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Heads-up: SpaceStation keyboard amp is apparently back


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Who would have thought an MI product would succeed by moving AWAY from the guitar market and over to KEYBOARDS????


Actually, I think making stereo finally 'work' for live performance is for everybody in the band. But no doubt the KB guys were the first on the bus (as usual), because they 'think in stereo'.


There had been so much hype and misguided attempts at making stereo work for guitar I think us string guys just got burned out and gave up...but that is changing. (watch for a new video on our website soon with the Line 6 Helix, where the player uses the SS3 as his 'fx amp' perched atop his usual guitar amp. This is a very interesting new application for the SS3!)


Some of my most interesting gigs have been listening to whole bands mixed thru one stereo mixer, like a live recording would be, then played back thru one (or sometimes two spread wide) SS3 amps. Wow, it really is an incredible performing and listening experience. It is especially intoxicating for the vocalists, who can hear themselves like never before in the context of the mix, and just 'sing' (for a change!). No more whinning!


Of coarse that is only practical (for now) in smaller clubs and venues. We have numerous small combos doing this now in weekend restaurant gigs, and also retirement homes where SPL levels are lower (by request).


That is my dream guys, to walk into live venues and not see any amps, monitors, or PA stacks obstructing the view of the performance while hearing a nicely mixed 3D stereo surrounding sound that is balanced and the same everywhere I would sit or stand.


I know that sounds crazy, but I also know it can be done. God willing, I hope to live long enough to see CPS become the standard for all live music performances.


Hammond A100 w/ 2x Leslie 122, Leslie 145 w/ combo pedal, Casio P5S, SS3, Groove Tubes SFX G5 cab + CPS/QSC RM4500 KB amp, 1955 Steinway 48" studio upright.
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I gotta chime in here as well about Aspen and his customer support - I had something rattling inside mine and contacted Aspen about it (it ended up being something very simple to fix that was loose inside) ... Aspen was very quick to respond and he had even given me his cell # so that I could contact him to get everything squared away ... who else does that? :thu:


He gets my highest recommendation for his product and support!


Thanks Aspen! I can think of quite a few other companies that would do well to follow your lead!


Guys, it is I who need to thank YOU for your support and believing in Center Point Stereo...even moreso when 'stuff happens'. So when things go wrong, I must thank YOU for having the patience to allow me make it right.


As you may know, I do not advertise. So I use those 'ad dollars' on customer service...because I believe a happy customer IS the best advertising money can buy!


Actually, I ran Groove Tubes service policy the same way for 30+ years, and it served me very well. When I had to downsize (for health reasons) and sell my beloved GT company, Fender bought a highly profitable enterprise with a great bunch of products, and a few patents. But mostly, they bought a 'Brand" that had 'value'. That is without doubt, the biggest contributor to the valuation of a company when a company it is bought or sold.


My GT brand reputation was built over a long time thru our 'no limits' customer service that was par excellence..the best in the business. So IMHO, it's just good business to go 'pass the money' and take care of your customer 'family'.


Frankly Chris, I agree w/ you; I just do not understand why every company doesn't realize the MOST important thing they can do is 'make Lemonade' when things go wrong. And thereby keep the trust and respect of the MOST important component of their success; the customer! It is hard to get back once you lose it.


We have a very low 'issues' rate, well under 1%. But when an issue does comes up, I make Lemonade! And, if I hear about it first, I will ALWAYS bypass Sweetwater (who has excellent customer service as you all know) and 'go direct' at my expense to save everybody concerned time and money. But most importantly, to save YOU the 'down time' on your CPS amp! Because once you acclimate to CPS's 3D stereo sound, it's hard to go back!


I have always believed that "Problems are Opportunities in Disguise". So I treat any issue as an opportunity to build a stronger bond with my CPS 'family', without whom I would not be where I am today.



Hammond A100 w/ 2x Leslie 122, Leslie 145 w/ combo pedal, Casio P5S, SS3, Groove Tubes SFX G5 cab + CPS/QSC RM4500 KB amp, 1955 Steinway 48" studio upright.
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I just started using Keyspace Rhodes and Clavinets and they are as fat as PianoTeq 5 on my SSv3.

I did have to tweak the HX-3 a little as the higher tube sat and Vibrato brilliance settings were harsh.


Since getting the B1200 Sub SSv3 sounds bigger as the 8" Eminence gets more punchy.


The plexi reflectors are working great too.


