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[quote]Originally posted by robsmusic: [b]Hey Dan, Thanks for taking the time to listen to "Use Me". I visited your site earlier today, and I really enjoyed listening to your Baroque style pieces. I've added your song "Rain Dance" to my Car Stereo drive time cd, so I'll be listening to it on the way home from work. I like that cool arpeggiated groove. Excellent drum programming! Check ya later, Rob PS: Is that photo the Real You? [/b][/quote] Hey Rob! Thanks for the kind remarks. Glad you enjoyed Rain Dance and the Baroque pieces. I write a wide diversity of stuff, and I'll post again when I have some new things for you to check out. I only had a chance to listen to the first of your songs, but as Eric said, it's a beautiful piece. I'll be sure to listen to the others soon!! No, that's not me; I was just being facetious. It's a statue in Stratford-upon-Avon, England, Shakespeare's birthplace (as well as where he's buried). If you're ever in the UK, spend a night or two in Stratford and take in a play or two by the Royal Shakespeare company. It's a wonderful experience! Um, I DID take the photo, though. Does THAT count? I had a photo of ME up there for a while, but everyone stopped listening to my tunes. Perhaps it's better that I remain anonymous. [img]http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif[/img] Thanks again!!! Dan
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To Eric: http://www.mp3.com/TransluxTheater Thank you for listening to "Use Me", and for your kind words. I've just finished listening to all of you posted tunes. You have a very polished sound. I like your analogy of the tree-lined streets of Philly to a "Green Tunnel" (Great playing on that song, by the way!). I could picture the bikers wizzing by!. How about one about the in-line skaters? Happy Trackin' Rob ------------------ R. Guilford Butts www.mp3.com/robsmusic "Your talent is God's gift to you. What you do with it is your gift back to God"......Leo Buscaglia

R. Guilford Butts



"Your talent is God's gift to you. What you do with it is your gift back to God"......Leo Buscaglia

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I recorded a vocal using my new Rode NT2 Friday night...we mixed the same night. It's nice to hear the real sound of my voice for a change...the SM58 was a struggle for me. Have a listen: [url=http://www.jamfree.com/music.htm] \"Unless You Know\"[/url] I'm Singing, playing Rhodes and Guitars Nick Jett (my 19 year old nephew) - Bass and Guitar Tom LeBlanc - Drums This message has been edited by Steve LeBlanc on 08-06-2001 at 03:28 PM
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  • 2 weeks later...
Hey everyone hope you can find the time to check out some of our tunes at http://artists.mp3s.com/artists/253/boy_girl_radio.html ,i would recommend "rubber bullets" or maybe "courage" but there`s alot of crazy lunar-pop soundscapes going on in just about all of them!some of our favorite bands would be "the flaming lips","the beatles","jellyfish","grandaddy" old david bowie etc... Arch
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Gigas111 - Excellent house grooves! I don't doubt that you pack the floor with these. What's the "french" angle? Am I missing something? Boy Girl Radio - I listened to Winnebago some months ago. Rubber Bullets is equally impressive. You guys have a great art pop sound. Wishing you lots of success.
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Really digging Macles stuff!Despair is huge!Reminds me abit of some of the stuff Fiona Apple did with Jon Brion producing...i find that in this thread[because its production oriented] i hear a fair amount of stuff where the songwriting takes a back seat to the engineering-not so in Macles case.
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[quote]Originally posted by archibald3: [b]Really digging Macles stuff!Despair is huge!Reminds me abit of some of the stuff Fiona Apple did with Jon Brion producing...i find that in this thread[because its production oriented] i hear a fair amount of stuff where the songwriting takes a back seat to the engineering-not so in Macles case.[/b][/quote] Hey archibald, thanks, what a very cool thing to say! Actually had Jon Brion in mind a bit when doing Despair. I listened to a couple more of your tunes. The melody in Rubber Bullets kills me, that opening line especially. Listened to Wide-eyed as well, thought I was listening to Bowie, the vocal really sounded like Bowie. The arrangements you guys do are amazing. Like Van Dyke Parks, only completely modern. The way you take sort of traditional songwriting, but then subvert it into madness! Macle http://angelfire.lycos.com/rock2/3songs
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Macle, I tried to listen to your music, but I got this error message: Cannot open 'http://www.angelfire.com/rock2/3songs/Joke.mp3'. Please verify that the path and filename are correct and try again. Do you have an alternative site? Rob ------------------ R. Guilford Butts www.mp3.com/robsmusic "Your talent is God's gift to you. What you do with it is your gift back to God"......Leo Buscaglia

R. Guilford Butts



"Your talent is God's gift to you. What you do with it is your gift back to God"......Leo Buscaglia

