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Everything posted by Morrissey

  1. Here to commiserate. On Thursday, I bought something used from Guitar Center. The GC store where it is located (nowhere near me) didn't get the item to UPS until yesterday (Monday). Due to what I am forced to assume is sensible UPS logistics, the package travelled to a centralized shipping center 100 miles in the opposite direction from where I live. Now, it is stuck there -- many, many hundreds of miles from me: "Due to operating conditions, your package may be delayed. / Delivery will be rescheduled." This is clearly a "first world" problem, and I will be patient. But the adage is true, "the waiting is the hardest part."
  2. +1 on Paul Simon Mother and Child Reunion. This really hits the mark for me, based on how OP described his request in the first post. It isn't reggae and isn't trying to be reggae, but it is a good groove that I could see a casual music fan as perceiving to be "kind of reggae." Edit: I stand corrected. Wasn't aware of this, from wikipedia: The song was recorded at Dynamic Sounds Studios at Torrington Bridge in Kingston, Jamaica, with Jimmy Cliff's backing group. Guitarist Huks ("Hux") Brown and bass guitarist Jackie Jackson were also long-time members of Toots & the Maytals. Cissy Houston sang background vocals on the recording. The song was recorded before writing lyrics, which was unusual for Simon. He had previously hoped to make "Why Don't You Write Me" - a song recorded with Art Garfunkel on Bridge over Troubled Water - sound like a Jamaican song, but felt it ended up sounding like a "bad imitation." Simon was instructed by the musicians on the differences among reggae, ska, and bluebeat. He felt awkward at first because he was "the only white guy there and I was American." Simon later overdubbed piano and vocals to the track back in New York.
  3. "Useless" seems too harsh an assessment of the Hammond internal Leslie sim. But I understand if it isn't satisfying to you. I can't think of a rotating speaker that can be bought new for under $1000 USD. There are several rotating speakers built by Leslie and Motion Sound which can sometimes be found used for under $1000. Usually rotating speakers include an amplifier, so are "all in one" if I understand your question correctly. Here is a good webpage to gauge the desirability of various used Leslies you may come across: http://www.captain-foldback.com/Leslie_sub/leslie_model_guide.htm
  4. First song that came to mind was Haitian Divorce by Steely Dan [video:youtube]
  5. Favorite 1-chord songs. I'll start: Chain Of Fools - Aretha Franklin Chain of Fools reminds me of Rock Steady, which is a one-chorder exception for the bridge.
  6. From an e-mail from Rhodes Music today: "And we are now mere days away from some very big news indeed."
  7. This one? https://forums.musicplayer.com/ubbthreads.php/topics/2332520/sk-1-and-2-tips-tricks-and-other-cool-stuff
  8. What is the source of this data? Not questioning it. Rather, curious to know if there is a ranking of large MI stores by revenue.
  9. FYI - the CDM article says US price is $1299. Took me a minute to find that important detail.
  10. The hype about the new Rhodes in another thread brought to mind the Valente. Josh: are you still enjoying yours? Has anyone else had a chance to try one?
  11. Oooo... this reminds me of when the giant SS3 thread started its momentum.
  12. Congratulations on the incoming VV! And thanks for the update on the amp purchase. Hope it works well for you. Perhaps you'll enjoy this 2020 thread of folks reminiscing how awesome their Rhodes sounded with the big brother JC-120: https://forums.musicplayer.com/ubbthreads.php/topics/3032241/re-anyone-ever-use-roland-jc-amps-with-keys
  13. If you'll permit a bit of levity, this conversation reminds me of this: [video:youtube]
  14. I get excited every time for these Rhodes reboots. I've been underwhelmed by previous attempts but have maintained enough innocence to be eternally optimistic "this'll be the one."
  15. I'm still USING my NE 2 and Motion sound amps. I live in the nostalgia!
  16. Yes, Reverb has a "Price Guide" section on the menu bar for most items which shows recent past sale prices. These price guides aren't available for less common items; Reverb seems to require some critical mass of recent sales to create a guide. Also, if you use a search engine to search for the item and "site:reverb.com," it often produces hits of previous completed sales.
  17. Not familiar with that product, OP, but reminded me of this DIY project, which I think is excellent: [video:youtube]
  18. That's quite the three names to put on a marquee! Was this trio together long? I missed them somehow.
  19. Old TV station trick. Mirror in the lighting grid so you can shoot that shot with a floor camera. We used to do that for cooking shows to show the counter and stovetop. Cool tidbit! And creative workaround by the camera crew!
  20. These builds are probably my favorite threads on KC!
  21. Very helpful education on this topic. Thanks, Chuck.
  22. He looks fresh in that lime green suit. And, yes, he's got moves! These two videos were made seven years apart. The juxtaposition is a good reminder of how that era was a period of radical and rapid change.
  23. I just noticed the overhead camera on the Hammond is backwards (i.e., preset keys appear on the right). I'm gonna need a mirror to cop some of these licks!
  24. Lots of great piano, Hammond, and Clavinet content. The backing band includes Brothers Johnson. And the audience is WAY into it. (Mods: some of the songs are gospel tunes but am posting for the merit of the keys performance, not the religious content.) [video:youtube]https://youtu.be/pmS-tgqDxlw
  25. Every keyboard I've ever had has the Left output as the mono-summed except my Nord Electro 2, which summed out the Right. Those wacky Swedes! Just found something else that sums Mono on the right channel -- the Neo Vent (II)!
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