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Oscars band


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Is anyone watching the Oscars?  Did anyone see Will Smith punch Chris Rock?  DAMN!!


Apparently Rock joked about Jada Pinkett Smith looking like GI Jane.  Will Smith walked up on stage and smacked Rock in the mouth.  I reran it, looks real... crazy!  They bleeped out a bunch of stuff.

Some music I've recorded and played over the years with a few different bands

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Good for Will Smith.   I read a news story about it and it was real.   Rock mentioned Jada a couple more times and Smith kept yelling something like I don't want to hear my wife's name coming out of your mouth ever again.   

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Will Smith was laughing when the joke was originally told, it was only when his wife's itty bitty feelings were hurt that he criminally assaulted Chris Rock.

Will Smith is a large human being in great shape. Imagine the courage it took to walk up and slap Mr. Rock as he was fulfilling his contactual duty.


Will Smith is a punk, a coward and I hope the DA's office prosecutes him for assault and battery. 

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A slap isn't a punch.  Sorry it wasn't a criminal assault if  you think about it.  As for Jada it's more she has a medical condition that causes hair loss.  My bass players girl has that and it's not easy to live with for women.  At any rate he probably shouldn't have slapped him but I understand why.  People are making a big deal of it more than it is.

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"Danny, ci manchi a tutti. La E-Street Band non e' la stessa senza di te. Riposa in pace, fratello"






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Any form of unwanted physical contact that may result in harm or injury is an assault under the California penal code.

Chris Rock was not making fun of Jeda's alopecia, that's speculation. Do you think he would have hit Jason Mamoa?


There is no place in a lawful society for this type of behavior. If he needed satisfaction then challenge him to a boxing match and retain some sense of honor.



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3 hours ago, Outkaster said:

A slap isn't a punch.  Sorry it wasn't a criminal assault if  you think about it.  As for Jada it's more she has a medical condition that causes hair loss.  My bass players girl has that and it's not easy to live with for women.  At any rate he probably shouldn't have slapped him but I understand why.  People are making a big deal of it more than it is.





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In a broadcast that had the look, feel, and sound of a video game show, could anything have happened to make it even more insulting to our sense of decorum? Of course, I'm speaking about that band. Come on guys. Learn a little taste, play like grown-ups and lay off the pushes and thrash cymbals. 


And good luck to the "Academy" going forward if this is the latest crop of morons getting more attention than they deserve.


Upbeat, Spirit In The Sky pseudo gospel during In Memoriam. 


Wanda Sykes.


At least Billie acknowledged Hans Zimmer for turning her typical sow's ear into a silk purse with John Williams' impersonations and spy chords.


Note the real artists don't even show up anymore.


No class, no class at all.


Here for the gear.

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14 minutes ago, Bill H. said:

Chris Rock crossed a line by making fun of someone's medical condition, and Will Smith crossed a line by slapping him in response. There are no winners here. 


One of the celebrities who (justly) deplored Smith's actions was comedian Kathy Griffith, and for good reason- in a past tweet she called a politician's Downs Syndrome child as a "retarded baby", and no one assaulted her. Coincidentally, I don't remember a chorus of Hollywood celebrities deploring her remark, either- no surprise to me, as I don't think of celebrities as being our moral superiors. They certainly didn't seem to be in the aftermath of the slapping incident. Speaking of which, something seemed out of kilter: Everyone comforting and supporting the violent perp- what about the guy who got slapped?      


To those who think Smith's actions were justified, here is a precedent to consider: References to celebrity wives are now off limits to comedians, otherwise they could be assaulted mid-routine by celebrity thug husbands. 

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It IS criminal assault.  And Will is a punk for slapping him. Now, if his wife would have done it, that's another story. But this bullshit about men "protecting their wives" is so ridiculous.  Chris Rock is a comedian, for Christ sake!  Have a sense of humor, jerk!

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What is sycophantic is a bunch of people back slapping each other pretending they are actually enjoying themselves whilst still being very happy that A N Other actually walked away with the alocade.


As for the speeches, are there Oscars handed out for the most meaningless drivel spouted.


Don’t care who won, did not win, most movies today seem to be made for individuals with very limited brain capacity anyway.