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[quote]Originally posted by robsmusic: [b]Macle, I tried to listen to your music, but I got this error message: Cannot open 'http://www.angelfire.com/rock2/3songs/Joke.mp3'. Please verify that the path and filename are correct and try again. Do you have an alternative site? Rob [/b][/quote] Hi Rob, Yes, for the very reason that that angelfire site doesn't always seem to work (a number have people have told me, but it always works for me, so maybe it's a browser thing or something.) Sorry about that. Try here: http://macle.webjump.com/ Hope it works, and look forward to your thoughts. Macle
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Macle, I heard the 3 songs on your site. The recording quality is top notch. The mixing and mastering sound really good. I like the way that you recorded the voices, clear and up-front, with just the right amount of "edge". The songs have a "neo-Beatles" flavor. Good job, Rob

R. Guilford Butts



"Your talent is God's gift to you. What you do with it is your gift back to God"......Leo Buscaglia

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Thanks Rob, I appreciate your checking them out. Especially cool is the good mastering comment, since they haven't been mastered! Thanks again, Macle http://angelfire.lycos.com/rock2/3songs http://macle.webjump.com/
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Well guys, I'd love your input on [url=http://artists.mp3s.com/artist_song/1750/1750074.html]this [/url] Yes I turned ze knobs and programmed the compupterized half, and a friend from Florida played the guitar, sent to us via the magic .mp3 format. The lady in question happens to be my wife [img]http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img] /Z
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Our full cd is available in Real Audio format. http://www.DarlingNikkie.com/sounds If you gonna listen to only one song listen to Immortal . It does not represent the CD but it is an amazing song. Stings and harp was recorded live, Lyrics written by me, to my darling wife (the producer/songwriter/singer) If you gonna listen to two choose between SugarCane - pop song or So Easy - another love song but more soul/jazzy feel Let us know what you think [img]http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img] ------------------ Visit http://www.DarlingNikkie.com/sounds for free MP3's

Rotshtein Danny - Studio Engineer

Jingles show-reel


Visit DarlingNikkie.com To discover the sounds of "Darling Nikkie"(aka Jade 4U). . . .

New exciting project Goddess of Destruction

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Hey, we have some music up on Mp3.com - http://www.mp3.com/DustinDerek - We've been pretty successful, up in the Top 10 or Top 15 quite a bit on Mp3.com charts, I'm the drummer for the group, I'm 15. My brother, 23, is the guitar player, but he also overdubs bass and keys and rhythm guitar(when necissary). Any feedback (good or bad) would be great, and I'm always up for advice. Thanks! Derek http://www.mp3.com/DustinDerek
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Hi ! Just in case you're interested on listening this. I am currently producing a Mexican Dance Artist named "El Chan". His style is Latin/Dance music. You can try the first DEMO release at: http://trax.iuma.com ... just to the right of the main picture. The song is called "EL CHAKA CHAKA" (Shakin'-Shakin'). A mmtss-mmtss-mmtss dance song with a latin taste. For easy listeners only. All of the other tunes (with the exception of "The B Side Wins Again REMIX" from PUBLIC ENEMY for the [url=http://www.slamjamz.com]www.slamjamz.com[/url] project) are of my band, TRAX. Thanks in advance to the possible visitors. ------------------ [b]Gustavo G Lozada[/b] Moderador de: [url=http://www.musicplayer.com/nuestroforo]MusicPlayer.com/NuestroForo[/url] [i] "La voz en Español en Música y Tecnología"[/i] [url=http://www.mp3.com/trax_mx]GusTraX[/url] @yahoo.com

Músico, Productor, Ingeniero, Tecnólogo

Senior Product Manager, América Latina y Caribe - PreSonus

at Fender Musical Instruments Company


Instagram: guslozada

Facebook: Lozada - Música y Tecnología



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I finally did a remix of this tune. I sat and listened to it and A/B'ed it to my new Don Henley CD and the new Steely Dan and Boy did I weep. The truth is that this is my first tune with this many tracks.(42 or something) and a ton of guitars.(sorry /Z) Please comment if anything totally amature jumps out at you. I hang here to learn and improve. Thanks for your time folks. http://artists.mp3s.com/artists/279/jim_holland.html This message has been edited by halljams on 08-12-2001 at 05:21 PM
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>>The truth is that this is my first tune with this many tracks<< I enjoyed it. 42 tracks wow. ------------------ William F. Turner Songwriter [url=http://www.csonline.net/wfturner/index.html]turnermusic[/url]

William F. Turner




Sometimes the truth is rude...

tough shit... get used to it.