Still in love with the SSv3.

Hoping Aspen breaks down and orders more cover.

Early adopter, didn't get one.

40 bucks is coolio.

Mine's already getting beat up after the end of year 2 draws nearer.



Magnus C350 + FMR RNP + Realistic Unisphere Mic
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Hey, Aspen-


Great product. The only suggestion I would make is to use slightly smaller knobs for the amp section that would be short enough to not protrude past the indentation in the back of the unit. This way, it would not matter how the unit was loaded into a vehicle as the unit could be slid in on the back or side without affecting the knobs.



iMac i7 13.5.2

Studio One 5.5.2

Nord Stage 3

Nord Wave 2

Nektar T4

Drawmer DL 241

Focusrite ISA Two

Focusrite Clarett 8 Pre



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Hey, Aspen-


Great product. The only suggestion I would make is to use slightly smaller knobs for the amp section that would be short enough to not protrude past the indentation in the back of the unit. This way, it would not matter how the unit was loaded into a vehicle as the unit could be slid in on the back or side without affecting the knobs.




Season 1. Aspen explained these knobs. I can't remember the details, but I think it had to do with the amount of stem needed on the inside? Or the diameter of this particular stem? Anyway, search "spacestation" and "knobs" on this site and the post will be there somewhere.


EDIT: Found it.


It's not the knobs guys, it is the pot shaft that is to long and we have not been able to source these ones we have in the MK2, sorry. Still trying.

Only good news we have yet to damage a pot by a "trip and fall"...guess the longer rubber knob protects the pot shaft.

But if our only complaint is this, then we are way ahead of the game!

Now out! "Mind the Gap," a 24-song album of new material.

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I just started using Keyspace Rhodes and Clavinets and they are as fat as PianoTeq 5 on my SSv3.

I did have to tweak the HX-3 a little as the higher tube sat and Vibrato brilliance settings were harsh.


Since getting the B1200 Sub SSv3 sounds bigger as the 8" Eminence gets more punchy.


The plexi reflectors are working great too.


Still in love with the SSv3.

Hoping Aspen breaks down and orders more cover.

Early adopter, didn't get one.

40 bucks is coolio.

Mine's already getting beat up after the end of year 2 draws nearer.


Not sure where you got the idea I was out of stock on covers, but I have had covers back in stock for months. Just go to the Aspen & Associates website, also free shipping.


And Hardware, many thanks for the kind words of support, very much appreciated! As a small token of my appreciation for your support, please send a note w/ that cover order with your shirt size and I'll include a CPS T-Shirt in your box with a great slogan inspired by a fellow early SS3 adopter here on KC;

'Spacestation v.3; everything else is just a box!'

Hammond A100 w/ 2x Leslie 122, Leslie 145 w/ combo pedal, Casio P5S, SS3, Groove Tubes SFX G5 cab + CPS/QSC RM4500 KB amp, 1955 Steinway 48" studio upright.
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Hey, Aspen-


Great product. The only suggestion I would make is to use slightly smaller knobs for the amp section that would be short enough to not protrude past the indentation in the back of the unit. This way, it would not matter how the unit was loaded into a vehicle as the unit could be slid in on the back or side without affecting the knobs.




Season 1. Aspen explained these knobs. I can't remember the details, but I think it had to do with the amount of stem needed on the inside? Or the diameter of this particular stem? Anyway, search "spacestation" and "knobs" on this site and the post will be there somewhere.


EDIT: Found it.


It's not the knobs guys, it is the pot shaft that is to long and we have not been able to source these ones we have in the MK2, sorry. Still trying.

Only good news we have yet to damage a pot by a "trip and fall"...guess the longer rubber knob protects the pot shaft.

But if our only complaint is this, then we are way ahead of the game!


So guys, while we never found those early MK2 pots w/the shorter shaft (they were discontinued actually), we have 1) increased the depth of the chassis inset, so they no longer protrude and are safe now...effective last two SS3 runs...and 2) we came up with a simple preventative measure for the earlier runs; just screw in two small rubber feet to the wood cab by the rear panel in line with the control knobs....so then the pots are shielded in case of a 'back drop', and also you can even travel with the amp on the back once those are sdded, no problem.


NOTE: if you can't find those rubber feet near you, I will gladly mail them to you. Just email me your address at aspen@aspenandassoc.com and I'll get them right out to you.