Feck u

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I think that multiple things can be true...yes, Will Smith was wrong; yes he overreacted; yes it was assault from a legal/literal standpoint....and YES, when you make a joke about a woman and there is a medical condition involved*, you run the risk of said woman (or her husband) overreacting, and...well...slapping the hell out of you...


*I don't in anyway "follow" Jada Pinkett, but even I had recently heard (or at least saw a headline) about her struggles with Alopecia and how hard it had been for her.

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Damn, I guess Ricky Gervais had better watch himself from on. Hasn’t he flat-out insulted both Mel Gibson and Robert Downey Jr. before? And if we’re talking about being sensitive to people with diseases, does RDJ’s former drug dependency count? Or is it ok cos he’s a dude? Also, doesn’t Jada talk about absolutely everything on her chat show? Should she then expect a limit on comedians not to rib her? Where do we draw that line? I mean, is anything off limits to comics, or is any issue fair game? Loadsa questions man. The implications for what happened last night seem wider than the event itself. 

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The "evolution" of comedy into shock / roast / scorched earth territory - whoever says the most offensive, inappropriate thing is the most courageous and deserves the loudest guffaw - is a reflection of the culture we have embraced and created. Cliffk's suggestion of Ricky Gervais is on point - as well as so many others' whose stock in trade is exactly what we saw last night from Chris Rock. No, Rock didn't create this trajectory, he is a mere mote born upon the waves we all swim in.


Also true is the thought that it is acceptable to get up on stage and slap the guy in response is a sad reflection of the times we live in and culture we have created as well.


There was a time when men taught their sons that manners maketh man. While many make make fun of such a sentiment as parochial, or sadly outdated, I think we are the lesser for its demise.



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What is really sad to me are all the apologists on cable who are saying its OK to resort to violence to protect "your woman".   I did not watch the Oscars as I find these award shows totally ridiculous. And I am in the entertainment industry (musician and a designer).  I was not shocked when a man decided to resort to violence in front of millions of viewers. This is what we have come to.  


The band?  Was there music?  I found it interesting that one of the most boring films I had ever seen (Power of the Dog) had the best score.  

'55 and '59 B3's; Leslies 147, 122, 21H; MODX 7+; NUMA Piano X 88; Motif XS7; Mellotrons M300 and M400’s; Wurlitzer 206; Gibson G101; Vox Continental; Mojo 61; Launchkey 88 Mk III; Korg Module; B3X; Model D6; Moog Model D

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Best part of the show. (Also the only part I saw.)


Chris Rock took the hit like a boss. Didn't even put hands up.

Will Smith is well-known to suffer from Obnoxious Self-Important Douchebag-Itis, and IMO hiding behind some kind of manufactured noble intent is a greater insult to his wife and other women than the throwaway joke was. 

First rule of comedy: if you don't want to be part of the act, don't sit in the front row. She's Jada Pinkett. She's bald. Just because some people know why, doesn't mean the guy riffing from the stage four feet from a bald Jada Pinkett does. 

Methinks Will Smith doth protest too much, since he laughed at the joke too. If it's really settling a score and not peacocking, fight Chris Rock afterward. Don't tank the whole show over it. 


Even if it was the best part of the show. 

Also, here is my joke from this morning, you are free to steal it: Know what Chris Rock has on his face? Fresh Prints!


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Now out! "Mind the Gap," a 24-song album of new material.

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I think it's obvious that Will Smith is a shoo-in to play the lead in a remake of Adam Sandler's Anger Management. And the filming will come in way under budget, because they will use actual footage from the Oscars.


Update, Will Smith reportedly has apologized to Chris Rock. 

So...what about that drummer?

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It was an awards ceremony where people are invited to attend as some are honored for their work. A comedian's joke was cruel, inappropriate and not funny in the least. Plenty of people recognized it. That alone was enough. No one had to take it upon themselves to punish Rock, posture, protect or defend Jada Pinkett. That was all Will Smith's ego, immaturity and classlessness. The joke was inappropriate and stunk but Will Smith walking up and assaulting Chris Rock was worse. He should have been ejected from the ceremony immediately, disqualified as a potential winner and later banned from future participation in the ceremonies at every level.


Imagine a violent response every time someone says something offensive in the USA. How is this one excusable?

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Saw it and while it made for great entertainment, it leaves me with several doubts.

