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Crumar Mojo 61 Review - (LONG)

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Yes .... I have heard tonewheel organs that sound QUITE similar. I own at least five 3 series Hammonds, and in most cases the CV sounds very similar.


If there is a big difference, it is often the LESLIE that is different. In many cases the treble driver is more or less sensitive.


I have heard clone CV that sucks and it is more than just the Nord.


I can get tonewheel Hammonds to be within the ball park from one to the next. One trick is not to pull the drawbars out all the way. Instead of pulling 888000000, I will do 777000000 or even 767000000, which makes the upper octave less screamy. The difference within the left side drawbars seems to be more or less bass response. So that can be compensated for.


There is a calibration standard among Hammond organs after all. Tube differences can come into play but once again, that seems to really affect leslies. The newer 6650 tubes can makes leslie sound very different and much of the time not in such a good way.



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I've found that 777000000 in clones is more manageable than 888 a lot of times. Running a clone direct and not using a real Leslie, 888 is too much low end power and distorts the sound system. Most 2 way speakers struggle to handle it.


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The Mojo has a drawbar trimming feature. If you think one of the drawbars is a little heavy (or light) you can adjust it in the software. Then, you can run 888 and maintain the balance you like.

Endorsing Artist/Ambassador for MAG Organs and Motion Sound Amplifiers, Organ player for SRT - www.srtgroove.com

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Consider to update my SK1 to a Mojo 61 but am used to a feature that I fear is missing on the Mojo when using a controller keyboad below the Mojo to play the lower manual organ: Using sustain (midi Controller 64) from the lower keyboard to sustain (hold)the notes on the lower manual (only) of the organ.


Could you confirm whether this feature is implemented or not?



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Consider to update my SK1 to a Mojo 61 but am used to a feature that I fear is missing on the Mojo when using a controller keyboad below the Mojo to play the lower manual organ: Using sustain (midi Controller 64) from the lower keyboard to sustain (hold)the notes on the lower manual (only) of the organ.


Could you confirm whether this feature is implemented or not?



I see no reference in the manual referencing this feature, so it probably doesn't do that.

Endorsing Artist/Ambassador for MAG Organs and Motion Sound Amplifiers, Organ player for SRT - www.srtgroove.com

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And yes... I agree with Delaware Dave's assesment regarding the effect of the 5 1/3 drawbar. An interesting topic.


At home I push 5 1/3 in a bit when I play solo. It does affect the top octave.


This is why I LIKE Key B/ Numa, Generally, I don't need "cut".... I like warm / smooth Hammond sounds generally.


I also like long percussion decay on third harmonic.


We all like something different. Lots of people are digging the HX3. I thought it was a good clone overall, but the focus was not the same as Mojo /Key B. They seem to appeal to players who want some grunge in their sound , gaging from the video clips I have seen. Also, C/V mixed with chorale and that sort of thing.


As far as C/V mixed with chorale, the HX3 did it just about the best of any clone I have heard. That is a sound many people want. It was the one they used on one of their recent official demo releases.


For practice purposes I almost always use what ever clone I have. When I just want to play and have fun, I will turn the B-3 on. More and more I am practicing without even having percussion on. But I do need CV.Almost anything I play relating to jazz seems to require that sound.


My next clone purchase will be a dual manual, and it is a toss up between Crumar and Key B at this time. But , definitely it will be Italian.



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You know, I LOVE the 5 1/3 Drawbar! One of my favorite registrations is 686000000... It was one of my contributions to the new CX3 clone in the Kronos.


I will let Jon explain it all:



'55 and '59 B3's; Leslies 147, 122, 21H; MODX 7+; NUMA Piano X 88; Motif XS7; Mellotrons M300 and M400’s; Wurlitzer 206; Gibson G101; Vox Continental; Mojo 61; Launchkey 88 Mk III; Korg Module; B3X; Model D6; Moog Model D

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I think the Mojo sounds a little better with the Vent than without, at least in mono. Would absolutely gig without, though.


Any other opinions on how well the Mojo sim handles mono? I always use mono live and the Vent sounds great in mono but I'd love to have an internal sim that is it's equal in mono and forego the setup hassle of the Vent. I do like the way the Vent makes the keyclick spit more. Also,I read here that someone had their Mojo power supply mounted internally. I wonder if this mod could be done on the 61. Internal PS mod and great sounding mono sim might provide enough enticement for me to take the plunge.

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The Mojo sim is truly excellent in mono or stereo.

'55 and '59 B3's; Leslies 147, 122, 21H; MODX 7+; NUMA Piano X 88; Motif XS7; Mellotrons M300 and M400’s; Wurlitzer 206; Gibson G101; Vox Continental; Mojo 61; Launchkey 88 Mk III; Korg Module; B3X; Model D6; Moog Model D

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Dear Mojo61 owning forumites. Where are the pics? The unboxings, the audio demos, the video demos. Please share the wealth!


That is all.


With extreme sincerity, you lucky SOBs. ;)


EJF :)


They are too busy . . . gasp . . . playing them!

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Well, yesterday the shop in the Netherlands which sells Crumar, finally had the Mojo 61 on delivery within THREE working days. This was a proper countdown, because i went to their site every other day the last three weeks.


To my surprise it is back where it began.......three weeks before delivery of the Mojo 61. :mad:



Is it so damn difficult to give some proper indication..or is this a proper case of ''the Italians cannot oversee their own production line'' way ? Sorry i don't want to insult anyone, but this is so very typical I could have predicted it with a 100% accuracy three weeks ago.


