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Heads-up: SpaceStation keyboard amp is apparently back

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For what little it's worth, I would also suggest especially for small companies, it is often wise to maximize market sales on a successful product before expanding scope, which can cannibalize potential placements of the original version.


Big companies like Apple don't have to worry that much, with enormous consumer markets and deep pockets and resources.


While this may invoke the ire of other forum members on me, the biz guy in me suggests there is still market potential for SS v.3 to reach, no sense fixing what ain't broke yet.


More than anything else, I want to see Aspen and CPS succeed for the long haul. Personally, I think that means not being in a rush to introduce potential distractions and supply chain challenges with an XL version - especially now that Europe has gotten its 1st taste of SS v.3.


Just my 0.02.




And a valuable two cents too, I might add! Many thanks for your input Tim, your higher education and business acumen is showing.


There are a lot of dead pioneers out there, so I am taking the slow, but sure approach.


Meanwhile as you say, SS3 certainly is NOT broken, and is exceeding my wildest expectations.

Hammond A100 w/ 2x Leslie 122, Leslie 145 w/ combo pedal, Casio P5S, SS3, Groove Tubes SFX G5 cab + CPS/QSC RM4500 KB amp, 1955 Steinway 48" studio upright.
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EV ZXA1 Sub has 100hz out also. But, twice the price of the Behringer.

I use the EV for small gigs and sounds great. Don't know how it compares to the Behringer.

Third gig Sat.April 25th With the SS in what might be me toughest room thus far.

I'm hoping the SS is going to perform her magic in this hard surface

Room. Which I was told, should be a place the SS will shine.

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Can you recommend such a sub and cross over?


I use the Behringer previously mentioned. I play a lot of LHB too, and agree on the Bose frequency problem (I have two L1:s). The Behringer sub has a sweepable frequency, I've tried different settings in different rooms and it works very well.

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Can you recommend such a sub and cross over?


I use the Behringer previously mentioned. I play a lot of LHB too, and agree on the Bose frequency problem (I have two L1:s). The Behringer sub has a sweepable frequency, I've tried different settings in different rooms and it works very well.


The Behringer sub essentially has an electronic Xover in it?

I have never tested my theory of sweeping the crossover point in a sub.

Do you find some bands, or rooms, suggest one Xover point while another suggests a different point?

How heavy is this sub from Cathay? ( Behringer )

You don't have ideas, ideas have you

We see the world, not as it is, but as we are. "One mans food is another mans poison". I defend your right to speak hate. Tolerance to a point, not agreement

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To be clear, the Behringer does not have a variable cross-over; the cross-over is fixed at 100Hz. Stereo input, stereo thru, and stereo output above 100Hz. It has 2 EQ controls: a switchable +10db boost, variable 40-90Hz (I've not found a need for this and just leave it switched off. YMMV) and a -24db high cut, variable 70-150Hz. I've kept mine at about 100Hz as well. Neither of these controls has any effect on either the thrus or the outputs.


I find I don't need a lot of support from the sub. Running the SS level at 12 o'clock, I set the B1200D at about 9 o'clock - just above "barely there." The real advantage is freeing up the SS to make its magic unimpeded by having to reproduce the extreme low frequencies.


I really like the SS by itself; for me, it's prefect for a rehearsal or a jam. But I absolutely love it with the sub. And what's one more trip to the car?

Hammond SK1, Casio Privia PX5-S, SpaceStation V.3, Behringer B1200D, 2-EV ZxA1s

MacBook Air, Novation ReMOTE 37SL, Logic, Pianoteq 5 Stage, Scarbee Vintage Keys

The MIDI Gizmo Museum!

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I play 3X per week in a 1400 seat auditorium. I use the Neo Vent through FOH for my XK3. Would love feedback on this idea: I spoke with Guido Kirsch from Neo Instruments about using two Vents, set slightly different using one foot controller for both to emulate two Leslies, far stage L&R. Would using two SS3s help me achieve that effect, or would the two SS3s muddy things up? I don't think one SS3 would be able to replace the volume of the FOH and don't know where I would put just one SS3.


Hammond XK3, Yamaha PSR-s610, Leslie 3300, Neo Ventilator, Motion Sound Pro-145(fixed!), Yamaha Clubs & Subs, Hammond T-220

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I play 3X per week in a 1400 seat auditorium. I use the Neo Vent through FOH for my XK3. Would love feedback on this idea: I spoke with Guido Kirsch from Neo Instruments about using two Vents, set slightly different using one foot controller for both to emulate two Leslies, far stage L&R. Would using two SS3s help me achieve that effect, or would the two SS3s muddy things up?
That makes sense as a reason to have two SS3s. With one Vent going to one and the other Vent going to the other, each one would act like a mini Leslie! :thu:


I can't speak to the volume vs. FOH, though.

