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OT - What beer or wine are you drinking lately?


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I've been drinking Ouzo lately. I go on and off of it. Sometimes a Yeungling Black and Tan.

The fact there's a Highway To Hell and only a Stairway To Heaven says a lot about anticipated traffic numbers


People only say "It's a free country" when they're doing something shitty-Demetri Martin


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22 hours ago, Synthaholic said:

I've been drinking Ouzo lately. I go on and off of it. Sometimes a Yeungling Black and Tan.


Decades back, a friend brought some *opiated* Ouzo back from a trip to Greece. That was the most enjoyable awful hangover I ever had. I don't think I'd try it again, given the chance, but it was a worthwhile experience and great fun, for the first five hours. :sick:


Now I just stick to Old Mjolnir, The Beer That Made Valhalla Crowded.

 I have no magic powers concerning dentistry or cases involving probate, but my Mellotron epics set Jupiter a-quiver.

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3 hours ago, David Emm said:


Decades back, a friend brought some *opiated* Ouzo back from a trip to Greece. That was the most enjoyable awful hangover I ever had. I don't think I'd try it again, given the chance, but it was a worthwhile experience and great fun, for the first five hours. :sick:


Now I just stick to Old Mjolnir, The Beer That Made Valhalla Crowded.

During my USO playing days I got the opportunity to drink native liquors in-country, which was great. Soju in South Korea, Raki in Türkiye, Ouzo in Greece, and fantastic beers in Bavaria, Munich, Berchtesgaden. In what was either the stupidest thing I ever did or the smartest thing I ever did, on a flight home from the island of Crete I stuffed 5 bottles of local Ouzo into my luggage for the international flight home. I surrounded everything with underwear and socks and T shirts, confident that everything would survive intact. Fortunately they did, but I've often thought of the horror of having Ouzo bottles breaking and all the luggage packed around mine reeking of black licorice. 😳


On another trip, Bavaria was the last stop. So I got the bright idea to bring beer home to Florida. I hauled a rack of beer, which is like 20 16 oz bottles, onto the cross-Atlantic flight where it sat between my feet, then I carried it from the International concourse at the Atlanta Airport all the way to gate number one, literally the farthest you can go in that airport. There were no available carts, so I bargained a few beers to band members to help me carry it. 😂 It was König Ludwig Dunkel dark beer. Delicious. I can't get it in Florida but I heard it's available in Ohio. 

The fact there's a Highway To Hell and only a Stairway To Heaven says a lot about anticipated traffic numbers


People only say "It's a free country" when they're doing something shitty-Demetri Martin


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I'm an unashamed hazy guy. Most IPA's from Treehouse make me very happy. I had a connection when I lived on Long Island, but I'm in Maryland for a year and haven't come across one yet. Other Half has some great ones and they're also in DC now.  I'm slowly finding interesting more-or-less-local microbreweries. A couple of mass-produced brews will do when on tap at a restaurant - Sierra Nevada's and Voodoo Ranger's come to mind.

I should add that I'm not really a fan of the predisposition for +8.5% 16 oz. 4-pack, it is truly too much of a good thing.

Yamaha P515 & CK88, Pianoteq, Mainstage, iOS, assorted other stuff.

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Oof, last night was a Chinese New Year celebration and while my brother-in-law and I don't speak each other's language very well, he certainly is good at encouraging me to keep up with him.  He's half my size but can put down drinks with no apparent effect, kind of like the drinking scene in the tavern in Raiders of the Lost Ark (I'd be the big guy that toppled over).  I forget the name but the liquor of choice is a very expensive rice "wine" that is 60% alcohol.  Yikes.  

Not digging my hangover today.  The worst thing is that now I'll probably not be able to do a proper workout today.

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On 1/16/2023 at 10:56 AM, Bill H. said:

Years ago after a tour in Canada I took the back off my Leslie and stuffed it with cases of Labatt's 50 Ale for home because I loved it so much. Made it through customs ok. Nowadays with all the craft breweries around, I doubt I would have been that desperate for a decent beer. 


If I was still drinking. Been in sobriety for a number of years now. 

I grew up in Montreal and 50 (cinquante en francais) was King. Export and Laurentide were also quite popular. I liked 50 in my younger days but now prefer Export, nothing fancy just tastes good.

