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Crumar Mojo and Static Discharge

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Did you ask them to send you one free of charge? :roll:


I did, but they use lighting-fast shipping, so it's a wash.


These comments have the potential to run this thread into the ground.

Live: Yamaha S70XS (#1); Roland Jupiter-80; Mackie 1202VLZ4; IEMs or Traynor K4

Home: Hammond SK Pro 73; Moog Minimoog Voyager Electric Blue; Yamaha S70XS (#2); Wurlitzer 200A

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Did you ask them to send you one free of charge? :roll:


I did, but they use lighting-fast shipping, so it's a wash.


These comments have the potential to run this thread into the ground.

Does that shock you?


Shock is a strong word. I think it merely sparked his interest.

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So the Mojo Suitcase is still the crown joule in Crumar"s organ lineup?

"The more a man looks at a thing, the less he can see it, and the more a man learns a thing, the less he knows it."

--G.K. Chesterton.  A lazy rationalization for not practising as much as I should

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I'm going to OT the OT, but did anyone read the title "Crumar Mojo and Static Discharge" and think: what's this new progressive blues/fusion outfit that I've never heard of?


Cheers, Mike.

Literally clicked on the thread to make this very joke.

Now out! "Mind the Gap," a 24-song album of new material.

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Oh my,


I`m not sure if I can fully follow you guys - not a native english speaker after all, but..


This is not the first time when using some common engineering jargon in non-engineering context does cause amusement. But it actually works the other way around too - using muso jargon in engineering circles does usually rise some eyebrows too;)



Nord Stage 3 88, Prophet 6, Moog Voyager OS, Moog Little Phatty TE, Crumar Mojo Classic Suitacase, Kawai US-50 upright, Beltuna Studio 3 and Fantini cassotto accordions
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  • 3 weeks later...
On 2/4/2022 at 8:10 AM, ImproKeys said:

So, how did it end? Happy with the replacement?


I decided not to take any chances and just sent the organ back to Sweetwater as a return. I love the Crumar sound and feel, but given that their service department was honest about the fact that there was nothing wrong with the organ and that it was behaving normally by locking up in the event of static discharge, I decided that it wasn't for me. Just not willing to deal with that on a gig. I'm saving my pennies for a Hammond SKX Pro. 

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My KC friends… I’m a bit dismayed that it takes a report by someone who joined on January 11, 2022 (and has 14 posts to his name) to bring to light what seems to be a long standing issue with the Crumar Mojo.  This model has existed for near a decade and the manufacturer gets a lot of positive comments from this community.  

Shocking.  No pun intended. 

Given that I am recently contemplating picking up a classic second hand, more information from owners would be helpful.  So this is not unique to the newer Mojo Suitcase. But is an issue on models going back to the first ones to ship? 


This issue came up previously around the time of the release of the suitcase...

Page 4 of this thread.


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Yamaha CP88, Casio PX-560

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My first Mojo was a used one.  I was either the second or third owner.  Eventually, I experienced a problem where the sound would simply disappear, requiring me to reboot.  I speculated that static discharge was somehow an issue.  (I guess my speculation was just based on the sounds that the Mojo made when starting.) Eventually, I got Crumar to send me some instructions/parts to do a repair.  Ultimately, I was unable to accomplish the repair (and frankly I don't even remember what it involved).  After that experience, I decided to buy a new Mojo.


Fast forward a couple of years: I give the old, non-working Mojo to a local wine shop, where I perform with an organ group. I told the owner he can keep my old Mojo if he gets it fixed (thereby giving me a place to play without having to move my current gear).  He actually shipped it back to Italy.  Crumar repaired it and now it seems to be working.


Bottom line: I'm not the least surprised to hear of a static discharge issue.  But I hoped that the problem was limited to earlier models. My current Mojo (like 3 years old) has been fine.


Oh my last comment on the topic: I also thought that some people believed the problem was related to the older Mojos having an external power supply.  Don't know if that's proved to be true.

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12 hours ago, ElmerJFudd said:

My KC friends… I’m a bit dismayed that it takes a report by someone who joined on January 11, 2022 (and has 14 posts to his name) to bring to light what seems to be a long standing issue with the Crumar Mojo.  This model has existed for near a decade and the manufacturer gets a lot of positive comments from this community.  

Shocking.  No pun intended. 

Given that I am recently contemplating picking up a classic second hand, more information from owners would be helpful.  So this is not unique to the newer Mojo Suitcase. But is an issue on models going back to the first ones to ship? 


This issue came up previously around the time of the release of the suitcase...

Page 4 of this thread.


Yes , that was me. My first gig ever with the crumar classic went well. I had some hiccups in my rehearsal space. Still a relationship of love and fear 😉

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12 hours ago, DontShoot said:


I decided not to take any chances and just sent the organ back to Sweetwater as a return. I love the Crumar sound and feel, but given that their service department was honest about the fact that there was nothing wrong with the organ and that it was behaving normally by locking up in the event of static discharge, I decided that it wasn't for me. Just not willing to deal with that on a gig. I'm saving my pennies for a Hammond SKX Pro. 

Would have done the same, if it were out then.

