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Everything posted by Morrissey

  1. For all intensive purposes. :wink: Intensive porpoises. In tents and porticos
  2. Another data point: a 73-key 1973 Rhodes Stage piano new cost $720 USD. In 2021 dollars, that'd be $4,365. If they could sell new ones at that price point, they'd come in underneath several Nord Stage models. The Rhodes and the Nord are totally different beasts, to be sure. But point is the high-end keyboard market is already pushing 5 grand as a viable price point.
  3. I have yet to have a board with this feature, and I am increasingly desiring it. Great streamlining and schlep reduction for a 2+ board setup.
  4. Vintage Vibe has proven there is still a (niche) market for new tine pianos.
  5. Many of the P-series models seem to be low inventory or out of stock. The likely explanation is the same global supply chain issues affecting everything else. But I'm secretly hoping the explanation is that Yamaha will soon be announcing new P-series models. That product line seems to be refreshed every three years, and last refresh was 2018.
  6. Interesting that the new management took over the old Rhodes Facebook page. The page still includes content circa 2014 showcasing the new Rhodes models released at that time.
  7. We've seen the Rhodes reboot attempt once or twice before. Does anyone know if this Matt Pelling fellow has a better chance to succeed? I wish him all the luck. Competition from a new Rhodes company and Vintage Vibe might pressure prices down to where I can buy one or the other!
  8. Docbop's memory is better than mine. This is what I was trying to recount.
  9. Yikes. Hope that's not a trend that other manufacturers will follow. Lots of good options from Yamaha, Kawai, Roland, etc. in that ~$600 range.
  10. Good interview. The design team put a lot of thought into this board. We were inspired by the colors of electric guitars and vintage instruments. This led to a nice ripple effect of matching certain sounds with certain looks. For example, I added vintage electric piano and organ sounds because of the red color.
  11. I'm not experienced in buying music gear internationally but recall seeing a forum discussion about some threshold (monetary? computer/technology components?) that would tie up certain purchases for at least several weeks in U.S. Customs. My best recollection was that purchases over some hundreds of dollars ($400?) would trigger Customs scrutiny, so the poster was comfortable purchasing items like keyboard stands from Thomann but not actual keyboards.
  12. You're spot on. I'm fortunate -- despite my not being world-class I share solos with the guitarist around 50/50. Mine are mostly an even split of piano, clonewheel, and key-based electric guitar. I rarely play the same solo twice. My litmus test to avoid this problem is to see if a potential band's song list has any songs in Bb. If there are none (i.e., all songs in guitar keys like A and E), then it is a "rock band" providing the keys experience described above. But if there is at least one song in Bb, even if it appears to be a rock band on the surface, I've found a much pleasurable experience along the lines of Tom's situation.
  13. I recently got a TS308. Only used it at two low volume rehearsals but I've been satisfied so far.
  14. +1 on the T stand. I have a similar story; I obtained a T stand when a seller threw it in as an extra with a keyboard I bought from him. Didn't think much of it at the time but I've come to really like it, for the reasons described here.
  15. There's always the David Byrne marching band "stand." (Hat tip to this thread: CLONK)
  16. And I have the blackstar "super" fly and extension cab... the big brother to the fly.
  17. Well, this is certainly an indictment of modern pop music
  18. You would win if this weren't a seasonal song. The piano part is woefully repetitious but I tend to play it only around Halloween, and the holiday crowd is way into it, so its place as a high-energy rarity overcomes the inherent boredom.
  19. This is spot on. Earlier suggestions like Bohemian Rhapsody, Paradise by the Dashboard Light (and Stairway to Heaven, Scenes from an Italian Restaurant, etc.) are "complex" in that they are long, multi-movement pop songs. But, for my money, a tune like Still Crazy After All These Years hits a sweet spot of the intersection of (1) popular success and (2) unconventional harmonic complexity for what is heard on mainstream pop/rock. It keeps with the criteria I think Beato is using to define complexity but is a better example than the more obscure tune he chose. Several Steely Dan and Stevie Wonder tunes also hit this sweet spot.
  20. I agree, up to some financial threshold which apparently is below $6,000. I assume most of us would feel uncomfortable taking a 1959 Les Paul (or a Stradivarius violin!) to a $100 bar gig. The VV is a tough test case for me to draw my personal line.
  21. This hits close to my quandary. On the one hand, how could I drop six grand on one of the beauties and NOT gig it and share it with the world?! On the other hand, NO WAY I'm spending six grand on an instrument and exposing it to the risks and abuse of gigging the dives I usually play! So I guess it is a good thing I don't have the six grand to buy one of these, so I'm not forced to confront my quandary!
  22. I tried to re-watch Lingus today as best I could with "fresh eyes and ears." It is a phenomenal Cory Henry solo, but I stand by my opinion it isn't one of my favorites of his. Posters in this thread have made good observations as to the appeal of the Lingus video. I'll add a few more: First, there is some dramatic surprise about CH's solo. For the first 4:30 of the video, there is no evidence the piece is leading to a CH showcase. Cory's face isn't shown until about 2 minutes. You barely see him until his solo begins. Then it is all about him. Second, I'll amplify some previous comments about the joy exhibited in the video, especially towards the end. Check out Henry and Martin hugging at 10:07. This isn't prideful joy. This is "isn't music amazing?!" joy, and it is beautiful to watch.
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