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Everything posted by Morrissey

  1. Check out the second half of this thread for some relevant discussion: https://forums.musicplayer.com/ubbthreads.php/topics/2874484/2
  2. I remain jealous you snagged this CP73 deal!
  3. I'm gonna +1 this. I'm not a snob about the very newest clonewheel technology, so I'm not worried about your tone, but early 2000s isn't a technology era I associate with being "built like a tank" or that will "last forever." Eric, I know you like to put together rigs that will last for at least a few years, and it makes me nervous for you to build a new rig that includes a 20 yr old module as a core component.
  4. I think their sound design is basically a one-man operation, and it's kind of amazing he's done as much as he has. I wouldn't knock him for not having cracked the nut on how to model a high quality acoustic piano, which very few people have managed. (Roland, Pianoteq, maybe Viscount?) Going to straight sampling could be a possibility--and in fact, there was a recent facebook post where he showed a new piano-playing mechanism that was developed for the purpose of better capturing samples so maybe that's a direction he's going--but I wouldn't assume there's enough memory in the existing Mojo61 design to hold a deeply sampled piano, either. I'm a bit ignorant on Crumar products. Do their other products besides the Mojo (e.g., the Seven) suggest Crumar is pursuing a quality AP sound, even if not for the Mojo?
  5. I have a TS308. IMO, the TX series to date has been "you get what you pay for" -- a decent budget speaker line similar to other speakers in their price range. In contrast, the TS series is a real "bang for the buck" value that compares to much higher priced speakers.
  6. I love how this zombie thread has been resurrected after ten years, and conversation is just picking right back up
  7. This thread is all about looking for the right thing to play my keyboard through. I'm leaning towards buying a pair of PA speakers first, because it seems like they will at the very least be a great option to gig with. Especially if/when I add some synths to the mix which might not be a great fit for a guitar amp or the SSV3. And if I hate the PA speakers for practicing in my office, I can always buy a second amp for the office sometime in the future. You will definitely want a full range speaker (PA speaker, Spacestation, etc.) for the synths. I encourage you to keep researching how well your Vintage Vibe will sound through PA speakers. What do the Vintage Vibe folks recommend for amplification (that is more affordable than their console)? My frame of reference is Rhodes/Wurlitzer electric piano. I would be bummed to play either of those through a PA speaker instead of a guitar amp.
  8. I look forward to us arriving at a consensus in this thread as to the greatest solo of all time.
  9. That's a fun groove! Are there any other odes to keyboards? Hammond? Rhodes? Wurlie? Moog? whatever?
  10. I recently started playing with my first drummer who uses an electric kit. The stage volume is blissfully low but I'm still adjusting to the lack of visceral excitement of an acoustic drum kit.
  11. Ah yes, the (in)famous Sytheslalom feature:
  12. IF the VV console is the gold standard, that is more evidence against OP going with PA speakers or other flat response amps. The VV console uses guitar speakers (Eminence Legends) that presumably color the sound in a good way, like a guitar amp.
  13. Interesting - I had never heard of this and had to google it, but it does look like something to consider as well. The Space Station is somewhat legendary on this forum. Here is the primary and completely unwieldy forum discussion about it: https://forums.musicplayer.com/ubbthreads.php/topics/2602284/1
  14. I've never played a Vintage Vibe piano but insofar as it is an electromechanical piano like a Rhodes or Wurlitzer, I think you were on the right track with the guitar amps. The "classic" electric piano sound is powered by something like a Fender Twin Reverb or Roland JC120. Have you looked at the Roland JC-40? A newer, "little brother" to the JC-120, with stereo inputs. And a good size for use in a small room at home.
  15. It is a constant battle. A pendulum. I did a gig last week in a quartet that is usually a quintet. I struggled all gig with how much busier to play to compensate for the lack of the fifth musician. The reverse of your problem: I didn't play enough notes! You bring a lot of wisdom to this forum. Re-read some of your posts that have inspired others. Keep the fire for constant improvement... but cut yourself some slack, too.
  16. Thanks for this tip. I recommended this Behringer XM8500 to a bandmate who needed an extra vocal mic for an open mic event. Another bandmate chimed in that he already has one of these and confirmed it is a great bang for the buck.
  17. I think keyboard players tend to do better than most other pop/rock musicians when it comes to volume of boring parts. I remember in particular a horn player complaining incessantly about how boring his part was in the 90s Top 40 "gem" -- "How Bizarre". Every 30 seconds or so, he would play an octave. That was it. Drove him crazy. [video:youtube]
  18. Every keyboard I've ever had has the Left output as the mono-summed except my Nord Electro 2, which summed out the Right. Those wacky Swedes!
  19. Bumping this thread to show appreciation to OP and to the Grant O'Brien website to which he links. I'm learning Peg this week; the website has charts for almost the entire band! And a bunch of other great charts, too.
  20. Yes, I skimmed about the first third of the report before I said to myself, "hold on a second...."
  21. I am known to use my amp as my seat at rehearsals but haven't had the nerve to do it at gigs. Of course, I'm no Mark Levine so I'm using "hey, this guy can afford a piano stool!" to compensate for my lack of chops.
  22. I noticed Guitar Center is running a promotion where they are paying an extra premium to sellers of used gear -- but specifically only for used guitars and basses.
  23. Not ready to pimp my Rhodes but that preamp looks tempting. I don't have the Retro Flyer but Avion Studios refurbished my Suitcase preamp and did a great job. A respectable "David" to Vintage Vibe's "Goliath."
  24. For all intensive purposes. :wink: Intensive porpoises. In tents and porticos
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