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15 hours ago, ElmerJFudd said:

My KC friends… I’m a bit dismayed that it takes a report by someone who joined on January 11, 2022 (and has 14 posts to his name) to bring to light what seems to be a long standing issue with the Crumar Mojo.   


Yes, but a longtime lurker and beneficiary of forum wisdom! 


In seriousness, I was also surprised that more people hadn't encountered this issue, given the popularity of these instruments. Maybe it was a bum unit after all. 


Thanks, everyone, for your advice. 

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I have a 2016 dual Mojo LE; black coat finish and with the "light action" keybeds  that all Mojo have now. I had some static issues when I used the Crumar expression pedal, switched to a Yf-7 and issued solved. Had always performed flawlessly, never any issues. I've used it on only a few gigs, now using an M61 (2019) which has had no issues whatsoever. Picked up a lm  for the 61 and that is working fine as well. Might sell the dual one of these days since I'm kinda in redundant territory and go for a Korg sv-2 88 once I can find one at my local GC, Ash, etc...

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34 minutes ago, DontShoot said:


Yes, but a longtime lurker and beneficiary of forum wisdom! 


In seriousness, I was also surprised that more people hadn't encountered this issue, given the popularity of these instruments. Maybe it was a bum unit after all. 


Thanks, everyone, for your advice. 

I'm con-Fuse-d. 

A lot of Mojos suitcases have been sold. So it's probably not so common.

I'll bet that if you agreed to get another unit it would have been Ok.

I have an XK-5 that early on, a few months in, started to put out a a constant noise via the R & L outputs. The headphone outputs were fine. I purchased it from Sweetwater and they sent a new unit as it was taking time to get the circuit board needed to fix it. The new XK-5 has had no problems going on 3 years. With the new SKX pro coming out, I can see why you would want one.


It's good to keep in mind that all of these new cutting edge digital organs have some lemons in the mix including viscount Live/Legend. But the vast majority of units don't. The best thing is buying from a dealer that will support you. I had an Epiphone Masterbuilt guitar that had a bridge warp (past the warranty) and Sweetwater took a look at it and sent a new one that has been fine now 7 years later.


Hope that our SKX pros (I'm getting one because the XK-5 is hard for me to transport alone) can absorb a charge. 😉

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55 minutes ago, JohnnyB3 said:

I'm con-Fuse-d. 

A lot of Mojos suitcases have been sold. So it's probably not so common.

I'll bet that if you agreed to get another unit it would have been Ok.


I would have done so, but the Crumar folks actually said that a replacement would act in the same way, if used in the same rig. So I decided not to take the risk. 

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I have an early classic 2 manual mojo. I don't believe I had any static issues. But had a note hang once or twice. I think they fixed that with an update as I don't have that issue anymore. 

One thing that bugs me is with the separate foot switch for leslie control. First it works ok, then after awhile playing, I have to double hit the switch for it to work the leslie. 

Not a big deal, I'm using the halfmoon switch now anyway and have no problem.

The mojo did freeze up a few times when my HVAC system started. As many users suggested go get a good UPS which I did and that has not happened again. 


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On 2/12/2022 at 11:09 AM, DontShoot said:

I would have done so, but the Crumar folks actually said that a replacement would act in the same way, if used in the same rig. 

Wow that's a very shocking (Ok, disappointing) response on several levels. A decade ago when the Mojo came out, Guido was active on this forum, but not current-ly. Not to make excuses for Crumar, but I wonder if something was lost in the translation or if it was an incorrect response from a staff member (i.e., not Guido). They need to turn up the juice (or perhaps turn down (isolate) the juice) or risk turning off potential customers. 

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Just tossing in that I was on the fence about purchasing my Mojo XT in 2019 because I heard about issues like this more often than made me comfy. I went with it because I got a really good deal, and a MAG or an XK5 was way out of my price range.


That said, I've never had any issues onstage or off with my XT, and I've used it at all kinds of gigs, from grubby clubs to theaters to breweries to outdoor festivals to backyard parties. I've used a Yamaha FC7 and the Crumar swell pedal, and it's been totally reliable. I also have custody of one of the early Mojo models just for at-home practice, and I've never had any trouble with that one, either. So I've been totally pleased with it, and it's been a core part of my live rigs for the past two and a half years.


Still, disappointing to hear that the static discharge still gives some folks trouble with the Suitcase -- I assumed that when they switched away from the Windows architecture, I'd stop hearing about that. Bummer!

Samuel B. Lupowitz

Musician. Songwriter. Food Enthusiast. Bad Pun Aficionado.

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  • 1 year later...

Wow, did you manage to fix you're problem with the Mojo suitcase?


was just about the purchase either the Mojo Suitcase or the non-suitcase classic option, did not know about this issue. I used to get really bad electric shock & static build up off my Roland RD700nx ,but not off a Hammond XK3c. Living in wetter climate than yourselves though probably(Ireland)


Asides that ,has anyone anyone here got any preferences between

1)the suitcase & non-suitcase Mojo Classic's ,and also


2)anyone got experience of the VISCOUNT Legend Live ,as compared to the CRUMAR MOJO ?


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