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Everything posted by J.F.N.

  1. Yes, the time needed for shifting presets definitely is a serious constraint for "real-time" usage. I keep mine in the studio, great for all sorts of crossover digital/analogue sounds, as mentioned before, feels a bit like the universe of Prophet VS.
  2. Here we go, this is what I'm talking about 🥳 (at 0.14)
  3. Great input from y'all, cheers!! I was just curious if there was a "holy grail" online service worth paying for, that delivers proper correct reliable material, which I would be surprised if there was, but you never know.. 🤪
  4. This is cute btw! "In an unofficial survey we conducted, none have ever seen Kilimanjaro from the Serengeti. And these are professionals whose eyesight is uncanny and have been in the field for decades. Despite our efforts, we could not find any evidence that Kilimanjaro could be seen from anywhere in the Serengeti." https://www.ultimatekilimanjaro.com/can-kilimanjaro-be-seen-from-the-serengeti/
  5. Yeah, iReal seems to be for Cheat Sheets, which is what I do manually while practicing a tune, prefer working with lead sheets that contain the full form etc. while practicing, then I take notes of each part and create Cheat Sheets to keep with me on band rehearsal and live. So probably iReal could be great for that process instead of like now, pen and paper. However, while starting on a new song and doing my personal homework I still want the lead sheet (bars, structure, lyrics, and chords). Google it is... 🤣
  6. So there's no global conclusion on any service for this, a friend musician recommended iReal, I may take the plunge and pay for it, to find out if it's useful.
  7. Definitely a good start, even better if there are bars too, but yes, this works. 👍🏻
  8. Lyrics and chords, and most important, the form/structure.
  9. The ones left that I haven't started yet on the "never played before" list, hence not googled (in the same fashion as per other posts in this threy) are: The right thing - Somply Red Valerie - Amy Winehouse Kryptonite - 3 Doors Down Bohemian like you - Dandy Warhols Musically no Biggie, but faster worked through with lead sheets... Yep, that's been my strategy so far too
  10. Hello y'all, Coming back into this game after 15+ years off, and starting with my first band since then now, I have a small repertoire to plug with 20 songs, most of them standard stuff, but for a few of them other ones I am finding it a good idea with lead sheets, to not have to spend to much time noting down the form structure, details, etc. What online service do people here use? So far I have tried a couple of paid ones, and they all suck, just sent another angry email to one of the sites demanding a full refund and deletion of my data.
  11. Yeah, thats a good "cheat" indeed, I just had this "idea" once that a classical piano player (not me) would find an economical finger setting and movement doing it with one hand, then I couldn't let go of that idea... 🤣
  12. Afaicr all the information was not in the op originally...
  13. Looking at the pedal board for the Elmwood (Swedish!) Modena, there seems to be two cables going out, one TS and one TRS, so you need to figure that out.
  14. Hehehe! Yeah I can imagine, and the last decade+ or so we have indeed become very spoiled with ready made sounds of amazing quality on many a boards!
  15. I was not happy with the quality of the samples, spent a lot of time trying to program something useful, but apart from ending up doing imitations of "oscillator" based sounds, which I in reality have real synths to supply me with, there was nothing of interest in it for me.
  16. I don't know anything about the KK Neo presets, but when I was watching loopops walkthrough a while ago it was clear that the PCM samples are there, and they're actually quite good, and creating electric pianos, clavinets, mellotrons, dx electric pianos, etc. with credibility for working well in a band context, is easy. Piano, a bit limited to create some more advanced things for obvious reasons. So in the context of the op of his thread, I definitely think it could be something to investigate. My KK (original black one) is a total keeper, it's my bread and butter for everything "Vintage Synth" when required. For the rest (PCM) I have my Kurzweil PC3.
  17. Incorrect, both of you. Yes, the PCM samples are still there on the Neo, and Yes, you can do credible electromechanical keys et al. The factory presets are not amazing anyway (own the original KK), but I assume this community is not a place for players buying instruments for the presets...
  18. D50 was my bread and butter for everything not Piano and Organ, for many years (in the 90's), the first days/hours of programming was pure headache, but after muscle memory had grasped the menu navigation, it became a VERY versatile machine!' Now some 2-3 years ago when I decided to get back into music again, I grabbed the "Boutique" version of it, but sold it after a couple of months again, a lot has happened since the D50 was invented, and it feels very outdated in comparison with what we can do with technology of today. Same thing with Triton, grabbed a Rack but it it went out the house again after some months too.
  19. I counter with Luke 😊 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1LSii7aWwY
  20. Great timing for this clip to show up in my YT flow:
  21. I can imagine, it looks like parts from K2700 meets 3d-printing to "Look it's a new machine", in a non designer worked through way. Looking forward to see how the new ones turns out, and what feature sets, I am in the market come 6 months down the road, for another Kurzweil, as for now the votes are on the K2700 as the mother of everything home in the studio, and then keep my PC3 for band/live activitives, leaving it in the rehearsal room etc.
  22. I love my Prologue 16, takes me back to the realms of Prophet VS (one of my favorite synths) and I totally agree that it's an incredibly versatile machine, obviously depending on what you've got in the multi-oscillator slots can take things one step further, still, in its base configuration, an amazing synth. Will never get rid of mine!
  23. I was a bit disappointed seeing that the marimba part wasn't played with one hand only... Though it does take a lot of practice, BUT, if you can play the intro to "Perfect Strangers" with Deep Purple, having a good flow playing one handed, you can play that marimba part with one hand too.. (first part of the intro, same intervals and harmonies but in "backward" order kind of...).
  24. Watched that vid on YouTube some days ago, got a weird feeling Paich was not at all into playing, ending up pulling Human Nature on Steve to get off the piano...
  25. The new 3 octave KingKORG could be something maybe?
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