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HX3 MIDI expander module


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I know I will, I actually had it installed using Flash then listened and loved it.

Went to bring over MIDI CCs using Remote and since then learned many valuable lessons.

Also struggling with 2 x spare 1U PCs and Windows 10.


My love/hate relationship extends across all platforms...

Magnus C350 + FMR RNP + Realistic Unisphere Mic
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Love 3.92.

Got it working as now I understand the paths on my Windows 10 PC have to be watched as Windows likes returning to it's last file grabs.


Sounds awesome though.


Every upgrade has new tweaks and they sound fabulous.

Whatevber your name is Danke Bruda Man...........

Magnus C350 + FMR RNP + Realistic Unisphere Mic
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Decided to use the HX-3 3.92 as it sounds lovely with the new Tube Age.

But the Trim Pot is stuck at 32 again.

I don't have the Upper/lower on/off Vibrato buttons.

And it seems there's an issue where HX-3 Flash connects, but won't allow upgrade.

It's looking for a file I cannot find and thought I'd share my experience.


The only thing I really miss is the way I had 2 x buttons on my Physis K4 for Vibrato off/on.

What's the new way of doing this as I am sure something that important isn't left out.


And some read me info on new scanner gearing, etc.

Would really help out.

Thanks Christian



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Magnus C350 + FMR RNP + Realistic Unisphere Mic
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Hello hardware,


We have not been able to reproduce the issue. Have you used the latest HX3 Flash app, hx3_flash.exe 2016-01-30, 16:58? If not, you may find it on in Flash_ExpanderPlexi_mk3_4.zip.


Sorry for the delay. We got some mess as the company is moving to a new location.




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hello KBP,

i own an x2-3 ,i like this organ alot , anyway i'm directing this

question to you as it's most likely an issue with the hx3 board or

possibly the scanner board that keyboard partner supplies . the

velocity curve on the midi out is not very smooth , it's fairly

abrupt leaving it hard to play very softly . i,m been trying find

a curve to use in the midi-solutions velocity converter i've got , but

so far- not much luck . is there anyway to modify the curve parameters

in the hx3 board or is this part of the design of the scanner board and not adjustable ?

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I want to revisit the frustrations that LX88 had with the HX3 (which goes back to the summer and early fall). Below, I include a previous post of mine saying how I had purchased his HX3. After getting the unit, I quickly became frustrated with dealing with the software (well, not too quickly; I spent several hours on it). Still, I love the overall unit, and despite the software frustrations, it works well for me. To make a long story shorter, at that point I was buying some other equipment (e.g., Spacestation V3, Allen & Heath mixer, DSI Prophet '08 and Tetra) and quickly got much more focused on other equipment, especially the Prophet, which is amazing but time consuming. (As you may have heard, most of the presets are not very good, and so one is left doing a lot of programming in order to get to the really satisfying sounds. It's well worth the effort, but does take a lot of time.)


With the recent HX3 software update, I decided to update my unit. After hitting roadblocks (again) I contacted Tom at Diversi, who is a truly helpful, friendly, and capable technician. Top notch service. It was soon decided that the unit has a defect. I shipped it to him, and he confirmed the defect and is fixing it. While I haven't gotten the HX3 back yet, this outcome should resolve some questions raised earlier by LX88. Sorry it took so long.



I bought the HX3 from LX, so I'll chime in a little. LX is a first rate guy, and he was exceeding pleasant to deal with. He simply could not have been more accommodating. I think one of the issues with his dissatisfaction is that he uses very clean, traditional jazz settings, including turning the Leslie to still. I tend to go in the other direction and use mainly rock and progressive settings. I think the unit sounds wonderful, and I expect to love it.


I quickly got on the wiki page and started to download the HX3 Remote software. Unless there is a glitch in this particular HX3, this software is extremely poorly explained. I spent 1-2 hours downloading all sorts of updates and programs and have still not been able to open the Remote software shown on the webpage: http://wiki.keyboardpartner.de/index.php?title=HX3_Remote_Application


I put in a call to Diversi, and they said that their main tech for this unit will be in tomorrow. (I will add that I'm more technologically educated than most... In addition to playing keyboards since the early '80's, I teach Technology & Engineering.) If a company wants to have user-friendly software, they start by including a disc of the basic program in the box with the product.