End of rant

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I'm interested in the Mojo61. How does it work with MacBook Pro? I went to the Crumar site and clicked on the recent update and got this message:

"Adobe Acrobat Reader DC could not open 'Mojo61.upd' because it is either not a supported file type or because the file has been damaged (for example, it was sent as an email attachment and wasn't correctly decoded)." This looks like an inability to load updates from Crumar on my MacBook Pro. I had remembered the the VB organ programs were configured to use microsoft only.Is this still the case? I do not want to buy a $1,500 product and have to buy a new tablet or notebook. Please advise.

"Forget it, Jake. It's Chinatown."
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It works nicely on a Mac.

But the interface between you computer, cell phone or tablet works through wifi and a browser.

The upd file should be open by the Mojo, not by your computer.

You put it on an usb thumb drive, and into an port in your Crumar, and then open it from the Crumar.

There is a readme file together with the upd file that explain it.

/Bjørn - old gearjunkie, still with lot of GAS
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I'm interested in the Mojo61. I do not want to buy a $1,500 product and have to buy a new tablet or notebook. Please advise.


You can get a win 10 tablet for about 80 bucks these days. You could leave your more valuable mac at home and keep the tablet for gigging .


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This is the reason I bought the nord electro 5D. I need sustain as I am more a keyboard player than an organ player. If they enable sustain, I will buy the Gemini rackmount and control it with my new electro.





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This is the reason I bought the nord electro 5D. I need sustain as I am more a keyboard player than an organ player.

Most (all?) current organs have a pedal that will function as a sustain pedal when the organ is being used to control a piano sound (whether that sound is internal or external). Or are you looking for a pedal that can sustain the organ sound itself?

Maybe this is the best place for a shameless plug! Our now not-so-new new video at https://youtu.be/3ZRC3b4p4EI is a 40 minute adaptation of T. S. Eliot's "Prufrock" - check it out! And hopefully I'll have something new here this year. ;-)

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I need to be able to use my sustain pedals to control all my sounds (organ included). If I switched to another keyboard or if I need to do something without loosing the sound.


For me, we should be able to sustain any sound (strings, piano, organ, triggering a sample, etc.).


I think vb3 version one we could use the sustain not no longer on vb3 v2.


I do not think that only organ purist use clonewheel, if you want to have a good organ sound, you have to choose a clonewheel...that's why we see so many clonewheel everywhere :-)



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This is the reason I bought the nord electro 5D. I need sustain as I am more a keyboard player than an organ player.

Most (all?) current organs have a pedal that will function as a sustain pedal when the organ is being used to control a piano sound (whether that sound is internal or external). Or are you looking for a pedal that can sustain the organ sound itself?

I suppose Daniel71 ask for the same organ sound hold feature as described in my question for Mitch Towne. Want to use the sustain pedal on the lower manual controller to hold the tones on the lower manual of the Mojo 61.

This feature is on most clones I know about except for the italian brands. CX3, SK1/2, Nord Stage 2, HX3 have it. Useful for layering, to free one of your hands to play with the drawbars etc. Some consider this feature as blasphemy of the soul of the holy B3.

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It works nicely on a Mac.

But the interface between you computer, cell phone or tablet works through wifi and a browser.

The upd file should be open by the Mojo, not by your computer.

You put it on an usb thumb drive, and into an port in your Crumar, and then open it from the Crumar.

There is a readme file together with the upd file that explain it.



This is absolutely correct. There is no need to open the .upd file on your Mac or PC. You put it on a flash drive and insert it in the Mojo 61. Then, you connect whatever device you want to the Mojo WIFI, launch a browser, enter, and do all of your updating and sound editing there. Works great on any platform.

Endorsing Artist/Ambassador for MAG Organs and Motion Sound Amplifiers, Organ player for SRT - www.srtgroove.com

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I need to be able to use my sustain pedals to control all my sounds (organ included). If I switched to another keyboard or if I need to do something without loosing the sound.


This is the reason I bought the nord electro 5D. I need sustain as I am more a keyboard player than an organ player.

Most (all?) current organs have a pedal that will function as a sustain pedal when the organ is being used to control a piano sound (whether that sound is internal or external). Or are you looking for a pedal that can sustain the organ sound itself?

I suppose Daniel71 ask for the same organ sound hold feature as described in my question for Mitch Towne. Want to use the sustain pedal on the lower manual controller to hold the tones on the lower manual of the Mojo 61...Useful for layering, to free one of your hands to play with the drawbars etc. Some consider this feature as blasphemy of the soul of the holy B3.


I thought this is what knives were for.

Maybe this is the best place for a shameless plug! Our now not-so-new new video at https://youtu.be/3ZRC3b4p4EI is a 40 minute adaptation of T. S. Eliot's "Prufrock" - check it out! And hopefully I'll have something new here this year. ;-)

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I thought this is what knives were for.

AnotherScott FTW. :2thu::idea:




I can imagine the ad on the late night TV sales channel: "But wait, there's more. Yes that's right folks, with your purchase of the new Mojo-61 we'll throw in a set of steak knives absolutely free. So don't hesitate, call the number on your screen now ..."

Gig keys: Hammond SKpro, Korg Vox Continental, Crumar Mojo 61, Crumar Mojo Pedals


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I thought this is what knives were for.

AnotherScott FTW. :2thu::idea:



Over at the HX3-forum the initial response was not a suggestion of using knives buth tooth-sticks. Probably better for the keybeds.

Perhaps...but not better for The Show. :idea::D





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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