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  • 2 weeks later...

Inexplicably (to me, at least), The Hives have been silent for eleven years.  Well, they’re BACK!


Here’s the Evil Dead (?) inspired video for the first single from the soon-to-be released new album:


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Sturgeon's 2nd Law, a.k.a. Sturgeon's Revelation: âNinety percent of everything is crapâ


My FLMS- Murphy's Music in Irving, Tx



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  • 3 weeks later...
On 5/1/2023 at 7:43 PM, surfergirl said:

Filipino festival back after 3 years. Great food, fun games and Filipino music.



I worked a temp job years ago and a couple of coworkers were Filipino and roomed together. We would have pot lucks and their Lumpia was what I ate most of. When I left they made me a huge batch to take with me. There was enough to serve it as a side dish for 3-4 family dinners but I finished it off alone in about 3 days. That must have taken hours to prepare. Typically the filling is cut into such small pieces but their wrappers were homemade which added time to the process. Preparing Lumpia seems like a good family event. Like an opportunity when everyone socializes.

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@surfergirl Love Me, is one of my favorite Elvis songs.  I have read that it was the only golden record by Elvis never released as a single.  DJ's had to play the Elvis' Golden Hits Volume I... or this 33rpm album in order to get it on the radio.  It went gold because it was on that album...your trio's rendition did an excellent job!  I love the Jordanaires singing backup on the chorus in the Elvis version!  I've been singing and playing it for many decades. Thanks for sharing the tune!



Here's Elvis' rendition of the original (done by Willy and Ruth):



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Take care, Larryz
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On 5/23/2023 at 9:39 AM, hurricane hugo said:

4c6b37df30379d10603f7dd06399fd5a0b3b4fd7 this was a 1967 Epiphone ad

Waitaminnitt- Izzatta guitar player, or a bass- ehr, uhmn- nevermind...

;) :D 

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Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

No videos, but . . .


My garden is changing, again. All the Spring blooms are long done, the Lilacs, Azaleas, and all the Spring bulbs, so the color palette is changing from Pinks, White and Purple, to cool Blues and soft Whites.


The last of this season's Raspberries are done, but Goliath, our Fig Tree, is already setting fruit, so I have a short break between picking seasons. when the Berries, or the Figs, are coming, I pick twice a day, and often get enough off the Fig Tree to bring fresh Figs to a nearby restaurant. For now, it's time to clean up the Raspberry bed.


I took some divisions from a favorite White Hydrangea back in the Spring of 2020, and now I have them blooming right behind a couple of Lavenders, and an odd native bush that another landscaper gave me, but which I haven't identified as yet. I was told it was a native Butterfly Bush, but? Small, pale blue flowers that look like little powderpuffs; all the pollinators love it, and so do the Hummingbirds.


Every season, my big Hardy Hibiscus is the last to return, not even showing new growth until May or so. It gets to be 3-4 feet tall, with four or five stalks that put out dinner plate-sized blooms in mid-Summer, white with red centers.


I tend to avoid bright red flowers, because IMHO, the strong reds just emphasize the often oppressive heat and humidity of a Washington area Summer. for the reason, I prefer cooler colors, blues, purples, pale pinks, or even white. The white Hydrangeas bring some light into an area where the sunniest parts of my backyard meet the shadiest parts, and form a kind of border between the two sections. I also have a simple stone pathway, dividing the two areas.


To paraphrase an ancient teaching, one can never step into the same garden twice. Change is a constant, the only constant, as it were.


Time to go dig in the dirt . . .


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"Monsters are real, and Ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win." Stephen King





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13 hours ago, Winston Psmith said:

all the pollinators love it, and so do the Hummingbirds.



13 hours ago, Winston Psmith said:

To paraphrase an ancient teaching, one can never step into the same garden twice. Change is a constant, the only constant, as it were.


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Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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1 hour ago, hurricane hugo said:

elevated metro rail in Honolulu:



I feel as though I've grown up with the fight over this. It's finally partially complete and only about 10B over the original estimate 20 years ago.

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Jennifer S.

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1 hour ago, surfergirl said:

Kim Jong Un in the audience. A nice guitar solo, I wish it had been longer. I guess if Kim is happy you are safe.


Ah, yes, North Korea, a country so hysterically clueless to the notion of irony that they put forth their version of Queen's drag show piece, all while desperately attempting to prove that Soviet era military fashion puffery never went out of style.

To which I would counter with what you get when irony is a finely tuned art:


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Scott Fraser
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  • 2 weeks later...

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