Being Hollywood, the first obligatory question is not "Can it possibly be fake?" but "Can it possibly be real?". After all, we're talking about a guy who won an Oscar a few minutes later. He'd surely know how to act a few seconds of madness.

Honestly, to a non-US citizen this smells a lot of "Superbowl wardrobe malfunction".


Even if it WAS real, what are we talking about? A lame machista joke about a woman who doesn't look like real women are supposed to look, and an ultra-machista reaction from the offended husband. If I was the wife, I don't know which would've offended and saddened me the most.

Quite a sad scene, really.


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There's an interview on Youtube with Ricky Gervais where he remarks that when it's possible he speaks to those people he's gonna take the piss out of before the show to see if they're ok with it.  Sometimes they even play along, as with Steve Carell actually handing Ricky Gervais the award for The Office. iirc Gervais explains that while his humour absolutely involves taking the piss, his job is to help everyone have a good time, not to make people miserable.


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Gig keys: Hammond SKpro, Korg Vox Continental, Crumar Mojo 61, Crumar Mojo Pedals


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1 hour ago, Spider76 said:

Saw it and while it made for great entertainment, it leaves me with several doubts.

Being Hollywood, the first obligatory question is not "Can it possibly be fake?" but "Can it possibly be real?". After all, we're talking about a guy who won an Oscar a few minutes later. He'd surely know how to act a few seconds of madness.

Honestly, to a non-US citizen this smells a lot of "Superbowl wardrobe malfunction".


Even if it WAS real, what are we talking about? A lame machista joke about a woman who doesn't look like real women are supposed to look, and an ultra-machista reaction from the offended husband. If I was the wife, I don't know which would've offended and saddened me the most.

Quite a sad scene, really.


Yeah it is sad, actually. And it reflects what others have intimated above, that perhaps it's an indictment of our times. The technological reality of being able to see (almost) everything - and more tellingly, being able to be seen - seems to have exposed a rather ugly side of human nature which has probably always been there: our rabid narcissism.

As for it being fake, nah. I can't think of an incentive big enough for someone like Chris Rock to agree to be remembered forever by a large portion of his own community as 'the punk who was bitch-slapped' on live TV. Justified or not, that's the perception he'd have to live with.

In a related sense, Will Smith's evidently very deep anger is arguably also driven by reputational considerations. His wife has spoken openly about their 'open marriage' (which she apparently initiated), and Smith has since found himself the butt of any number of cuckold jokes. Hard to live with.

I just find the whole thing reveals, for all our legitimate achievements and ridiculous pretensions, how close we humans always are to the baser demons of our nature. That said, I'm an irrepressible optimist: we really need to never quit trying to be better people.

[Sorry for the quite personal post. The times we're living through are hard, aren't they?]     

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14 hours ago, Bill H. said:

Chris Rock crossed a line by making fun of someone's medical condition, and Will Smith crossed a line by slapping him in response. There are no winners here. 

That’s how I feel too. No winners. For context, Chris Rock also went after Jada Pinkett Smith in 2016 so there is some history, which could be what triggered Will Smith’s overreaction. That 2016 joke (imo) is not as innocent as the GI Jane joke. In no way does that excuse Will Smith’s response but it might help explain it.


No winners here.

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20 hours ago, Outkaster said:

A slap isn't a punch.  Sorry it wasn't a criminal assault if  you think about it.  As for Jada it's more she has a medical condition that causes hair loss.  My bass players girl has that and it's not easy to live with for women.  At any rate he probably shouldn't have slapped him but I understand why.  People are making a big deal of it more than it is.


I am also in California if laws are different elsewhere. A construction worker got confrontational with me after he had signaled it was OK to walk on some relatively new concrete. I pulled out my cell to record his behavior. He swung at me. He later claimed he attempted to slap the phone out of my hand. There were witnesses. The police were summoned. That gesture of swinging at me was attempted assault whether true or not about the intent. It was crystal clear Will Smith approached Chris Rock to hit him and followed through with it. Slap or punch is moot, both are assault unless the severity brings it into the realm of felony assault. 

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I didn't watch Oscars and everyone has an opinion. The one part of this that I haven't read is how beautiful Jada Pinkett looks and she obviously feels comfortable with her peers. I guess my question is, how did the producers decide Chris Rock was presenting that award since there was a history between him and Smith.

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