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Kurzweil PC3K8/ GSI Gemini Desktop/ ESI UNIK 8+ monitors/ QSC K8.2/ Radial Key Largo/ CPS Spacestation 

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As I may have mentioned before, back "in the day" (way back in the Ice Age), Canadian beer was the "good" beer, which is to say it way better than the Bud/Miller crap that was mostly our only other choice, which wasn't saying much, so we were glad for it. Labattas, Moslen, Moosehead, it was like nectar compared to that garbage. And in fact not that long ago admittedly mostly from nostalgia I bought some Moosehead....it was not bad beer at all. But it couldn't compete with numeorus microbrews out now. 



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I think there's too much emphasis on variety and experimentation with beer these days instead of basic quality.  I do like a beer, but lately, no matter what I buy, it's disappointing after a couple.   Sometimes after one.    I have fond memories of being in England in 1967, and no matter what pub you went to, they would all have one or two basic beers on tap, in two varieties:  mild and bitter (which was not really bitter).   It was cask-fermented (aka cask-conditioned),  hand-pulled from casks in the basement.   The temperature would be a bit cool because of the casks being in the basement, but not refrigerated.   No artificial carbonation.  Just pure English beer the way God intended!   I have to get back to England and find me some of that good stuff before I shuffle off this mortal coil (whatever the hell that means!).

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I went to Germany about 30 years ago (geez time flies) and at the time I hadn't been exposed to much beyond your standard Bud and other cheap-ish American bottled/canned beer.  There wasn't near the beer scene then that there is now, as Bill5 mentioned.

Got some beer brewed  in a local village near Dusseldorf, and that was mind-blowingly good.  It bore little resemblance to what I thought of as beer.

I'm scared to death to try expensive Scotch, because I like the cheap stuff :) And I don't tend to stop at one drink, more's the pity.

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17 hours ago, bill5 said:

Troegs,  a Harrisburg, PA brewery, and their "Mad Elf" seasonal beer. 11% ABV not for the feint of heart. A "cherry/honey flavored beer." Small wonder I think it's gross. Fruit and beer don't mix. 

I went to a wedding a few months ago that served Troegs Perpetual IPA and kept 'em coming. I grew pretty fond of it. At least, I think I did.

Yamaha P515 & CK88, Pianoteq, Mainstage, iOS, assorted other stuff.

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  • 3 weeks later...

There are certain things I always thought I could count on...the sun rising in the East, ketchup tasting good on a hamburger, Pat Metheny playing well....


Included in that was getting a good Malbec from Argentina. No more. Just bought and tried one (Cruz Alta winery if anyone cares) and it's bad. And it's a "Reserve." Is nothing sacred 

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On 1/26/2023 at 3:49 AM, Floyd Tatum said:

I have fond memories of being in England in 1967, and no matter what pub you went to, they would all have one or two basic beers...  Just pure English beer the way God intended!

I love Bass Ale





Some music I've recorded and played over the years with a few different bands

Tommy Rude Soundcloud

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I have started including Guinness in my beer diet ironically for the same reason I used to avoid it: it's weak beer. But with other ABVs around 6-7% lately that's a good thing. I also discovered Laguinta IPA is a good one to get when I can't get my favs. 

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Has anyone tried the low alcohol beers from Athletic Brewing? I've been trying to find a drinkable LA/RA/NA beer for years and so far they all suck mightily, but this one gets some pretty cool reviews.


Question 2: Do you suppose restaurants have a version of corkage for NA brews? Like capage or tabage. I suppose if you played the virtuous designated driver card, they might let you bring a couple in without a fee.

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Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.

-Mark Twain


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I used to DJ at Dieu du Ciel! and I was a fairly regular client before I ever worked there, so I’m quite partial to their beers. Had a Voyageur des Brumes (their British Amber Ale) last night.


A couple of weeks ago I had the Champion NEIPA from Bières des Cantons and was very impressed. Juicy but not super bitter; even my IPA averse girlfriend liked it.

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Nord Electro 5D, Novation Launchkey 61, Logic Pro X, Mainstage 3, lots of plugins, fingers, pencil, paper.

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12 hours ago, D. Gauss said:

As a full-time, starving NYC musician, when the gig says you can drink cans of these for free, or pay 7 bucks (band discount from reg $11) for a bottle of most anything else, the choice is easy:


My old man told me when I was a teenager that drinking PBR, Falstaff, or Busch would put hair on my chest and make 'em hang low.   It didn't work so now when I occasionally drink beer, I tend to go for trappist beers, with Maredsous being my preferred poison. 


In terms of home grown Murican beers, Shiner Bock is my favorite.  I never jumped on the craft beer bandwagon.  It seemed too trendy, and I have an admittedly irrational phobia about anything that's trendy.  Interestingly enough this phobia excludes keyboards where I GAS for anything that's hip.

