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Isn't garageband great for getting the idea down and to your band mate? I really like the vibe/idea and I'll bet the band sounds great doing it. The chords could maybe be defined better. It was hard to tell with the mp3 and hey I'm no genius, but I'd suggest in the left hand while you're playin' the head:

(F)Eb G A D

(Ab) Gb Bb C F

(G) F A# B Eb

© E Ab Bb D#


that might be just what your doin', but I couldn't tell with the mp3. Just a thought...

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Thanks for the suggestion Linwood , I felt it was a little muddy also, but I just used the organ on garageband, The recording was areal eye opener on how to improve my organ playing . I could see lots of areas that needed work, and lots of rythym and timing issues. Its a basic 1-6-2-5. I"m a novice trying to fiqure out the organ and get tones to sound better. I have a ways to go but then again,I couldn't even solo in the right hand and play left hand chords a year ago :)


F13 /D7#9 / G7 #5/ C7#9




Eb A D

F# C F

F B Eb

E Bb Eb


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  • 3 weeks later...

Here's a link to a live performance of a couple of my newer originals. The mike is stratragically located to hide my ugly mug - but the sound is quite good for a live recording.


I have both songs scored for piano to anyone that's interested.




p.s. - The timing on the second one, "Citizens of the Earth", is a royal pain to play.


p.p.s. - It's a Privia PX-310.



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Some of you may have seen posts where I mention what a great player SK is. He wont toot his own horn here so, with his permission, I'm gonna do it. Here are a few short clips of Steve. He has a new cd coming out very soon. His first as a leader. I hope many here will give him the support he deserves and I'd really love to see a blurb about him in Keyboard Mag. Can you help a brother out, Keyboard?

Folk Swing Song








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Wow linwood, this man SK is burning hot. So is his music! :) Funny, I was just contemplating the mysteries of Legatoboy's question, "what to do when the ride seems more than you've bargained for because of the power of the experience" ... well, just listening here makes me feel like I'm in that Blue Room.


So maybe I missed the point. Yeah, an article in Keyboard is an excellent idea.


Great, great ride SK. Thank you!

"........! Try to make It..REAL! compared to what? ! ! ! " - BOPBEEPER
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Yea,he is. I'm glad you enjoyed that. I've got a bunch of stuff with him playing on it, but you'll have to wait and buy the cd. All I can add is he's a wonderful guy and, not to sound like a broken record, I've always loved the way he plays and writes. Just a bad mofo.
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Thanks for the SK clips, he's a good player and composer. His trio is really fluid. I know you have mentioned that he's a great player before, so I speculated who SK might be.

I kinda thought it he might be Steve Kuhn, but you said that he's releasing his first recording as a leader. (Kuhn's got a few recordings). Hmm, any hints? What sessions has he played and with who? Heh, Solar is burning!! :cool::D

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Thanks everybody for such kind comments, and thanks to Linwood for sticking his neck out on my behalf. What a guy.


I'm not Steve Kuhn (wouldn't mind if I was) but anyone is always welcome to PM me if they have any questions I can answer. I'm an open book (except of course for my credit card/S.S. information.) :)


The musicians on those trio tracks with me are Marc Johnson (bass) and Howard Curtis (drums.) Thank you all for listening.



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...hey and one of you guys record Jazz Standards 1&2 at the Mid Atlantic hang for me and post it. In fact, record that gig and that could be comp 14. How cool is SK to offer to haul his cabs in for everyone to play and try out on that gig. Man, if I could play like that, I'd be wearin' white gloves all day. Somebody help him unload that stuff,ok.
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You are very welcome, Dave. You're such a great player/composer and I'm so glad to have met you here. Gotta thank Keyboard for giving us such a great place to hang and meet new friends. I really love the music you write. Killer stuff. The Road to Boston still just blows me away.
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