HX3. Anyone have any idea if it is possible to map a controller, I use a B4D with my HX3, as well?
  17. And for the PC3 series, this pack has some great Rhodes and Wurlies with very intelligent programming mapping up the sliders with parameters to adjust a bunch of really useful stuff for tweaking the sound. "For the Rhodes and Wurly you can adjust the hammers noises, the tines level, the release pedal noise, the mic overdrive (Rhodes only) and you have adjutable EQ's an reverb. Tremolo speed and depth is also user programmable..." https://www.barbandco.com/store/p23/Keys_of_Gold_soundset_PC3%2FK%2FLe%2FA.html
  18. And I definitely got the feeling while listening that it's not really targeted towards 50+ European White Male population. 🤣
  19. Apparently the three previous albums I listened to, after her latest album, are 10-12 years old, in a new version..
  20. Interesting!! (I can read that and don't have a sub...) https://www.ft.com/content/e2d9472d-32e0-43f5-8109-efb753fac330
  21. listened to her last 4 albums, as mentioned... ( I would hope that should be somehow representative, she's not been around for decades....). 🤪
  22. What a nightmare, really great luck you didn't rid of the other board yet!! Back in my heydays I (with help from a friend) saved a keyboard players night, his Leslie stopped working, rotor problem with the top rotor. I was a guest at this big private party with hundreds of people, and a live band entertaining the entire night. At the time I was lugging a 760 Solid State myself when I was performing, so I went to the stage, introduced myself and asked if they wanted assistance. The player had no clue, I'm a bit of a handyman, you gotta be when playing old junk, but as it was not my gig I had no toolbox or spare stuff with me. Quickly found the problem, a soldering had given up on the rotor motor connector, but of course they had no soldering iron. Went back to the table and explained it to my buddy, who's an electronics geek, and he immediately took up a ballpoint pen, bended the clip upward and asked if I had a lighter, which I had (smoker at the time), then we went to the stage and resoldered the cable with what was left of the solder tin on the wire and the connector, using the pen as handle heating up the clip with the lighter, making an improvised soldering iron. It was not a perfect solder, but it saved the night. I was then invited to jam a couple of songs as well, this is 20+ years ago, don't remember what we played, probably some blues stuff... 🤪
  23. It's obvious, right? If I'd express it a bit rude, I'd say it's "tacky"... but hey, that's my opinion, I'm not the king of the world... 🤪
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