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Everything posted by bluzeplayr

  1. Hi, I was supposed to play piano at the Playa Jazz camp at burning man this september, but I can’t go. They erect a big dome and set up chairs and play/jam each night from 10pm-2am (schedule at https://www.playajazz.com/). They have a Fender Rhodes which apparently holds up well in the dusty environment. I have a ticket +parking for sale, and I’m sure anyone on this forum would be welcome to join the camp and be the house pianist - mostly real book classics. Or, stop by and sit in if you’re there! message me if you’re interested and I’ll connect you with the crew. Naturally, there’s no pay since it’s burning man 😉 Bruce
  2. Thanks, I'll check out the beta on github.
  3. Yes, I had the same problem trying to upgrade the sound of my Nord Electro 73 with a HX3-DE (the module that includes 2 sets of drawbars + all the controls). The problem for me was the split function: the HX-3 keyboard split function works fine if you have 61 keys in a C to C arrangement (like a Nord or Novation 61), but it doesn't really handle keys outside the 61 key range if you're trying to use the split function on a larger keyboard (like my Nord 73) -- it doesn't ignore the extra keys, but it transposes them up or down an extra octave so that your keyboard effectively looks like a 61 key controller to the HX-3. They originally thought they could fix this, but I believe that the HX-3 was designed for the standard 61 note manuals, and they just can't figure out how to elegantly handle more than that. ------------ Here's an extended note if anyone is interested: There's a valid argument about the way the HX-3 handles notes above the 61 key range. The original Hammonds had 61 keys, so synthesizing higher notes can sound unauthentic. So 'folding down' the extra notes by one octave on the top of the range is not so bad, and Galileo for example does this also. However, there's really no excuse for the way they handle the lower notes when you have a +1 octave shift on the lower split. If you press a note below the 61 note range, they do a 2 octave shift even though you only asked for 1 octave. Galileo gets this one right, as does pretty much everyone else. The only way to use these things is to have either 2 keyboards, or a single 61 note C to C controller (like a novation 61), or to have a controller that outputs a split on separate upper and lower channels. Unfortunately, the Nord Electro 2 does not output the upper and lower split on separate channels (I don't know about the later ones), so that's why you shouldn't buy an hx3 to fix up the sound of a Nord 73.
  4. Many of the controls seem to line up ok with the nord on the custom control set. I connected a volume pedal to the electro, and the hx3 picked it right up. I connected an ordinary pedal to the electro's fast rotary input, but I had to use the remote program to get that to work on the Hx3 (the Hx3 takes a stereo pedal for rotor speed, and Diversi offers a compatible pedal at a discount). The remote program is pretty smooth once you get used to it, however: you twiddle something on the nord and the program opens up that control, then you click on the function you want it to do and the software makes the assignment, and when you're done you load it onto the hx3.
  5. I got the hx3 with drawbars just after jan 1, and I really like the sound and the drawbars. Unfortunately, I don't think the split function is very good with a single 73 or 76 or 88 note controller board. The reason is that if you press any key outside of the 61 key (5 octaves + 1 note) range of a classic b3, that note will be immediately shifted up or down an octave so that it falls within the 61 note range, so you always get a discontinuity if you go outside the 61 note range. (At least you do get a note, which is a big improvement from the previous version, 3.91, where those notes did not play at all). I have a 73 note Nord electro 2. It goes from F below the b3's low C up to F above the b3's high C. So on the top end, the notes C# to F are all just shifted down an octave to get them back in range. If I do a split with the lower half shifted up an octave (so I can comp with the left hand), the lower half is shifted up an octave as it should be. However, the 7 bottom notes, from F to B below the B3's bottom C, are all shifted up an extra octave, which is disconcerting to say the least. These tones actually exist on the instrument, but the logic of the split has a flaw, and they are shifted once because the physical keys lie below the b3's lowest keyboard C, and then they are shifted another octave because the split has an octave shift. (this last problem can be avoided if your controller keyboard can do the split and octave shift so that the hx3's flawed logic can be bypassed). Tom has said that Carsten will fix this and implement tone wheel based fold back (where just the tone wheels that are out of range are folded back, instead of the entire note), but I would advise anyone planning to use the split function to wait until this is fully implemented before they buy a unit. Hopefully that won't be too long and I look forward to editing this post with the good news when that happens.
  6. I downloaded the file (twice) but both PeaZip and windows explorer say the file is invalid. Is there a password? Bruce
  7. i received the hx3 drawbar expander a couple of days ago, but I haven't been able to find the remote app that seems to help with editing the parameters, and saving configurations. I downloaded the latest flash...zip, but there's no remote .exe in the directory, and I tried to find 'remote' in the github archive and it came up empty. Does anyone know if this has been eliminated, or merged with the 'flash updates app?
  8. I actually own two of the ss100 v2 amps. I bought one when they came out, and the other when sweetwater had their sale since I kept blowing the side speaker and needed a spare (i used an eminence open back as replacement side driver). I was running an electro 2 thru it (plus a little barbetta underneath), and the leslie sound has always been great. I just ordered v3, hopefully I can sell the 2's to help pay for it ($200 each if anyone is interested). One comment: with v2 and the nord e2, i would sometimes get complaints from the drummer or sax player next to me. It was because of a piercing high tone that sometimes emitted to the side. I never sat down to analyze it, but I'm wondering if the side signal (i think it's L-R) is different in v3 than it was in v2. Or if maybe the side-firing speaker has a different resonance that might soften this in v3. I used to think about putting together a hinged plexiglass reflector, and after reading aspen's post on the subject I kind of wish I had tried it. Anyhow, I was wondering if the side signal is very different in the new version. I use a burn now and that seems to have helped. Bruce
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