Hammond A100 w/ 2x Leslie 122, Leslie 145 w/ combo pedal, Casio P5S, SS3, Groove Tubes SFX G5 cab + CPS/QSC RM4500 KB amp, 1955 Steinway 48" studio upright.
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Hello all. I've been happily using my SSv3 in a "traditional" setup for over a year, but i recently had a few new experiences based on comments here that i thought i would share.


First, I sat in with another band at a bar gig with an extremely cramped stage. We were in a corner and my back was basically against a wall. I remembered the comments about facing the SS backwards and decided to give it a try. It worked really well and a guitar player i know said "the keys sound REALLY good tonight!"


The next afternoon i had a charity gig with my blues band which was to be outdoors. Unfortunately it rained, so they moved us inside a historic home built in the 1700s. The "ballroom" was very small, no more than 25' x 30', so I said "lets put vocals and keys all through my little amp and leave the PA in the truck". We set it up and had an awesome little quiet gig. A few friends said it was the best this band has ever sounded.


Separately, I was asked to record some keys for a friends original project. It was done in a semi-professional studio with great acoustics into Pro Tools. He was looking for a "live" sound and asked me to bring the space station. We recorded organ from a nord electro with 2 mics. One was about 5ft from the front speaker and the other was about 5ft from the side speaker. The songwriter was amazed with the sound and said he never thought he could ever capture an organ sounding better than that.


I have an outdoor gig tomorrow and picked up a little bass amp. I'm going to try the line out trick with the SS on top and see how that goes.


Thanks to everyone on the board for all of your great comments and ideas. I am definitely benefiting from your experiences.

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Thanks to everyone on the board for all of your great comments and ideas. I am definitely benefiting from your experiences.


Great 3 gig reports NosPup, and all so different!


I personally love producing those smaller gigs with the SS3 serving as the PA, the instrument amp, and monitor for both. Actually, that was my original target market, but the KB players just jumped on the bus first (thankfully!) and took it over.


It makes such a comfortable playing environment because everyone has the same mix reference. You hear each other and also hear what the audience hears. I think it makes everyone play and sing better.


Thanks so much for sharing!


This forum has been a blessing for me, for CPS technology, and for all those using it for the first time. It's like a 160+ page interactive operators manual!


We could never have reached this level of success w/o you guys...I can't thank you enough.

Hammond A100 w/ 2x Leslie 122, Leslie 145 w/ combo pedal, Casio P5S, SS3, Groove Tubes SFX G5 cab + CPS/QSC RM4500 KB amp, 1955 Steinway 48" studio upright.
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First, I sat in with another band at a bar gig with an extremely cramped stage. We were in a corner and my back was basically against a wall. I remembered the comments about facing the SS backwards and decided to give it a try. It worked really well and a guitar player i know said "the keys sound REALLY good tonight!"



I played in a similar situation last Saturday night. I was backed up into a corner, but more like 120 degrees, not 90. I had my SS on top of my rack (which sits on a mixer stand) so it was less than two feet behind my head. I faced it to the wall askew so that each speaker reflected off a different wall. It was a little tough for me to hear (the band played really loud) but the bass player on the far end of the stage said he could here my parts perfectly. I am using a Nord Stage 2 and a Prophet 6. Nothing but compliments!



iMac i7 13.5.2

Studio One 5.5.2

Nord Stage 3

Nord Wave 2

Nektar T4

Drawmer DL 241

Focusrite ISA Two

Focusrite Clarett 8 Pre



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Thanks for your sound advices!

Regarding the high-frequency hiss sound, it is clearly audible from the front speaker without any cables plugged in and whatever the volume. TomKittel says that his unit is quiet: Chuck and tnelson do you confirm that? Just wondered if my unit is ok.


A quick update regarding the high-frequency pitch sound that I experienced with my last unit... I now have received a new unit, and the high-frequency noise is gone ! I'm very pleased.

Also very pleased of the SpaceStation during two gigs in exterior : I placed the unit three meters behind the band, and it sounded very well with the Nord Piano (with piano (Fazioli) sound exclusively). Also it was very pleasant to hear me so well...

So plainly happy of this product now !

Thanks again for all your advices on this forum.




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I have a small buzz coming from my SSV3, but only in my condo. On all my gigs the amp is very quiet. The buzz at home is probably due to the condo wiring.


did you have a DI box between your keyboard and the SS3 and lift the ground pad switch? always good to have a DI in your bag if you're gigging, and its an easy check.

