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Everything posted by Morrissey

  1. This is great insight and perspective. I launched the thread hoping a few people would recall owning one of these boards. Wasn't expecting this fantastic peek behind the curtain!
  2. Was reminiscing about this board today. Good weighted 76 key action (not too common in its day IIRC). Solid Coakley "Perfect Piano" sound. Innovative idea pad / sketch pad recorder. Weighed about a million pounds. Care to join me on a stroll down this particular memory lane?
  3. Can't say enough about Open Studio. I'm also a novice in jazz and am so impressed by their offerings. Thanks for sharing this, OP.
  4. This! I can't recall ever complaining about the depth of a board, but I often bemoan the width of some (88 keys with pitch/mod wheels on the side!)
  5. Sometimes a "like" simply means, "I read it, I don't have anything to add, but we're nodding." In your case, it's like he said, "okay, see you there." Yeah the problem with doing it on text messages (apparently) is that it resends the entire message....I thought it was just something going haywire with my phone. Sometimes I'll get a couple in a row on our group texts that we use for band stuff.... Are you on Android phones? I think the "like" integration is much less obtrusive on Apple iOS but translates on Android texting platforms into the cumbersome experience you're describing
  6. +1. I recently posted in another thread about my recent search for a 73 key weighted board. I landed on the Dexibell S3, which I'm happy with so far. But this Numa X 73 would've been a serious contender. Fills a market gap between the Yamaha P121 on the entry level tier and the Dexibell S3, Yamaha CP73, Korg SV1 and others at the "just below 2k" price range.
  7. No particular love for Guitar Center, but at the same time, online comments aren't always a great way to judge a business--people who have a bad experience are much more motivated to comment than people who don't. For what it's worth, I've bought a bass guitar and tried a few keyboards at my local guitar center, and didn't have any real complaints. And I hear they can vary a lot from store to store. This thread seems good as any to share a recent anecdote about buying a used keyboard from a non-local Guitar Center, which I just did for the first time. I bought the keyboard through GC's website. No complaints about the purchasing experience. The bad: (1) the GC where the keyboard was located took a few days to get around to shipping it, and (2) the keyboard arrived in significantly worse cosmetic condition than GC advertised. Lots of scratches, cracked end panel, etc. I'm quite certain the damage was caused by the previous owner or from being on the GC display floor. In other words: not shipping damage, and definitely on GC for not disclosing condition correctly. There were photos of the board online when I bought it that did not show these imperfections. The good: (1) the board is fully functional; I'm happy with it; and (2) I took the board to my local GC to show them the damage, they conferred with the GC store where the board originated, and I was quickly offered a very fair discount on the purchase price to compensate for the incorrect condition. And if I wasn't satisfied with that discount, they would've readily refunded my money. Not an earth-shattering story but perhaps a helpful anecdote to add to the mix of GC experiences in this and other threads.
  8. One time I let my temper get the better of me and I did something like this. I agreed one evening to buy a keyboard from a local guy for $800. We agreed to meet the next day -- specific time/location to meet up. Re-arranged my schedule to make it work. I then found out he was continuing to try to sell the keyboard to others for more money before our scheduled meet up time. I told him, "I hope you find a buyer for what you're asking because my price is now $500." I didn't end up getting that keyboard.
  9. The new Rhodes "Mark 8" has yet to be officially unveiled but there have been several teaser e-mails the past few weeks. I've resisted posting every time I receive one; I figure you guys can subscribe if you want all the updates. But today's e-mail had some especially eye-catching details about the preamp and some teasers about onboard effects. Here's the pertinent text from the company: The Rhodes MK8: A Brand New Preamp The custom Rhodes engineered MK8 preamp gives you more control over your Rhodes sound than ever before. The preamp now features: parametric EQ, independent drive control, envelope control, wah, new vari-pan with 4 waveshapes, audio rate modulation capabilities and dual expression pedal control inputs. From subtle warm tones, to a growl, from round bell-like tones to ring-modulation â which sounds will you dial up on your Rhodes?
  10. I'm wrestling with something similar. I agree the 70s EP sounds good but I'm having trouble adjusting to playing Rhodes on a weighted action (S3 has Fatar TP100). I'm used to playing Rhodes on a real suitcase and on semiweighted action (e.g., Nord Electro SW). I've had my Dexibell for only a week, and have spent most of my time enjoying the acoustic piano tones. I'll dig in to tweaking the EPs and let you know if I come up with any good tips.
  11. Hi Tom, The "like" feature has only been on the forum for a couple years. I think it is used differently and less consistently on this forum than on other social media platforms. Personally, in part because it requires two clicks and a page redirect to "like" a post here, which is less convenient than "liking" something on, say, Twitter, I "like" fewer posts here than may be norms on other platforms. In other words, the bar to "like" a post here is higher for me than elsewhere. For me, the indicator that posts are valuable is engagement via responses to the thread by other members. The "likes" are more equivalent to "loves" on other social media sites. Also, I am usually motivated to like something here when the post reflects extraordinary effort, such as posting many photos about a build project or an extensive product review.
  12. Yes, I believe the sound sets are identical. Do you have the "70s EP" library on your SX7? I had to download that from Dexibell website. WAY better than the "Dyno" and "Suitcase" and other tones which were pre-loaded on my S3.
  13. Resurrecting this zombie thread because I picked up a used Dexibell VIVO S3 (original, not "Pro"). I'm digging it. Downloadable tones from their website are improvements over stock sounds. Especially the Rhodes. I like the selection of acoustic pianos, too. I was looking for a 73/76 weighted keyboard for gigging -- almost entirely for just AP and EP. I also considered the Yamaha CP73, the Yamaha P121, and the Korg SV1/SV2. Dexibell hit the sweetest spot in terms of price, weight, sound quality, and action. I know Dexibell isn't especially popular on the forum, so I'll keep this post brief, but I'm happy to elaborate on the board if anyone has questions. The original S3 is very similar to the S3 Pro and the S7 Pro currently available. I read and appreciated all the forum threads on the S3 as part of my decision making process. Thanks to all who posted on those threads!
  14. Slightly OT - I have a current opportunity for a free M3 I'm passing on (nowhere near LA, sorry Dave). Either I'm getting too old or the clonewheel technology has gotten sufficiently good. Either way, when I look at an M3, I don't really think about the sound or the mojo... I mostly just think about the 250 pounds.
  15. Quick scan of typical websites for used gear shows some very reasonable prices on ZMX862.
  16. Here is a thread with more valuable feedback on Stay stands. Not all directly responsive to your question about tall players but perhaps still valuable: https://forums.musicplayer.com/ubbthreads.php/topics/3026580/stay-music-stands
  17. The piano courses were on sale only yesterday but there are still some good themed packs (bebop, ballads, Monk, etc.) on sale today. I picked up a new course, too. This Open Studio birthday sale rivals and in some cases exceeds their Black Friday prices. Great deal. Great content!
  18. In case misery loves company... I am in same situation. Keyboard arrived to facility Friday evening, about 10 miles from my house. Have to wait until Tuesday to put my hands on it.
  19. John Medeski has toured with an A100 for years. Pretty sure he is on record as preferring it to even a B3.
  20. I'm content with the double Y cable. It isn't sleek but it gets the job done, and I'm not all that handy with the solder iron.
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