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Everything posted by J.F.N.

  1. This went back, refund, way too buggy, ended up with Korg Module and the Piano Essentials Pack instead, now also demoing a couple of other libraries as well.
  2. Trying to figure out how to update save a preset, saving a new is obvious, but when I have loaded one of my user presets, tweaked it, and then want to save it to the same slot again. What have I missed?
  3. That's my experience too, if there is a specific need for layering of some sort, less is always more when dealing with it. Beautiful layering, evolving with the tune parts as well:
  4. Just installed the 7 day Scarbee Rhodes demo pack, dang, this sounds fabulous!! Installed the Earthy Rhodes demo too, will do a comparison and pick a winner..
  5. Jumped on the Korg Module this evening, the free version and grabbed the 9.95 piano essentials pack. Sounds really good and responds very nicely to my new SL73! Will try some more packs this coming weekend (demo) to get an idea of what I find would be useful. Listening to the demo sound files it seems the 70's Earthy EP may be very tasty!!
  6. Still having an amazing experience here, love the action. Playing with the standard "normal" curve, works like a charm! This is a great board, and for the price, dang, Epic! The IK iGrand is unfortunately flawed though, having a lot of trouble with weird noise in the stand alone, not loading correctly in AUM after having saved and restarted a setup, etc. And overall the gain staging is effed. Refund requested and I went with Korg Module + the Essential Pack instead. Works perfectly, sounds great! One day, after the vacation, I'll definitely go with that Pianoteq and make a serious investment in it! Now bedtime (about two hours too late... hehehe!!).
  7. This product is flawed, having a lot of trouble with weird noise in the stand alone, not loading correctly in AUM after having saved and restarted a setup, etc. And overall the gain staging is effed. Refund requested and I went with Korg Module + the Essentials Pack instead. Works perfectly, sounds great! Pity!
  8. Hmm I hope that's not happening soon...
  9. Hmm, the quest for the Holy Grail... Sounds like a decent Mac with Mainstage, then you can build your wet dream inside that. Add a proper mothership midiboard controlling it all and I think this would be the perfect solution here!
  10. All of a sudden the keyboard on my PC3 76 only feels like an incredibly nice synth action keybed...
  11. You get warm when drinking beer? Irish Coffee maybe?
  12. Cross posting a follow up (got my SL73 today).
  13. I just received mine here about 45 minutes ago, quickly hooked it up with my iPad Air M1 and played around a little with iGrand and Pianoteq (demo still, but damn I need this!). Initial impression - I LOVE the action, and this is right out of the box and after 15-20 minutes playing only, haven't even had time to hook it up with the computer and fiddle around with velocity curves etc. In addition, it is a beautiful board, sturdy, clean design, and feels very "Modern", so far the GUI wasn't rocket science, opened an Init preset and fiddled around with the knobs and buttons until I grasped what it was about, 2 minutes, tops! I plan to use this mainly for Piano/Rhodes et al, and this will be just perfect, it actually reminds me a bit of the action on a well treated Fender Rhodes. Coming from the Organ/Keyboard side, I have no background or history whatsover with acoustic Pianos at all, Rhodes, yes, lots, and I bought it for practice and travel (it's a pretty neat little board for what it brings to the table!), but I can tell it definitely will be of use here for other situations as well (obviously). The action feels like it will be exactly what I need to get some proper Piano practice. On a note, I've read that some people experience the action to not bounce back fast enough, dunno, I'm no Jordan Rudess, but I tried this just becaue of reading about it, did some quick repeats on a key with both one finger and two (faster), I am honestly not able to reproduce and hence can not confirm what I read, there were no problems in this dept. at all ime. For synth and ditto, at least with the curve that is loaded per default, this is probably not the ideal situation for many of us (tested some synth instruments as well just for the H, not even close to great). In my case, I have a Novation 61SL MkII with a fantastic synth action (TP/9s if I remember correct), one of the best boards for these things I have ever had my fingers on, so that part is covered here already. The included momentary pedal for sustain was nothing to write home about, though I have a bunch of others and this went in the drawer right away, a little bit surprised it didn't have a switch though, but who cares really, I even think most synths have a setting for that these days... Will keep you posted further down the line.
  14. I, and probably many of us would for sure be happy to share our favourite YouTubers here frequently too, though I'm pretty sure not everyone would be equally happy about that...
  15. Can't wait until tomorrow, two real thrillers awaiting one after the other!! 😬
  16. And in this case, very true, I dont think many peeps would recognise the song until the guitar starts, unless hardcore fans of EC eventually. Lovely bass part in that intro! (Boring tune Indeed...🤣)
  17. I definitely like these sounds, very raw, natural, without any polish to talk about, the upright pianos feels very authentic and sweet!
  18. No idea how the production scales in this case, but normally you need a fair amount of units before you start seeing any profits, considering all the work to get the product ready for a production run up, then setting it up, etc.
  19. Oftentimes I'm happy that I'm not filthy rich.... it'd be a huge building just for all "great fun to have" gear.... 🤣 It's quite bad already as it is... hehe!
  20. IK iGrand for iPad, like a decade after the rest of the world..
  21. Maybe we could have an off topic subforum for that type of chit chat?
  22. Yeah it seems to be like that indeed! Though the standalone is flawed, every now and then I get weird "robot" noises when I play, sounds like sample rate conversion that is not keeping up the speed. Opened the plugin in AUM instead, problem gone, I would imagine it could have something to do with sample rate. It should not be about buffer size, I run it on an iPad Air M1, there is enough juice to run loads of shit at the same time in that machine...
  23. Yeah it seems there are quite split opinions about it, I can't wait to see what vibe I get from it, of course like with everything we all have different taste indeed!
  24. Just installed and tried iGrand CS, apparantly it was updated some weeks ago, right away after a couple of minutes test I bagged the starter pack (23€), decent standard stuff, I just need it for practice so will be great, it has a built-in metronome as well, excellent! Then I saw that there's another version, without the CS suffix, which I assume is the actual pack I grabbed in the end, but as its own product, or? Confusing! Anyone have a clue?
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