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Everything posted by Morrissey

  1. The "Have Fun" portion looks so small when you put it that way! Yes, lots more gigs rolling in. I'm involved with several groups, all of which gigged sporadically the past two years but are now ready to resume full tilt. A good problem to have but keeping a close eye on the calendar so things don't get out of control.
  2. Been doing some price research on this. Pricing all over the map and fluctuates quite a bit. Patience may be rewarded for those eyeing this one.
  3. @Smallobear - Building on posts immediately above, the Stage is certainly expensive but it is difficult to find folks who buy one and have buyer's remorse. Check out this current thread in which Nord Stage is by far the most cited board by forumites as "best purchase ever" -
  4. Agreed, although part of the explanation is we're so busy talking about Stevie being at the top of the mountains of musicianship and songwriting that we infrequently get around to his technological contributions. I suppose Herbie Hancock holds similar stature and has a better balance of being recognized in all three areas.
  5. Yes, djx-II was a flop, but the original DJX was pretty fun. Packed with features above price tier. Still have one for sentimental value.
  6. What about the Nord Electro 73 HP? Someone with more Nord expertise than I have should be able to tell OP how many of OP's 5 criteria the Electro satisfies
  7. Don't sleep on the S3's ability to upload soundfont 2 sf2 files. The poor man's Nord library. There are a couple other options for affordable weighted key 73/76. Someone mentioned above the new Numa GTX 73. And the econo option is the Yamaha P121, although it lacks many of the features OP specified.
  8. Visible beginning about the 20 second mark. I assume these rotating speakers are just stage props for the video, but maybe someone knows better and they are a futuristic quasi-Leslie option about which I'm unaware.
  9. Spice Girls music has aged much better than I would've guessed
  10. OP: in case unfamiliar, here is probably the most comprehensive forum thread on the SK2:
  11. I'm still happily gigging my SK2 but rarely in the dual manual organ mode. Instead, I usually use the top manual for organ and the lower manual for the extra sounds (usually electric piano), usually in soul/R&B groups. So I can't really comment on your concerns about the lack of two sets of drawbars. But add me to the list of satisfied SK2 users. Biggest benefit for me is it is a relatively lightweight solution to replace bringing two keyboards.
  12. I'm rusty on manufacturing standards -- isn't part of the problem that economically manufacturing tubes these days is a hazardous process most countries' environmental laws don't permit? So we rely on countries with lax environmental laws to do the dirty work?
  13. I've got the MS Pro145 -- generally pleased with the tone but it is underpowered, especially relative to the schlep factor
  14. I assume there is something about the physics/engineering of Leslies that makes elusive that sweet spot of portable size/weight plus sufficient volume for gigging. My dream -- for practical gigging purposes -- is a 60 pound Leslie 860.
  15. Now that you mention it, Wurlies have always felt very comfortable. Hadn't considered the role of the truncated A-C range in providing that comfort.
  16. Always glad to see companies continue to produce actual spinning horns
  17. I've attempted in my comments to be clear I'm remaining open minded... optimistic even... about the sonic potential for the Mk8. My negative comments pertain to the marketing. I admit I'm still bitter because they got me all lathered up with their very long pre-release teaser marketing campaign, and then crushed my spirits with the out-of-reach pricing. I wasn't claiming there is a single "best" Rhodes sound. I was attempting to exemplify the type of enthusiastic reaction that is lacking from this "tough crowd"
  18. I want the Mk8 to succeed. Elaborating on my observation: I believe this is the first video clip of the Mk8 in a live band setting. And Rhodes itself sent out the video to its e-mail subscribers as something to check out. I believe the Mk8 can sound fantastic, so it is a missed opportunity that -- so far -- reactions to the video are nowhere near "that's the best Rhodes I've ever heard"... which is a reasonable expectation given the premium pricing.
  19. This is first video I've seen of the Mk8 in the wild. I'm a little underwhelmed by the tone. I mean, it sounds like a Rhodes but not a "head turning" Rhodes. I'm far from writing off the Mk 8... lots of variables in live recording, and it has sounded better to me in some of the videos from the factory. But this video didn't catch my ear.
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