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Everything posted by Morrissey

  1. I've noticed this a few times and speculate it has been mostly from cutting and pasting text from other sources.
  2. This looks very familiar. @Joe Muscara -- did you create this PDF way back when? I think this was the document I used to learn @Josh Paxton's tricks.
  3. Sound on Sound (glowing) review: https://www.soundonsound.com/reviews/rhodes-mk8
  4. Welcome to the forum, bdub10. Paging @Josh Paxtonfor you in case he can oblige. I can attest that his chart is fantastic. I downloaded it to a previous computer and used it to learn the tune (correctly), but unfortunately no longer have the file.
  5. Perhaps others have already mentioned -- but I'm digging that posting to a thread doesn't reload the entire thread page. E.g., I just posted to a thread with a TY video embedded, and I was able to continue watching the YT video while I posted my reply. Slick! The old platform would have disrupted my viewing.
  6. I'm a proponent of the convenience of modern boards but, MAN, those dueling rigs command such stage presence. And sound great!
  7. My favorite detail in that video -- if I understood it correctly -- is the mono synth is assignable to the foot pedals. Instantaneous switching from kicking B3 bass to thunderous Moog Taurus!
  8. Don't Lose Sight is an earworm. Been stuck in my head since @timwat launched this thread last week.
  9. Yes, that is an effective announcement tool. About the most recent announcement: I agree about the "Fluid" setting. Great way to skim recent posts in multiple MPN forums.
  10. They added the pitch/mod wheels for you!
  11. This new pro is wider than the SK2/SKX, too. I spy pitch/mod wheels to the left of upper manual, and probably Leslie speed switches beneath the wheels, to the left of the lower manual.
  12. No worries. We appreciate the gossip; part of the fun. The facts come along eventually.
  13. Looks awesome and expensive. Am curious about the feel of those "drawbars." The familiar nub is there to draw... but not attached to a bar!
  14. I'm wasn't familiar with Booker Lab (maybe I've been living in a hole). Looks to be a Trek preamp competitor, right? In addition to offering some other useful Leslie products.
  15. I'm a little wary of the "Leaderboard" tab. Triggers some competitive anxiety.
  16. +1. I've remarked in other threads how much I was rooting for the RD64, esp. as paired with the VR09. But it fell short. The sub-40 lb dual manual SK2 wins for convenience, in my book.
  17. New platform looks great! Thanks to everyone involved in the transition!
  18. Yes the same thing happened to me this week. Had never heard of these two until this thread and the next day they"re advertising computers on my TV. They must be going ok. FWIW I like them. +1 on all this
  19. Joining the crowd eager for clarification on the weight. The SK2 weight is "just right" IMO for a gig-able dual manual. (Note: I recognize how spoiled we are... we're just a handful of decades removed from the only dual manual options weighing literally ten times the SK2!)
  20. Wowza! He could play INNER voices with his pinky!
  21. I saw the brother cite Randy Newman as an influence and now that's all I hear when I listen to them.
  22. Posting to commiserate. I can get the 9ths but not many of the 10ths. Most of the applications I would like to do pertain to solo piano (e.g., root-7-3 in LH). I remind myself I can get along without those spread voicings in a combo setting. I've been defaulting to more of a stride-style solo playing when those voicings are appropriate, rather than investing a lot of practice into a good rolling technique.
  23. Coincidence in timing, here is Open Studio's recommendations yesterday for four solos to transcribe in 2022: [video:youtube]
  24. That Fagen video explaining Peg is great. Of course, he oversimplifies things by describing Peg as just a "major blues" (as opposed to a typical dominant blues). But Fagen shows you everything you need to know in that video to play Peg. At least one forumite has made a good tutorial video, too: https://forums.musicplayer.com/ubbthreads.php/topics/3104588/re-i-made-a-keyboard-tutorial-for-peg
  25. +1. Bands like this carrying a torch that needs to keep burning.
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