Having said all that, I'm delighted with what I'm hearing. I bought my first Hammond C3 30 years ago, and I've been struggling to get that sound out at gigs ever since. This is surely the closest I've ever been without having to move the real thing.

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Jason, I am sorry to read that you have had a defective unit. I'm afraid that was my fault. Last summer, when I stepped in for Carsten for a short period of time, we have sent out a number of defective units.


For those who understand the technical details: There is a small microcontroller assisting the FPGA on the HX3 mainboard. In this chip the so-called brown-out detection fuse has not been set as should have been. The result is that everytime you shut the power down the chip has a small chance to run wild for some cycles and may even destroy its own program in the flash memory.


This bug has been hard to track down. But meanwhile Carsten has cleaned up the mess and I believe that with the help of Tom Tuson at Diversi we have successfully repaired all of the defective boards. Also with the latest HX3 Flash version updapting should be easy for every user. So, hitting roadblocks is hopefully an issue of the past.




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Jason: Just for the record. The issue with your HX3 was a single 2nd party USB to FTDI board/ This board has no effect on any sonic characteristics of the HX3, it simply is for data transfer between the HX3 and the computer. There was nothing wrong with main board, which is KeyboardPartners design. Carsten's boards are very well designed and manufactured.


I would like to reminded everyone that since August Carsten has made a large number of changes not only from the sonic standpoint but also new features including being able to play outside of the 61 note range when using up to 88 note keyboards. The Tube Amp, Vibrato Chorus, Rotary Simulation, Octave shifts while in split mode and adding Sostenuto to mention a few things.


Again, I will say that Carsten is one of the most responsive engineer / developers I have worked. Christian is also a great help in allowing Carsten to focus on improving the HX3.


Tom Tuson


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Is it possible to send my HX3 unit to Diversi for the latest updates? I use a Mac and no access to a PC. Also even if I could find someone with a PC I don't want to chance bricking the HX3. I am in Virginia and have a few weeks downtime after next week. The Module was purchased in August 2015 and still has the same firmware. Thank you.
"You better get outta town before your nickname expires" WZ
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Bill, I'll jump in here since it;s the weekend and Tom should be resting. The answer is yes, I know of 4 people including myself who have done this. You ship it to Diversi on your dime, should cost you all of $6.00 through USPS. Tom will update it and send it back to you. You will be invoiced for return shipping. It's that simple. Excellent customer service. Just e-mail or call him to let him know when you send it so he is expecting it.
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I got the hx3 with drawbars just after jan 1, and I really like the sound and the drawbars. Unfortunately, I don't think the split function is very good with a single 73 or 76 or 88 note controller board. The reason is that if you press any key outside of the 61 key (5 octaves + 1 note) range of a classic b3, that note will be immediately shifted up or down an octave so that it falls within the 61 note range, so you always get a discontinuity if you go outside the 61 note range.


(At least you do get a note, which is a big improvement from the previous version, 3.91, where those notes did not play at all).


I have a 73 note Nord electro 2. It goes from F below the b3's low C up to F above the b3's high C. So on the top end, the notes C# to F are all just shifted down an octave to get them back in range. If I do a split with the lower half shifted up an octave (so I can comp with the left hand), the lower half is shifted up an octave as it should be. However, the 7 bottom notes, from F to B below the B3's bottom C, are all shifted up an extra octave, which is disconcerting to say the least. These tones actually exist on the instrument, but the logic of the split has a flaw, and they are shifted once because the physical keys lie below the b3's lowest keyboard C, and then they are shifted another octave because the split has an octave shift.


(this last problem can be avoided if your controller keyboard can do the split and octave shift so that the hx3's flawed logic can be bypassed).


Tom has said that Carsten will fix this and implement tone wheel based fold back (where just the tone wheels that are out of range are folded back, instead of the entire note), but I would advise anyone planning to use the split function to wait until this is fully implemented before they buy a unit. Hopefully that won't be too long and I look forward to editing this post with the good news when that happens.

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Bluzeplayr, your advice is reasonable if nothing else matters. Others might prefer getting the HX3 sound now and the improved foldback feature with the firmware next update. Carsten will address this issue, of course. It may take some weeks though since the company is moving to a new location.


We wanted to get the 3.92 firmware out of the door before this date because of the significant improvements: Higher bass and organ output levels, at the same time less prone to overflow distortion, improved tube amp sim, and an urgent bugfix in MIDI channel settings. Foldback for notes outside the natural tonewheel range has been added last minute upon customer request. Today I think we should have left that feature away because, indeed, there is still room for improvement.