The baiting I do is purely for entertainment value. Please feel free to ignore it.
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Or maybe the background noise at the gigs is loud enough to mask the buzz. ;)


Or maybe the buzz from the beer masks the buzz from the amp. :D

"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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I just started using Keyspace Rhodes and Clavinets and they are as fat as PianoTeq 5 on my SSv3.

I did have to tweak the HX-3 a little as the higher tube sat and Vibrato brilliance settings were harsh.


Since getting the B1200 Sub SSv3 sounds bigger as the 8" Eminence gets more punchy.


The plexi reflectors are working great too.


Still in love with the SSv3.

Hoping Aspen breaks down and orders more cover.

Early adopter, didn't get one.

40 bucks is coolio.

Mine's already getting beat up after the end of year 2 draws nearer.


Not sure where you got the idea I was out of stock on covers, but I have had covers back in stock for months. Just go to the Aspen & Associates website, also free shipping.


And Hardware, many thanks for the kind words of support, very much appreciated! As a small token of my appreciation for your support, please send a note w/ that cover order with your shirt size and I'll include a CPS T-Shirt in your box with a great slogan inspired by a fellow early SS3 adopter here on KC;

'Spacestation v.3; everything else is just a box!'



Excellent news.


Didn't hear back so thought I'd whine like a spoiled child here.


Now I get a shirt.

Yuze guys are alright.


Sterling Service and Support Aspen.


May you prosper for years.

Magnus C350 + FMR RNP + Realistic Unisphere Mic
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I have a small buzz coming from my SSV3, but only in my condo. On all my gigs the amp is very quiet. The buzz at home is probably due to the condo wiring.


Just fyi, if you have fluorescent lighting or a dimmer switch on the same circuit that you are plugged into, or even if your too close to flourescent lighting, it can cause a buzzing noise in you equipment.

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I have a small buzz coming from my SSV3, but only in my condo. On all my gigs the amp is very quiet. The buzz at home is probably due to the condo wiring.


Just fyi, if you have fluorescent lighting or a dimmer switch on the same circuit that you are plugged into, or even if your too close to flourescent lighting, it can cause a buzzing noise in you equipment.


Good suggestion. You may also try running an extension ocable from another room on a different circuit. One early adpter found that a 'add on room' had the buzz, but no buzz in an original room on another circuit. (back in Season one, episode 43)


I might also add to try another pair of cables, the CPS encoder (that converts L&R to Front and Side) is VERY sensitive to slight differences in the L&R cables. A bad shield or ground in just one of the cables would not be even noticed in a conventional KB/amp/mixer setup, but could play Hell with our CPS amp.

Hammond A100 w/ 2x Leslie 122, Leslie 145 w/ combo pedal, Casio P5S, SS3, Groove Tubes SFX G5 cab + CPS/QSC RM4500 KB amp, 1955 Steinway 48" studio upright.
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Still in love with the SSv3.

Hoping Aspen breaks down and orders more cover.

Early adopter, didn't get one.

40 bucks is coolio.

Mine's already getting beat up after the end of year 2 draws nearer.



Excellent news.


Didn't hear back so thought I'd whine like a spoiled child here.


Now I get a shirt.

Yuze guys are alright.


Sterling Service and Support Aspen.


May you prosper for years.


Thanks for the kind words, I appreciate your patience on that cover (now well stocked). So if the shirt fits, wear it out!


And may your Spacestation v.3 outlast you, and your keyboards!

Hammond A100 w/ 2x Leslie 122, Leslie 145 w/ combo pedal, Casio P5S, SS3, Groove Tubes SFX G5 cab + CPS/QSC RM4500 KB amp, 1955 Steinway 48" studio upright.
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After several gigs and different configurations with the B1200 Sub I am very pleased with new stack.

I run L/R out of my XITE-1 into the sub, then stereo into a modified Bellari RP562 modified by Voodoo Labbs, RCA 5751 Command NOS NIB Matched set, into the SSv3.

What a powerful polished sound.


HX-3 sounds amazing.

Taking out all parameters that offer width on the SSv3 @nd the HX-3 made me smile.

Went onto Pianoteq and Keyscape just to find they sound great.


My emulation of the hard panned Rhodes is as cool as Gayle Morans sound with Mahavishnu Orchestra on Apocolypse.


I'm in a complete state of satisfaction.


Tried Bellari RP562 pre sub too, but the tube magic came to life in post.