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Thanks for checking it out William. I checked out a bunch your tunes. Bitches Brew had some cool flavours in it. I found myself missing Jack Dejonettes' drumming...but cool all the same. The Mella guitar Fella (great name) was a real treat with all the nods to The late master of that style himself..Chett. You have some really great clean warm lead guitar sounds. I played country for a number of years as a lead guitarist so i appreciate those tones. I listened to 'Heavens online' and 'Wonder of a dream' also and enjoyed the diverse guitar textures in those as well. they all compliment each other and are in their own space, very cool. Willie would be proud of the songwriting too. Great lyrics! You should come play up in the Yukon, they'd eat you up up here dude. Cheers This message has been edited by halljams on 08-12-2001 at 08:53 PM
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[quote] The truth is that this is my first tune with this many tracks.(42 or something) and a ton of guitars.(sorry /Z)[/quote] If its 42 tracks I gotta listen regardless of guitar precence or not. Besides, if you listen to what [url=http://artists.mp3s.com/artist_song/1750/1750074.html]I posted[/url] it actually HAS guitar in it. Acoustic, even. Played by a guy in FLORIDA, even. [img]http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif[/img] /Z
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Here's some IMHO quality electronics that deserves a larger audience [img]http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif[/img] http://www.mp3.com/vimpel Seriously, any feedback would be very interesting. We can be reached at contact@vimpel.no
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Hey /Z... I had already noticed that your new work had acoustic on it and thought that you fit it in very nicely to the style. The Frettless is beatifully rich and thick also. (Nice player) (It was your comment about electric guitars having an unfavourable frequency range to your ears that i was refering to.) I went to Nina's site and listened to a couple other tunes there also. Although it's not really my thing, i think that she has a really good package going. Nice voice, distinct Genere, And hey, Cute as hell! Great Marketing! Do you do all the music for her? If so, i am envious of your ability to produce so much stuff at such a high quality level. There are some great musical ideas (melody lines, riffs, sounds,etc).
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Hi halljams I listened to "WAXMAN" and I mist first and without resarvation say I like the SONG!! Sort of a modern-day beatle-esque thing. Now, since we are playing producer here (if I dare, I am just a guy in a Garage after all [img]http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img] ) lets make some mixing comment. First thing - the vocals. The singing is fine, but what Microphone did you use? Most of the sounds in the song sounds nice and "clear" but the vocals seem "boxed in" somehow. It sounds to me like you would need a better Microphone.... may I recomment a RÖDE NT3 for vox. The vocal needs more presence and clarity. Secondly, the vocals are a little low, and as said lack a little clarity. I'd drop out a little bottom end from them. In general in the mix, I have mostly EQ comments to make..... I would have taken some of the bottom out of most of the guitars, coz it all collides with the bass.... too much rumble in the guitars slurs the bass register. E.g. at 01:42 there is a whole lodda bass in them guitars that rumbles stuff up quite a bit. At the solo 02:53 I think the whole mix becomes a rather messy afair I'm afraid. Lastly... the drums. Hmmm. You all know I am not a big fan of acoustic drums, because they are so hard to get "right". How did you record these? It's the weakest link, IMHO.... but maybe that's just me, who wants a big bad driving beat in everything I do. [img]http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif[/img] However, I'm gonna try experimenting with overall EQ and listen again. You got a whole bunch of frequencies in a region which to me makes the entire sound rather "boxy" and very little "bite" in the top end. This sounds like an overall EQ issue. (But hey, I monitor on Mirage FRX One's so maybe you shouldn't listen to me much in this regard [img]http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img] ) Hope you take this as constructive criticism and dont get mad at me. This is what I hear when I listen... its what I would have done different, basically. But I do not know of your goals and how you "want" it to sound, so I cant really judge that. Also, thank you for listening to the Nina tracks. Yes life is a bit "easier" in electronic land since you do not have so many microphones involved, mic placement, room acoustics and whatnot to worry about. For the vocals we have a RÖDE NT3 and it's IMHO great (although we only actually used it on the newest tracks) and dont cost all that much. Yeah Nina is very photogenic. Cameras just love her, its pretty amazing that she wanted to marry a fool like me [img]http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img] once upon a time. Also that she is a mother of three... (and yes that is a recent pic) Oh rats gotta dash... I type too much. Toodle-pip /Z
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/Z This is exactly the kind of feedback i was hoping for. Thank you very much. I am going to print your post and spend some time checking out your suggestions. -I used a Humble sm58 to record the vocals (I know, I'm saving up) -Good eq ing suggestions, i did play with dropping a bit of 2-500hz out of the overall mix, so that may be partially accountable for the boxy nature, I do hear it now though. -As for the guitars, i was going for a "mayhem" sort of thing at the solo. I think that i used too much of the one thick marshall sound though and perhaps some creative eq ing is in fact in order to clear up the mud. On the drums.. is it the performance, the recorded sound, the way they were treated in mixing,(Which was actually very little), could you be specific as to what you'd like to hear instead? No hard feelings, really, slam away! Thank-you again for your time and for sharing your opinions with such pleasant conviction, i love it! JH Ps Bonifide... I really really like that tune! Great stuff man! This message has been edited by halljams on 08-13-2001 at 05:32 PM
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Nice tune Bonifide. DL'd the better version and sounds real good. A pop tune kinda like I remember a pop tune used to be. Put the synths a bit more in the background and add a few fills with Nashville's favorite instruments...ie.. fiddle, steel, etc and it'd be very pitchable to that market as I'm hearing on country radio these days. I like the flavor of your voice. Could use a small touch of clarity thru the verses. Once again nice. ------------------ William F. Turner Songwriter [url=http://www.csonline.net/wfturner/index.html]turnermusic[/url] This message has been edited by WFTurner on 08-14-2001 at 07:19 AM

William F. Turner




Sometimes the truth is rude...

tough shit... get used to it.

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