"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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I play 3X per week in a 1400 seat auditorium. I use the Neo Vent through FOH for my XK3. Would love feedback on this idea: I spoke with Guido Kirsch from Neo Instruments about using two Vents, set slightly different using one foot controller for both to emulate two Leslies, far stage L&R. Would using two SS3s help me achieve that effect, or would the two SS3s muddy things up? I don't think one SS3 would be able to replace the volume of the FOH and don't know where I would put just one SS3.


Actually I think you'd be fine, if as you say, the vents were not set identically. Much like 2 Leslies (but louder) it should sound glorious!


I'd love to experiment with placement, but would imagine spaced as you would with 2 Leslies would sound best.


Now, if you carry the bottom in the band, like a LH Bass line, and considering the "competition' w/ guitars and drums in that 1400 seat room...then I'd probably want at least one sub...or even better two. Those little Berhinger B1200 kick butt w/ 500 Class D watts driving a 12" and their high pass 100Hz filters would let the SS3s get even louder/cleaner too.


Consider one SS2 has a clean max SPL of better than 105dB, and doubling them in a spaced configuration...well that should go a long way to filling up that big room. And, every open mic on stage can't help but put you thru the FOH...it'd be hard NOT to hear you spinning away!


I might even take a long drive to hear that....so let me know if/when you want to try it. Heck, if you're anywhere near SoCal I may even loan you the two SS3s just to see and hear it for myself!

Hammond A100 w/ 2x Leslie 122, Leslie 145 w/ combo pedal, Casio P5S, SS3, Groove Tubes SFX G5 cab + CPS/QSC RM4500 KB amp, 1955 Steinway 48" studio upright.
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"I might even take a long drive to hear that....so let me know if/when you want to try it. Heck, if you're anywhere near SoCal I may even loan you the two SS3s just to see and hear it for myself!" Aspen quoted


If such a meeting is going to happen, might I be considered as an observer?

You don't have ideas, ideas have you

We see the world, not as it is, but as we are. "One mans food is another mans poison". I defend your right to speak hate. Tolerance to a point, not agreement

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I received my SS3 on Friday. A friend of mine who is considering buying one had a gig on Saturday so I loaned it to him and I went along to listen. The band was outside on a raised covered stage at the open end of a firehouse. There was another stage at the opposite end. The event was a fundraiser with multiple bands. Each band played one set while the next act was setting up on the other stage.


We decided to place the SS on it's side on an amp stand with the side speaker facing up. It was 10 feet back and to the side of the keyboard and near the drummer. The bass player was on the opposite side of the keyboard from the drummer. Three guitar players were on the far side of the drummer. Keyboard (Nord Stage 2) was plugged into the SS. Sub out went into a JBL 15" stage monitor with the treble down and bass up. It didn't take much volume to support the bottom. Output from that went to PA. SS volume was set to about 1 o'clock and width was about 12 o'clock. The PA was huge and all instruments were either mic'd or direct out to the PA. The band played oldies.


The bad - The venue was probably the worst case scenario for a SS. Band on a raised covered stage projecting through firehouse bay door openings. The PA was LOUD. The guitars were LOUD. I blame the volume on the sound guy having the vocals too loud and the guitars just turned up accordingly. There wasn't enough time to do a good sound check. On all but a few songs the keys were way back in the mix. Keys could be heard best on horn and synth parts. Piano could be heard when it was featured but not so well otherwise. The sound guy was nice enough so I should have just asked him to put more keys in the mix. That wouldn't have helped me hear the SS though. Since they only played one set we didn't get to try different placements of the SS.


The good - everyone in the band could hear the keys on stage and said they sounded great. My friend was very impressed with the amount of sound it puts out for such a small box. The high end is great but we were both wishing it had a 12" or at least a 10" front speaker so that the sub out wouldn't be needed.


My gut feeling is that it will be perfect for smaller venues or as a stage monitor for larger venues. I'll probably be looking for a small lightweight bass amp or stage monitor for reinforcing the bottom. Not sure I want to lug around a 75 pound subwoofer.





PX-5S, GSI Burn. Spacestation V3.

