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Everything posted by J.F.N.

  1. If I would, for some universally unbelievable reason need specifically Juno 106 timbres, I'd definitely not waste my money on one of the old horses, Roland themselves offers plenty of options, to start with, and then there's other ways to go, Deepmind for instance, you can even download all the J106 factory presets re-programmed for Deepmind.
  2. I fully agree it's wimpy, I've owned 3 Juno 60s during my life though, which ime is a completely different beast, much fatter, "warmer", and way more interesting imho. Played a 106 in 1995 during a production for about a year or so in a backing band for a G-Funk/Rap talent, accompanied by a Bass Station (the original keyboard version), never got to terms with the 106, in fact I found it awful, but the talent loved my repro of the sounds from his recording and was really happy...
  3. Only reason to buy one is if you're a rental/backliner company and want keep one or two in stock due to it's incomprehensible popularity during the last decade. If you for some reason need something that sounds about alike anything in within that universe, there's loads of both hardware and software options made new in this day and age.
  4. The man comes around...
  5. Quite often non keys players reference for electric piano is Rhodes. We all know this is a Wurly, fairly processed.
  6. Still don't see the joke... feels like the linguistic association play is way too out of context to be funny... 🤪
  7. Hmm, missing a reference here or something, this flew right over my head.. 🤪
  8. It's not helping them in any way. We all know the story about Kronos -> Nautilus -> Nautilus AT... Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb.. The misguiding marketing of the Prologue as a Polyphonic Analogue Synth, making it end up being head to head compared with other more prominent Polyphonic Analogue Synths, losing the game, instead of selling what it is, an amazing hybrid with the user multi oscillator section, capable of things that are both unique and very cool sounding... And on, and on, and on...Waste of potential revenue! But that's for another thread..
  9. I'm a KORG fanboy (as you can see in my signature) though I still am clueless about their marketing strategy (I work in audio production software with communication), as nothing the last 2ish years makes no sense whatsoever from any perspective!
  10. You mean the rehash of the original versions of the ones you mentioned, and the $1000 extra for a non poly AT 5 octave board for them, and the color scheme versions and DIY with higher prices than the actual versions... And the mysterious discontinuation of the flagship machines, Kronos and Prologue...
  11. Next thing, Accordion saturation and warmth pedal! I bet there's already a plugin doing this...
  12. Great with the pianos, on the synth side it's been about as interesting as mashed potatoes with different types of food colouring in...
  13. The big question is why KORG out of nowhere decides to piss on Roland's turf... Seeing KORG blindly releasing products the last years, revamps, repackaging, downscaling (Nautilus vs Kronos) etc. and now this, tells that for sure they fired the entire Marketing Dept. a couple of years ago... What's next, a recorder flute with USB?
  14. I think it was just free association based on "Wrong thread" and that you did delete your original message...
  15. "Smith’s scheme ran from 2017 through 2024, according to the indictment. It diverted funds from musicians and songwriters whose songs were streamed by real consumers by falsely creating the appearance of legitimate streaming, authorities said. In other words, Smith’s fraudulent activities involved misrepresenting information to the streaming platforms, creating false accounts, and disguising the true nature of the streams, using bot accounts rather than human listeners, according to the indictment. Smith used software to continuously stream songs he owned, according to the indictment. He also allegedly paid co-conspirators and people overseas to sign up for bot accounts. Smith used false names to sign up bot accounts and used debit cards in fake names to pay for the accounts, the indictment stated." Read more at: https://www.charlotteobserver.com/news/business/article291928725.html It will be very interesting to see what will be the real juridical conversation here, I bet a good lawyer will question the responsibility of the platforms not being able to police this, and question if this is a crime or just a flaw in the design of their systems. For the falsifications, that's a different story, harder to get away with...
  16. And in 2009 the media conglomerate mafia chose to make The Pirate Bay the scapegoat instead of trying to understand the changes in the market, behaviours, demands, etc In that very same time period Google was just as efficient as TPB with the benefit that instead of having to fiddle with Torrents, you could just download or stream whatever you where looking for direct with the links from the Google search results... Say no more...
  17. Or the music makers will still be making music because they love what they do, and the streaming platforms will be even more full of shit from opportunistic people trying to earn a buck doing nothing, and real music will find a more serious and sustainable outlet...
  18. And in a couple of years when the fear of the unknown is focused on something else, nobody will talk about this anymore.... Once upon a time Jazz was dangerous and detrimental to your soul...
  19. Well, afaik regarding ML for AI music generation there's very much a statistical mathematical model analyzing the patterns of the music the AI ia training on, not the music itself as a piece of music. Which makes me understand it to be just as fluffy as our subconscious and sometimes in popular music creations, very conscious when it comes to using different tricks to "copy" successful music. But this is another conversation out of scope for this thread.
  20. It will be very interesting to follow the process and its juridical claims in this procedure, can't wait!
  21. IK Uno, monophonic raw lovely sounding analogue synth with step sequencer and arpeggiator for about 175€ ... Bought mine on sale some years ago for 150€, never selling that one!
  22. Everything I write is the same, my musical capacity is trained on copyrighted material too, I would say it's the same for probably 99% of us... When I was 16 I wrote "Evil Woman", a strikingly similar variant of the piano riff, and part of the melody, luckily the guitar player in my band knew the song and recognized it. I had no idea who ELO was, but my 8 year older brother apparently had some of their albums, go figure.... I had never (consciously) heard it before! Who was frauded? Is it criminal to have lots of streaming accounts? Or is it criminal to listen to the same playlists over again (ooops, I'm in danger then!!).
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