Gigs: Nord 5D 73, Kurz PC4-7 & SP4-7, Hammond SK1, Yamaha CK88, MX88, & P121, Numa Compact 2x, Casio CGP700, QSC K12, Yamaha DBR10, JBL515xt(2). Alto TS310(2)



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7 hours ago, Threadslayer said:

Has anyone tried the low alcohol beers from Athletic Brewing? I've been trying to find a drinkable LA/RA/NA beer for years and so far they all suck mightily, but this one gets some pretty cool reviews.

IIRC St Pauli Girl made a respectable NA brew, and there's another I got which I forget the name of but if I see in the store again will post FWIW. What gets me is they're just as expensive as most any other beer. Given the low demand, you'd think they would be cheaper. 

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8 hours ago, Threadslayer said:

Has anyone tried the low alcohol beers from Athletic Brewing? I've been trying to find a drinkable LA/RA/NA beer for years and so far they all suck mightily, but this one gets some pretty cool reviews.


My friend introduced us to Athletic about a year ago and we LOVE it. I have a monthly shipment to my doorstep. Only problem is in Alaska, if I don't catch it during a cold snap, IT EXPLODES!


We drink a lot of NA around here. But f**k, now I drink & drive! I grab a 6-pack of Athletic before a road trip. Love drinking a thick "All Out Stout" while heading down to Anchorage. This next summer is going to be very heavy on distance gigs, gonna have to stock up!

Puck Funk! :)


Equipment: Laptop running lots of nerdy software, some keyboards, noise makersâ¦yada yada yadaâ¦maybe a cat?

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Dogfishhead Sah'Tea.




"This Ancient Ale is a modern take on a 9th-century Finnish beer.


The wort for Sah'tea is caramelized over white-hot river rocks, and the beer is fermented with a German weizen yeast. In addition to juniper berries foraged from the Finnish countryside, Sah'tea is flavored with black tea.


The spicing is subtle and balanced, and Sah'tea is a highly-quaffable, truly unique brew with a full mouthfeel.


Sah'tea was first brewed at the small brewery in our Rehoboth Beach pub. The birth of Sah'tea was chronicled in a New Yorker article by Burkhard Bilger.


For the story behind the story of Sah'tea, check out our Quick Sip Clip. To get a sneak peek on our first brew day of Sah'tea, check out the other videos."

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  • 3 weeks later...
2 hours ago, bill5 said:

Interesting. I don't know if I'll be able to find it, but interesting...


I recently discovered by accident Laguinta's IPA. A good solid all-arounder IMO. 

They are right up the road in Petaluma, and they have concerts and stuff.  I'm not a fan of any IPA, but Lagunita's is a good employer around here.

Some music I've recorded and played over the years with a few different bands

Tommy Rude Soundcloud

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On 2/12/2023 at 6:04 PM, EricBarker said:


My friend introduced us to Athletic about a year ago and we LOVE it. I have a monthly shipment to my doorstep. Only problem is in Alaska, if I don't catch it during a cold snap, IT EXPLODES!


We drink a lot of NA around here. But f**k, now I drink & drive! I grab a 6-pack of Athletic before a road trip. Love drinking a thick "All Out Stout" while heading down to Anchorage. This next summer is going to be very heavy on distance gigs, gonna have to stock up!

Update: I finally bit the bullet and had a 6 pack of Run Wild IPA delivered. It tastes like a F-ing beer! I knew it had to be possible to do this, but after all the piss poor attempts such as Sharps and O'Douls, I had just about given up hope. I am really digging it and plan to :guinness:drink and drive soon!

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Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.

-Mark Twain


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  • 3 weeks later...

Does anyone have a beer or type of beer that they normally have no interest in, but once in a blue moon for whatever reason appeals? This happened recently when I got a beer that wasn't what I expected, but ended up to my surprise getting into it (but won't buy again for some time). It's a local brew that is a very spicy/clove kind of thing, and I normally hate that, but this somehow worked for me. 

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Well I dreamed of something like this when I backpacked a lot in my younger days. This gives me drive to get my boots fixed and a new backpack at 67. Hell Yeah!


POWDERED beer created by German firm could slash the cost of a pint https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11802427/POWDERED-beer-created-German-firm-slash-cost-pint.html?ito=native_share_article-nativemenubutton

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I usually drink a glass of white wine these days. I’m not a connoisseur and would get what they have but have noticed that I can always recognize if it’s Traminer (officially Gewürztraminer) grape, has a very distinctive pleasant perfumey fragrance.

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