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About wd8dky

  • Birthday 10/29/1962


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    Engineering Manager
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  1. I'm 61 with cancer, so I've had to scale back. Church rig: Kurzweil PC4-7 with pedalboard (Neo Vent II, expression pedal, volume pedal) Monitor: Mackie SRM-150 One trip in or out.
  2. Did you use a small mixer at the input to your Motion Sound amp?
  3. Has anyone given a thought or tried to use a chorus pedal external to the clonewheel like we do with our Leslie pedals? You can turn off C/V in the clonewheel and use the chorus pedal instead, but how would you mix that with the Leslie Sim (e.g., Neo Vent) to get the right sound? Thanks!
  4. If you're a ham radio operator, you'd be lucky to talk to your neighbor. It causes weird reflections and absorption of the radio waves at different frequencies, goofing everything up in certain frequency ranges. Worthless trivia for all.
  5. https://themidimaker.com/products/sparrow-8x100mm-midi-controller?variant=41128026177726&currency=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwrcKxBhBMEiwAIVF8rBibM5izTqV9KaC3SXsmdL7qMfl5CL13LKFuvrQ6e3Z3TG_G-oTBThoCv50QAvD_BwE
  6. My son is in Med School at Iowa and is fortunate enough to usually get student section tickets from someone. He said those games are the most exciting and fun ever (and he's been to a Cowboys game in Arlington).
  7. Peter Gabriel's brother from a different mother.
  8. There is a video within the article. https://www.soundonsound.com/news/video-exploring-first-buchla-100-synthesizer
  9. BeatBuddy https://www.singularsound.com/products/beatbuddy?gclid=CjwKCAiAq4KuBhA6EiwArMAw1Ca694OJKJwMsFjSfzOUDpQY3Z-QhWYPiheYDeCOVnLQEAFHp4kpHxoCuMoQAvD_BwE Very easy to use and modify for your own needs. There are many full songs available on their forum site for free, as well as many "styles".
  10. I've had the exact experiences described on both platforms as well.
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