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OT- LA fires....again

Dave Ferris

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They're back!


Very close to home this time. The air is really terrible around here since Wednesday. We haven't had the windows open for days.

I have quite a few friends that live in the canyons and lower elevations of the mountains up Angeles Crest Highway where the fires are raging out of control. My wife's personal trainer left her home up on Starlight Crest in La Canada and now they are not letting her back into the neighborhood. Now we're getting word that some homes have been partially destroyed on her street.We're down the hill a bit so for the time being we're ok, but I'm worried for my friends up there.






2005 NY Steinway D, Yamaha AvantGrand N3X, CP88, P515







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Gross up in L.A.! Also close to home for me in Rancho Palos Verdes. Fortunately not close to where my parents live or where I live in Lomita. But I did get the heck out of town for the weekend, going down to Mexico with my girlfriend.


Yeah Dave I thought of you up there. I hope that you remain free from danger.


Scary as this is early in the fire season.

Kawai C-60 Grand Piano : Hammond A-100 : Hammond SK2 : Yamaha CP4 : Yamaha Montage 7 : Moog Sub 37


My latest album: Funky organ, huge horn section


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Yeah likewise Bobby. When I heard about that fire down in Rancho PV, I thought about your Mom's house and another friend, great pianist, Sam Sorenson who lives down there.


We just returned from Sycamore Cove/Beach on the Ventura County line. We were going to have a birthday celebration for my wife's brother and one of his kids over here, but the air quality made it out of the question. It was hard to believe we were still in the same city being out there.


It was nice to get out of what feels like a huge ash tray. We're very very lucky the fires are up the mountain from us. Man, this is getting old, this drought, dry, no moisture and the inevitable fires. I'm moving to Seattle.


Talk about earning your dough....those firemen, carrying close to 100 lbs. of equipment in over 100+ degree temps, no sleep, putting their life on the line. These guys are unbelievable and real heroes. Sad news though, on the radio coming back in I heard two fire fighters lost their lives when their truck turned over up by Mt. Gleason. Tragic.




2005 NY Steinway D, Yamaha AvantGrand N3X, CP88, P515







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DF and other LA forumites, stay safe out there. Nature is unpredictable. We can only roll with the punches and hope for the best. :cool:



"The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return."--E. Ahbez "Nature Boy"

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I work in Glendale, Dave, so I have some idea of what it's like there, and I'm sorry to hear about that. I hope you'll be okay.


School in Glendale was closed today (was to be the first day back to school for students). The air there on Thursday and especially Friday was awful...and that was BEFORE it grew to over twenty times the size it was on Friday!!!! It's an enormous fire, really bad. I send my best wishes for people who live around the area, and hope that no lives are lost.

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I just stepped out to the parking lot here at work (Pasadena). It's already over 90 and the air smells like brimstone. I feel sorry for the guys out there fighting these fires.

Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.

-Mark Twain


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Yeah, it's hotter that hell out there, and that's tough fighting because there's not that many accessible roads, even with the fire roads. Steep terrain. I seriously don't know how they fight those fires, but California firemen have to be some of the best in the world.
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I'd like to add all my best wishes to you, and everyone out there, for


(1) You & your family's safety, and


(2) That the damage to any property/belongings is kept to a minimum.



At times like this, it almost makes me grateful that all we have to grumble about over here is that it seems to rain too much.


I wish we could send some over to you right now.



Take care.




some stuff on myspace


Nord: StageEX-88, Electro2-73, Hammond: XK-1, Yamaha: XS7

Korg: M3-73 EXpanded, M50-88, X50, Roland: Juno D, Kurzweil: K2000vp.

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3 Super Scooper airplanes arrived earlier today from Quebec Canada.


The Station Fire has it is being referred to is not even under 10% containment. They said they expect full containment SEPT. 15 !!


The fire is moving Northeast towards Acton. There is mandatory evacuation in La Crescenta and parts of Sunland and Tujunga. One close friend lives up on Briggs, I know this has affected him.


They are talking about a slight cooling trend starting tomorrow and an outside chance of rain on Friday. That would be like manna from heaven. The air around here today is has bad has it has been.


They released the names of the two firefighters killed last night. One of the guys had an 8 month old pregnant wife due Sept.21.








2005 NY Steinway D, Yamaha AvantGrand N3X, CP88, P515







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Freaky. For what it's worth it's been a bit cooler down here in the South Bay. Our air down here suffered much worse actually last year during the fires than from these. Also, it doesn't look like any of us on the forum are directly affected.


The Station Fire has it is being referred to is not even under 10% containment. They said they expect full containment SEPT. 15 !!


That's a scary and horrible thought.

Kawai C-60 Grand Piano : Hammond A-100 : Hammond SK2 : Yamaha CP4 : Yamaha Montage 7 : Moog Sub 37


My latest album: Funky organ, huge horn section


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So far, all clear down here in San Diego......we get our share of this mess annually as well.


Problem is, this has been a very dry year.


A few years ago up in Ramona, we had a firetruck in our driveway evecuating us while fighting the flames coming down the hill right behind the house!


Just as we were leaving this thunderous sound came overhead as a bomber dropped a load of fire retardent right on the hillside (more like a mountainside) and put the fire out...Bullseye Dude!


We didn't have to leave....Those guys are amazing!


That fire took out the valley between Escondido and Ramona, unreal.....as you drove out of there you could see small animals running for their lives down the road......smoke coming off their hides!

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Freaky. For what it's worth it's been a bit cooler down here in the South Bay.


It's actually quite nice here, as you know, neighbor. We're only fortunate due to the on-shore and northward wind direction. As you mention, the last couple of big fire seasons had it blowing straight at us and we were choking for days.

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Yeah, it's hotter that hell out there, and that's tough fighting because there's not that many accessible roads, even with the fire roads. Steep terrain. I seriously don't know how they fight those fires, but California firemen have to be some of the best in the world.


No doubt they are. As a retired volunteer fireman I know what it is like to fight fires in summer heat with fireman's gear on - unbelievably hot, but we never fought fires anywhere near that big. Those fires are huge... and then there's the terrain... I can't imagine - my hat is off!


I sincerely hope all of you stay safe.



"It is a danger to create something and risk rejection. It is a greater danger to create nothing and allow mediocrity to rule."

"You owe it to us all to get on with what you're good at." W.H. Auden


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If you wish to help with the fire effort in Los Angeles:















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