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I know there's a few guys who use the SS on it's side. To me that's just wrong but maybe it sounds ok, dunno. Just sit it upright as normal with a small wedge in the front to tilt it back a bit or put it on a small riser. I use a 5" high plastic beverage container I found outside a 7/11. Low to the floor keeps the side speaker from blasting the drummer or another player. Much higher and you start to have that problem. In Aspens studio he had it sitting on his famous little $50 thrift shop 10" sub and it was ok but these bigger subs would push it up too high I think. Sub freq's are very omnidirectional which is why a sub can be placed pretty much anywhere. If I was using one I would probably put the sub on one side of me and the SS on the other slightly raised off the floor.



Hammond SK1, Mojo 61, Kurzweil PC3, Korg Pa3x, Roland FA06, Band in a Box, Real Band, Studio One, too much stuff...
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I'm playing tonight in a club where I've played quite a few times, and I know that the side speaker will be firing right at the drummer, meaning I have to think of something--either bringing the trifold I had built, OR...I think I'll bring my little Line 6 bass amp and use it from the sub out, just to see what it sounds like. I haven't felt the need for a sub, but now I can test it AND set it between the side speaker and the drummer, killing two birds with one tiny bass amp.

Doug Robinson


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My gut feeling is that it will be perfect for smaller venues or as a stage monitor for larger venues.


Stated intentions from the inventor since the beginning :wink: In fact, Powered Stereo Monitor is what's silkscreened on the grill.




Here for the gear.

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I have my SS on it's side on an amp stand. There's no difference at all in the sound. The SS is behind me facing center stage. My bassist and drummer like the sound better than if it were standing straight up.
Casio PX5s, XWP1 and CPS SSV3
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New guy here. Long time lurker. First post.


Keyboard, vocalist and bass guitar player for 40+ years. Used to be in the Pro Sound (live) and had a recording studio business for a long time too, but got out about 10 years ago.


Anyway, I read this entire 89 page thread (whew!) over the past weekend and I've decided to jump in and buy a SSV3 and give it a try.


One of the bands I play in currently is doing "New Country" covers and I've been using a Korg Trinity Pro (76) and a Korg M50 (61) going thru a Mackie Profx8 into a couple of powered JBL Eon 510's on poles.


I love the stereo sound of the JBLs, but we play on alot of tight stages and the JBL's take up alot of room along with the keyboard rig (more than the drummer even). I've tried using a bunch of different borrowed "Keyboard" amps and my bass amps (I play bass in another band), but they were mainly mono, harsh, or even dull. I have a couple of GK MK200's (meh) that started me on the way to using stereo monitoring years ago and progressed to the powered Eons that took it to a giant step forward in quality.


25% or more of the songs we do require a pedal steel patch (which the Trinity does wonderfully btw) but even the Eons are a little sharp. Loud on stage but not so much FOH sometimes without going thru the PA. We mix from stage 99% of the time with no sound engineer. Just me running back and forth checking levels.


It sounds like the SSV3 may be the ticket and it's worth it to me to give it a try in both size and quality. Looks like 99% of you that have them, love them.


Game on.



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I received my SS3 on Friday. .........


We decided to place the SS on it's side on an amp stand with the side speaker facing up. It was 10 feet back and to the side of the keyboard and near the drummer. The bass player was on the opposite side of the keyboard from the drummer. [b]Three guitar players were on the far side[/b] of the drummer. Keyboard (Nord Stage 2) was plugged into the SS.........

The bad - The venue was probably the worst case scenario for a SS.......

The good - everyone in the band could hear the keys on stage and said they sounded great. My friend was very impressed with the amount of sound it puts out for such a small box. The high end is great but we were both wishing it had a 12" or at least a 10" front speaker so that the sub out wouldn't be needed.


Are you serious? This is ridiculously unfair. Three guitar players ? The din of "three anythings", let alone 3 guitar players... what a roar of sound it can be. There is no way to play with three guitar players without very heavy duty multiple speakers on stage. Not fun, unless everyone involved is a 1st tier player.


I am glad I am not the creator of this fine speaker/amp... he has my support and sympathy.

You don't have ideas, ideas have you

We see the world, not as it is, but as we are. "One mans food is another mans poison". I defend your right to speak hate. Tolerance to a point, not agreement

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I repeat myself....again.


I have used an SSv.2 and now an SSv.3 for over 4 years and over 300 gigs. IMO, there is NO discernible difference in stereo effect sound (to my own ears nor to the ears of fellow musicians on stage or in the audience) whether one positions these units vertically (V), or horizontally with side speaker facing up (HSSU), or horizontally with side speaker facing down (HSSD).


I have used an SS all three ways, often determined by how crowded the band's footprint area is. If, when position vertically, the side speaker would be very close to, and aimed directly at, a bandmate or his gear, I'll place the SS in a horizontal way (HSSU or HSSD). If the ceiling is real low over the SS, I'll use the unit in vertical mode or in HSSD mode.