Even the shitiest gig becomes fun....

Magnus C350 + FMR RNP + Realistic Unisphere Mic
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I've been using two different approaches to amplification depending on whether the gig is piano centric or organ centric. For organ the SS V3 is fantastic and for acoustic piano samples a pair of RCF TT08A's on speaker poles sounds great. I got to thinking it would be nice to find a way to combine the high end audio fidelity of the TT08A's and the omnipresent sound of the SS (i.e., without having to bring both TT08As and those nuisance speaker poles). After a bunch of experimentation using some ideas from Aspen I found a setup the sounds great and is gig-friendly. Perhaps others can benefit from this experience. I still need to try it on a gig but feel very optimistic based on what I've heard at home.


Here it is:

1) Connect keyboard or mixer left / right outs to the SS left / right ins

2) Connect SS sub out to TT08A in

3) Set TT08A volume to max

4) Set SS HF to min and SS MF to min

5) Adjust SS width to taste


Some details:

The goal is to replace the SS front speaker with the higher quality (and much more expensive) TT08A. Placing the front speaker face down and adjusting HF and MF to minimum effectively takes the sound of the front speaker out of the overall sound. Note that the sub out is unaffected by adjustments to HF and MF and, therefore, the TT08A still gets the full range front speaker signal via the SS sub out.


Aspen says it's important to keep the side and front speakers close and at 90 degrees to maximize the CPS 3D effect. As can be seen by the photo below this is achieved.


Of course any powered speaker can be used instead of the TT08A but it's only worth doing so if the powered speaker provides a noticeable improvement in audio fidelity.



If you would like to hear how the RCF TT08A / SS V3 combo sounds here's a recording TT08A / SS V3 Recording


This isn't my band. I was subbing, as was the sax player. Only the vocals and sax were going through the PA. Sorry about some of the extraneous sounds: we were playing outside about 50 feet from the road and there were emergency vehicles racing by to deal a fire down the road. I used a Shure MV88 clip on mic with my iPhone to record. This mic uses the mid-side recording technique. I place it on my keyboard and record gigs so I can listen back and, hopefully, improve. Because the recorder's on my top keyboard it sometimes picks up mechanical noise (e.g. glissandos in particular). It does a great job of capturing a high-quality wide stereo image. Of course the mix if off because the recorder isn't in front of the band. But I think the recording gives a good representation of how the CP4 acoustic piano and HX3 organ module sound through the TT08A / SS V3. Were were in tight quarters so the amp was only five or six feet from the me and the recorder but I could still hear some bloom and felt very comfortable and inspired by the sound of this rig.

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Terrific sound and soulful playing! I am also very happy with this exact same amplification rig. Usually I am using the mono acoustic piano preset of my RD64 and everything else in stereo. Best of both worlds. Crystal clear piano sound and full 3D-bloom of everything else.


Thanks again for sharing this great idea. The RCF TT08A / SSV3 combo is straight dope!




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Wow Al, great playing and I love that fat wide Hammond/Leslie recording sound you got with that little Shure MS mic, The CPS feel is hard to capture but you nailed it.


Also, what a nice crisp piano tone too, those RCFs are sweet! Wish I could use those larger HP Gold standard driver components for the SS3, but they would double the cost (size and weight) and take the amp out of range for most my CPS family. But I really like your solution, thanks for sharing!


BTW, we just did a new SS3 video for your guitar playing pals using the SS3 in a much similar combination as the supplemental 'stereo FX' amp with a traditional tube guitar amp and one of those new Line 6 Helix FX generators...sounds amazing! See it here: https://youtu.be/X1xhSN_Fio4


Also, just FYI, I use a larger Shure VP88 m/s stereo mic over my drum kit at APR studios and love the sound I get...maybe I'll try that on my next SS3 demo video. But it seems no matter what stereo mic I use to record the SS3 effect, it is never as good as 'being there'.


Lastly, on that first Elvin Bishop tune...I love the way those EMV sirens came in right on time, and ever on key! If you hadn't warned me first, I would have almost thought it was some special patch you set up...you could hear them come and go, kinda like a midnight train! Overall; VERY impressive post, and recording.


Hammond A100 w/ 2x Leslie 122, Leslie 145 w/ combo pedal, Casio P5S, SS3, Groove Tubes SFX G5 cab + CPS/QSC RM4500 KB amp, 1955 Steinway 48" studio upright.
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