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Everything posted by J.F.N.

  1. I wonder how many decades that will have to pass before this item severely decrease in value, ie. when is the legacy of Bowie going to be sufficiently unknown to kill the hype of this unit. Was thinking about this when Knopfler auctioned his guitars, "when generation x has died out these guitars are worthless" was my train of thoughts...
  2. And showing off his kids for sure rubs off on him too, not going deeper into the psychology of these types of behaviours, but it fits very well in on the rest of his profile...
  3. There is a salvation for those who sit with a bricked XB2, Keyboardpartner has a kit with their HX3 that is created to replace the brain in these bricked XB2s.. https://shop.keyboardpartner.de/en/p/hx3-xb2-retrofit-kit-1
  4. Wow, that sounds interesting, unfortunately I don't have access to any of those links, I guess I could sign up to godlike, though no such thing as social media will ever again enter my life, but anyhooouu, great thanks for the pointers, highly appreciated! Interesting experiences with the C/V and the percussion, and their routing, are Kurzweil informed about these things too?
  5. Okay, so Forte didn't bring anything more to the table FX wise for the Leslie algorithms, good to know. Yeah, Lester K, Ventilator II, Burn.. No idea which one it will be, I am kind of biased towards the Vent from what I have heard so far (youtube).
  6. Hehe, yeah, I mean, the organ tones themselves sounds more than okay, and the chorus is decent, so should probably be pretty pretty I would guess!
  7. Stunning! How's the condition on the the keybed? I used to have a Roland MKB-1000, with its original stand as well, brutal piece, unfortunately the keys were in need of love, and in the end I stopped using it and finally sold it one day.
  8. Anyone of you PC3 series owners who's run the KB3 dry out and through a Ventilator? I am toying with the idea (to get a reason to buy a Vent..) of using the aux outs on the PC3 for organ through a Vent, and as the Leslie algorithms in the PC3 are not that amazing compared to the math of today, I am hoping it could be an upgrade worth it.
  9. And I assume you became a Master of FM programming? I have never managed to get anywhere with FM (can't say I have been that persistent), but one of my good synth geek friends was in the same situation as you as a young asipiring keyboardplayer, worked his behind off until he'd saved up enough for a DX11 (DX7 was too expensive), and for a long time after he finally could afford it and bought it, that was his only synth. He of course is since then a bad ass FM synthesis programmer..
  10. Which 3 analogs did you abandon for the U20? 🙈🙉🙊 I don't want to think about things I've sold and traded during the years...
  11. That's a nice stack of machines you have there, "OB8, Matrix 12, Jupiter 6", you hit the head on the nail on two of my three favourites all time there, M12 and JP6, just the Prophet VS missing! And on top of those 3, for the OB8 I would choose an OB-Xa instead, or, as well... haha!
  12. I found more information after searching here, interesting, the Numa Organ 1 is a KeyB in Studiologic clothes, while Numa Organ 2 is a model from Studiologic (or a licensing of something else I would imagine..). https://forums.musicplayer.com/topic/161218-whats-wrong-with-the-numa-2-clone/ Anyways, listening to the demonstration here, I definitely find Numa Organ 2 to be a worthy clonewheel for serious usage:
  13. Any more details? Just found a Numa Organ 2 at a decent price, not clicked buy yet, as I got curious on your experience! 😊 Don't "need" it, but could definitely use it... 🤣
  14. Though the MAG use the HX3, which you could use with any keyboard of your choice, you could grab a Mojo and use both as it is and as a controller for the HX3, I am planning to get the split Mojo, and use both as controller for my HX3, but also use it alone if/when I need/want that.
  15. A desktop version, +1 on that!
  16. I'm using the 3.4, understand that the main thing in 3.5 was the extended organ types, nothing I believe I would have use for, so what's new in 3.6?
  17. Hehe! On the wishlist for my next home is a huge living-room where half of the room can be for creative work, music and photography (not shooting, but editing and printing etc.), and with a curtain rail in the ceiling so if I want to have a cosy living-room for dinners and parties, that's possible too. Divorced about 6 years ago, no family, living with my dog (JRT) and soon another pup too, long distance relationship since 2+ years and we have no ambition to change that. As it looks now, never again going down the road I was on before, living my best life, so yeah, creative living-room ftw! 😊
  18. And motorized faders/drawbars of course!! 🤣
  19. On the less realistic side of my wishlist, is still the perfect DAW and plugin/ VI controller series, lots of rotary encoders, led scribble strips, flying faders, and assignable buttons with custom led display inside, and of course a big touch screen with buttons and rotary encoders around it. Everything mappable using automation parameters, and no wrapper/host plugins.
  20. Bits and bobs, that are on my purchase list for the coming 3-8 months: - Conductive Labs MRCC MIDI Router Control Center (for the Keyboard Lab studio at home) - A second Novation 61SL MkII (to not have to lug back and forth to rehearsal) - Crumar D9UX, First one, if it's great, a second one, same reason as above.. - Kurzweil Forte 7, then I can leave my PC3 in the rehearsal as well.. - Apple Mac Mini + some kind of amazing orchestral library, for a musical composition project - Behringer UB-Xa Things I'd love to have: - Some sort of double manual organ clone, (probably split version) both to use as it is, and to use as controller for my HX3 - Leslie emulation pedal, Ventilator MkII and/or similar (to be investigated) - Real Leslie, preferably a classic 145, but open to the idea of some of the newly produced tiny ones too and/or.... - Hydrasynth Deluxe - "Upgrade" my Opsix to the MkII (sell the current original one etc.) Then i always get exicted by different types of small and inexpensive-ish analog synts, I almost bought a Minitaur the other day, and I have the hots for the Uli MS-5 right now, etc. I also have a vision, of creating a BIG polyphonic modular Moog system using Behringer's Moog modules and some nice wooden Eurorack wall case, and with their pre-filled proposal racks it's definitely realistic, great value for the price.. But not now, one day when I have absolutely nothing else to do, or to shove money on..
  21. Any K2700 owners who have used the Soundtower editor? Personally I have absolutely zero confidence in Soundtower due to first hand catastrophic experience, but if the K2700 editor works, it would definitely be a better approach to use it for the visual overview, I do believe this will make VAST programming quite a bit less confusing, not using the word "easy" here, for good reasons, however, VAST is an amazing synthesis, extremely versatile and powerful. I would start with one VAST layer, and try creating very basic sounds until you get the hang of it, and take it from there. This was my own approach, and I have programmed synths since way long before I kissed a girl, still VAST is something I don't feel being in my back pocket yet, unfortunately spent way too little time with it. Got my first Kurzweil, a PC3, a couple of years ago only, extremely satisfied with it, though I had access to a K2000 back in the days when it was released, the Piano player in one of my bands back then (I played Hammond), I fiddled around with it a lot but never really sat down programmed with it.
  22. Two more of these (now I have 6 in total...)
  23. If i ever decide to get myself something like that, there's only one name coming to mind to call it/her; Jolene... 😊
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