KB: Hammond SK1

Bass KB: Yamaha MX49

KB Amps: CPS SS3, linked to TurboSound IP300

Bass KB amp: Fender Rumble 500 combo






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Are you serious? This is ridiculously unfair. Three guitar players ? The din of "three anythings", let alone 3 guitar players... what a roar of sound it can be. There is no way to play with three guitar players with very heavy duty multiple speakers on stage. Not fun, unless everyone involved is a 1st tier player.


I am glad I am not the creator of this fine speaker/amp... he has my support and sympathy.


Agreed. I meant no disrespect. Just stating the situation. We didn't know what we were up against until we got there. I knew there was no chance it could compete when I heard the PA and saw guitar amps that were mic'd. I was happy to know everyone on stage could hear the keys. I'm going to try it in a small club in two weeks. It should shine there.



PX-5S, GSI Burn. Spacestation V3.

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Are you serious? This is ridiculously unfair. Three guitar players ? The din of "three anythings", let alone 3 guitar players... what a roar of sound it can be. There is no way to play with three guitar players with very heavy duty multiple speakers on stage. Not fun, unless everyone involved is a 1st tier player.


I am glad I am not the creator of this fine speaker/amp... he has my support and sympathy.


Agreed. I meant no disrespect. Just stating the situation. We didn't know what we were up against until we got there. I knew there was no chance it could compete when I heard the PA and saw guitar amps that were mic'd. I was happy to know everyone on stage could hear the keys. I'm going to try it in a small club in two weeks. It should shine there.


Cool Barry, just saying

... I am empathizing with a small idealistic one or two man op, that puts out a new creative slant on sound production... and we inadvertently put the new product in an apples to rhinoceroses unfair situation.

3 guitar players, unless they are the best and most considerate of players, is a drag to be on stage in an accompanying capacity. I wouldn't care if I had multiple refrigerator size speakers with that noisy trio of 18 semi coordinated strings, blaring on stage.. I would not enjoy it.

You don't have ideas, ideas have you

We see the world, not as it is, but as we are. "One mans food is another mans poison". I defend your right to speak hate. Tolerance to a point, not agreement

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Since the group think on my idea was positive, I ordered my first SS3 today from the Hoosier State. They said it may ship the latter part of May. "Phase I" test will be a solo SS3 in the 1400 seat auditorium. I have a killer Yamaha powered sub, so I think the phase I test will be fair. Will be picking up the second Neo Vent, modifying the Neo Vent remote footswitch to control both Vents then on to phase II with a second SS3. I will post the venue when it's ready for each phase.


Hammond XK3, Yamaha PSR-s610, Leslie 3300, Neo Ventilator, Motion Sound Pro-145(fixed!), Yamaha Clubs & Subs, Hammond T-220

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Since the group think on my idea was positive, I ordered my first SS3 today from the Hoosier State. They said it may ship the latter part of May.


What? I just shipped them 5 dozen amps less than 2 weeks ago...hard to believe they've sold out already!


Thankfully, there is a much larger order on the water now, maybe 2 weeks away, so that's what they are quoting for later May.


Darn, I am sorry guys, I thought we had caught up with this latest shipment and that it would last until re enforcements hit mid May. FYI, I am doubling my run quantities and increasing the frequency too...but the demand still seems to be out pacing the supply.


Hammond A100 w/ 2x Leslie 122, Leslie 145 w/ combo pedal, Casio P5S, SS3, Groove Tubes SFX G5 cab + CPS/QSC RM4500 KB amp, 1955 Steinway 48" studio upright.
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I really love the sound of the Neo Vent through my SS3 it truly brings the Vent into 3-dimensional reality for everyone. The one adjustment though I found I really needed to make was to back off on the mic "Distance" control a bit from where I'd previously had it. The effect was somewhat too pronounced when I had the knob set at 9-10 o'clock. Now it's set at about 2 o'clock and sounds more natural to my ears.


Oh, and I also played a gig this weekend with 3 guitars and SS held it's own just fine.

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I used mine last week for a rehearsal with my Pink Floyd tribute. 3 guitars, sax, 10 people total. SS3 was right there, hanging with everything. Some of my sound effects- explosions, etc, need some low end help, but I'm running thru FOH all the time with this band so at the show it'll be fine. Still contemplating a sub.

Live: Korg Kronos 2 88, Nord Electro 5d Nord Lead A1

Toys: Roland FA08, Novation Ultranova, Moog LP, Roland SP-404SX, Roland JX10,Emu MK6



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