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I'm taking a break from the forum.


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Hi everyone,


It was nice to finally speak with you guys after lurking around for a while. Especially nice meeting Mogut and Offnote.


Anyway just wanted to let everyone know that I am going to be taking a break from the forum for a while. I am headed back home tomorrow and will be focused on work and my music. This past week I've been visiting my daughter (from my first marriage) and her family in Albuquerque, eating roasted chiles and watching the hot air balloons. I had a lot of spare time during the day to get on the net and opine. Back home things are a little more hectic with a 2 year old and three crazy dogs.


Don't worry though, I will definitely be back when I have some time off work like the week of Thanksgiving and the Christmas to New Years break. I'll also try to make it out to Moogfest this year so I might run into you there. I'm a big boy about 260 and six feet tall and will probably be wearing my LSU shirt since it we will be in SEC country and the Tigers are ranked no. 1 in all the polls.


Also wanted to say sorry for ruffling Dave Bryce's feathers by posting a for sale/trade ad in the for sale section without racking up the mandatory 30 posts. I guess now I know why there are so many "+1" posts. Sure is easy to pad your post numbers with a simple "+1" response. Anyway I'll probably hit the mark when I get back at Thanksgiving and will advertise it again. It'll make a nice Christmas present for some kid.


I am absolutely loving the Saints and LSU right now so I am on cloud nine. It is about a 27 hour drive back to Cut Off and I am headed out at 5 tomorrow morning. Wish me luck. I'll see you guys when LSU plays Arkansas.

Hammond SK2, Yamaha TX81Z, Monster Cable Instrument and MIDI cables, Peavey KB4, Cadillac DeVille, Rolex President, 23" Admiral Color Television, Three Catahoulas
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Baby please don't go

Baby please don't go

Baby please don't go

Down to New Orleans

You know I love you so

Baby please don't go


"It doesn't have to be difficult to be cool" - Mitch Towne


"A great musician can bring tears to your eyes!!!

So can a auto Mechanic." - Stokes Hunt


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We hate to see you go, but love to . . . . no that's not right.


Come back when you can stay lon . . . . no that's not it either.


Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.


Ahhhhh . . . . that's the one!

Yamaha C7 Grand, My Hammonds: '57 B3, '54 C2, '42 BC, '40 D, '05 XK3 Pro System, Kawai MP9000, Fender Rhodes Mk I 73, Yamaha CP33, Motif ES6, Nord Electro 2, Minimoog Voyager & Model D, Korg MS10
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-1 to Sven since he missed the obvious. ;)


Sorry, there's so many damned spoof threads it's hard to keep track... ;)


-1 to Sven since he isn't keeping up on the spoof threads. ;)


Spoof Threads . . . . great name for a band!!

Yamaha C7 Grand, My Hammonds: '57 B3, '54 C2, '42 BC, '40 D, '05 XK3 Pro System, Kawai MP9000, Fender Rhodes Mk I 73, Yamaha CP33, Motif ES6, Nord Electro 2, Minimoog Voyager & Model D, Korg MS10
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