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Bluzeplayer: As a fellow Electro player (ne4) I'm interested in how the nords physical organ buttons match up with the appropriate function on the HX3. Or are you controlling everything from the drawbar module?
"I'm well acquainted with the touch of a velvet hand..."
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I think there probably many of us watching this thread with interest. This is indeed an impressive organ module, but the fact that the OS at 3.9 just now has master volume and sustain pedal function is to me a sign that it was not ready for prime time when released. Great to know that product support is top notch and developers are still working hard to get all kinks worked out. When products are released earlier than perhaps they should be maybe an extended warranty for early adopters would be more enticing to some us than buying cheaper at an introductory price. Honestly if I bought now, I would still feel like an early adopter.

"It is a danger to create something and risk rejection. It is a greater danger to create nothing and allow mediocrity to rule."

"You owe it to us all to get on with what you're good at." W.H. Auden


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Well, in the new world of kickstarter campaigns and startups, it seems to me the acceptable range of "ready for prime time" is wider than it was in the past. I mean, I think everyone generally agrees what we expect from Yamaha or Korg...but from a smaller 1 or 2-person organization?


One could take the position that the comprehensive level of "ready for prime time" should be equivalent...but I think the market has already spoken that we are willing to accept something other than that for the sake of encouraging brave new inventions to be brought to market sooner rather than later.


There will always be early adopters, leading edge adopters...and bleeding edge adopters. The beauty is each user gets to vote with his own wallet when he wants to get involved.

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but the fact that the OS at 3.9 just now has master volume and sustain pedal function is to me a sign that it was not ready for prime time when released.


it was designed to replicate an original Hammond B3, which had neither a master volume or a sustain pedal. They were added after requests from users. How's that for customer service? :2thu:

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but the fact that the OS at 3.9 just now has master volume and sustain pedal function is to me a sign that it was not ready for prime time when released.


it was designed to replicate an original Hammond B3, which had neither a master volume or a sustain pedal. They were added after requests from users. How's that for customer service? :2thu:





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Well, in the new world of kickstarter campaigns and startups, it seems to me the acceptable range of "ready for prime time" is wider than it was in the past. I mean, I think everyone generally agrees what we expect from Yamaha or Korg...but from a smaller 1 or 2-person organization?


One could take the position that the comprehensive level of "ready for prime time" should be equivalent...but I think the market has already spoken that we are willing to accept something other than that for the sake of encouraging brave new inventions to be brought to market sooner rather than later.


There will always be early adopters, leading edge adopters...and bleeding edge adopters. The beauty is each user gets to vote with his own wallet when he wants to get involved.

This makes an excellent point. If you really want to support small business, especially new kick-starter projects then you have to put your money up and hope for the best. Crowd funding of projects whether cutting edge tech, education, or philanthropy are one of the great things to come out of this world connected community we call the internet.


The product support team behind HX3 appear to be topnotch, and that is a vital part of building consumer confidence.

"It is a danger to create something and risk rejection. It is a greater danger to create nothing and allow mediocrity to rule."

"You owe it to us all to get on with what you're good at." W.H. Auden


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Just got mine back from Diversi.

Talk about support and service.


Not to mention it sounds fantastic.


These guys managed to get the sound Japanese Hammonds can't.


Somebody must have been listening to a Hammond player cause this is the 70s, all styles, all leslie types and the overdrive is quite superior to any distortion I have using FPGA/DSP or Native, even my Radial Plexitube can't get this quality.


Thanks Yuze Guys



Magnus C350 + FMR RNP + Realistic Unisphere Mic
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From the sound of it , I was sent TWO defective units, the second one being sold to Jason Fry.


The first one wouldn't trigger on Bb 2, but the people at Diversi claimed that this was not the case when I sent the unit back. Not true. Bb 2 wouldn't trigger on anything I played it with, as I tried several units at the music store and several at home.


Well... that's good that they are covering Jason's unit that I sold him. Now I find out that there was something going on with a number of units sent out last summer. Hmmmm....


I wanted to like the HX3, but not being able to find out if they were going to deal with the CV issue caused me to dump the unit. I guess (???) they have dealt with it.... not sure to what degree, but apparently if you have enough patience and computer skills you might wind up with something useful after all.


I ran out of patience with it certainly. I need something that is right the first time...please.

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